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梁文祥 摄 LiangWenXiang perturbation
  日前,“中国文化旅游品牌发展高峰论坛”在湖南黔阳古城召开,众专家、学者以及旅游从业人员纷纷就全国各地正蓬勃发展的古城旅游开发提出意见和建议。记者乘此机会,特邀河北大学管理学院教授孔旭红、古城文化研究者向仲勇以及湖南申德实业发展有限公司常务副董事长、中国古城与文化研究院院长林鹏走上圆桌会,谈谈他们的体会,梳理下中国古城镇旅游开发的得与失,分享研究成果与实践经验。 a,"Chinese culture tourism brand development peak BBS"In hunan guizhou Yang city held,All the experts/Scholars and tourism practitioners are just all parts of the country are vigorous development of the ancient town tourism development put forward opinions and Suggestions.Reporters take this opportunity,Guest hebei university college of management KongXuGong professor/The old city culture researchers XiangZhongYong and hunan ShenDe industrial development co., LTD., executive vice chairman of the board of directors/China's ancient city and cultural research institute President Lin on round table will be,Talk about their experience,Combing the Chinese ancient town tourism development of the gain and loss,Share the research results and practical experience.


2800多座古城镇同质化严重 More than 2800 old town serious homogenization


The host:Nearly ten years,Ancient town tourism development in our country has entered the fast lane.The expert estimates,Average every two days there is an ancient town"Was born"Or was found,How do you see this?


Lin:I master data is,At present our country more than 2800 seat has developed or is developing the ancient town,Number must be the world's first.But the real can be people(Not including special practitioners)Remember a few?No more than eight.So we are making further research.


XiangZhongYong:There are so many ancient towns were developed,First of all it should be said that a good thing,Show that local governments and people recognize the importance and necessity of old city protection,And great economic value added.secondly,YiHongErShang results may be because,Many local officials to manage the is not very clear should be how to develop,What is a benign development.Eager to hope for success,Kind instead do bad things.


KongXuGong:Culture is the soul of tourism development,It has become a tourist/Tourism developers the common understanding.Cultivate a good cultural tourism brand is helpful to combine the local tourism resources,To promote the local tourism development,Promoting economic development,Also to help local cultural heritage protection and inheritance.but,For a variety of reasons,A lot of ancient town tourism development is lifted up the banner of cultural tourism,But deviated from the essence of culture,Only stay in the surface layer of culture phenomenon,Caused the thousand city side,Finally the aesthetic fatigue caused by tourists,The loss of cultural characteristics and competitiveness.


The host:Hole professor noted the ancient town numerous,The problem YiXing thousands loan-back period,Also talked about the dangers of this trend,Then the homogenization how form?


KongXuGong:The reason has two aspects.The first is the ancient town tourism resources homogenization.Because our country architectural form are mostly civil structure,And the cause of the dynasties,We have no thousands of years history of the ancient town,And because the repair methods roughly the same,Lead to history retained building style and features of the homogenization.


Second is to develop mode/Business strategy homogenization.At present our country ancient town in tourists mainly tourists,Sightseeing tourists behavior mode led to cultural connotation experience surface change,Which leads to development operator consciously or unconsciously cater to the demand.Operators are busy to give their ancient town for adoption/To expand for brand reputation and influence,Then let the guests left one or a few old street,Eat special food,Watch a few performances,Around filled with distinct cultural symbol tourist shop.Ancient town tourism often become shopping shopping/Eat tea/Visit the unity of the performance mode.


XiangZhongYong:I agree with hole the professor's view.Now go to some ancient town,You can always find the feeling of deja vu,Think carefully,The goods/The brand in other ancient town had just seen,Really let a person was very disappointing.Like a bad TV,Story and bridge can't jump out of your limited imagination,So the next time you won't see.


空心化导致古城镇韵味缺失 KongXinHua lead to ancient town lack of lasting appeal


The host:In addition,Ancient town tourism development in our country there are still what the lack of obvious?


KongXuGong:Over commercial.Ancient town tourism development is not open around commercialization/Marketization road,But part of the ancient town appeared massive rebuilding/A large number of foreign operators phenomenon,Plus tourism real estate business homeopathy add fuel to the fire,A large number of foreign population influx/Shops with/No special tourism commodity flood makes the original style and features of ancient town damaged/The original of primitive simplicity style ceased to exist,And turned into a commercial complex,Against the ancient town sustainable development.


