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考古学家称大熊猫起源于西欧 比中国早350万年--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  【环球时报驻德国特约记者 青 木】“熊猫的祖先来自西欧!”德国主流媒体《世界报》15日以大标题称,西班牙考古学家不久前发现熊猫远古亲属的牙齿化石。这一发现或许能证明,大熊猫起源于欧洲地区,而不是中国

[Global times in Germany stringer green wood]"The giant panda ancestors came from Western Europe!"Germany the mainstream media[Le monde]15 with the title says,The Spanish archaeologists recently found that the giant panda ancient relatives teeth fossil.This