In ancient town in the process of development,Its original residents with the outside world have more and more contact.Ancient town rich characteristics of folk traditional/Folk activities, or by superficial packing is extended,Either with ancient town commercial and dies annihilation.The original true lack of ancient town of natural environment and humanistic atmosphere began to be assimilation,Lost competitiveness.


KongXinHua lead to ancient town lack of lasting appeal.Ancient town resources well-preserved place mostly belongs to the economically underdeveloped areas,These local governments cannot afford tourism development need all the money,So generally choose tourism developers come together to achieve development.But developers is the essential purpose of in order to pursue the economic profit maximization,When the/Compensation and the follow-up management/Cultural relics protection complex problems,Makes a lot of ancient town government departments to take the original residents emigration,Think that keep the building is to keep the ancient town in all,The ancient town KongXinHua arise.and,Check out of people are seldom participate in the development and management to,Cannot enjoy the benefits of ancient town development,Many residents on tourism development with dislike and aversion,Lost active protection and service the enthusiasm of tourism,The ancient town of potential damage is very large.


既要保护,又要可持续发展 Should not only protect,And to sustainable development


The host:In the face of these problems,You think it should be from what respect proceed with solve?


Lin:As the tourism developers,We think,It is an old city protection and"Wen state management"problems.


A city of the state,Is ecological/formats/Outside form the most cultural connotation city soft power.City wen state,Is neither simple WenBao concept,Also is not ancient city/The block style transformation/update,It is a based on modern,Inheriting the past,The future of the new city culture system.


therefore,Old city protection not only focus on both the form ancient city/Ecological protection,Also focus on the recovery of ancient city formats/Planning and management,But in the end to implement in the ancient city of the state's overall strategy.City wen state,Is protective,Is the sustainable development.


Ancient city, state management,Is a culture as the core competitiveness of the cultural brand management the core.A city of the state management is not only related to the whole city brand management,Also involves a series of related with city brand system management.


Ancient city, state management through the over ecological/form/Format operation,Through the product brand/Series brand strategy, etc,Operating a series of support city wen state business brand system.meanwhile,In the use of cultural brand for the related resources/Capital operation,With the liberal state management as its overall development strategy important standard,Make the culture brand management from beginning to end around the state management,Continuously cyclical ascension culture brand value.


XiangZhongYong:I think the most core is to protect and make good use of the ancient town each unique cultural resources.When zhang xian2 liang4 in ningxia of barren land"Selling waste",He succeeded,The achievement of the famous ZhenBeiBao film base.We these ancient town can get inspiration?Don't always think about to repair to the exhibition,There should be a set aside a piece of history real trace vision and wisdom,Even if broken,Could you clear dilapidated history,Cause visitors inner resonance,Also success is very near.


KongXuGong:Distinctive just can have brand,Adhere to the original ecological culture with the culture of the inner hair sex mechanism will have characteristics.


An ancient town,To find their own characteristics to find his own soul.Only simple culture symbol of the stack is not distinctive,Around the theme of its formation of attraction/Produce differentiation,To the place where it grows from seeking the root of culture,Trace the roots to promote cultural resources in the development of happened hairdo and growth.Every city has its own core culture,Every city has its own city spirit,Like leisure comfort is chengdu city spirit,Small endowment emotional appeal is lijiang city spirit.


Ancient town to tourists imagination and expectations is geographical sense of different space,Is the time in the sense of time staggered,Is a kind of both timeliness and spatiality cultural space.In such a space is the most real life,Life is the ancient town culture's basic attribute.The culture in the space not only must have the ancient town unique space layout/Architectural style/Street texture,Community residents have unique complete life mode/Kind interpersonal mode and close community structure,Community residents and the embodiment of the spirit world,Including all kinds of craft and the folk skill/Folk literature and art,These constitute the diffuse in ancient town in the air the unique humanistic temperament and regional spirit,To bring tourists fully cultural comprehension and enjoy.


American scholars MaKangNa pointed out,Tourism is a kind of modern pilgrimage,Tourists travel main purpose was to find some of the contemporary society deep things,To explore some old/The popularization of the human subject,Such as what is"real"things,Those seemingly"superficial/The general"tourists,Is actually some have thought of tourists.I want to,Respect for their needs,Is every ancient town tourism development need to have a serious and long-term in the face of the subject.

  北京大学管理学院教授 孔旭红

Beijing university school of management KongXuGong professor

  古城文化研究者 向仲勇

The old city culture XiangZhongYong researchers

  中国古城与文化研究院院长 林鹏

China's ancient city and cultural research institute President Lin
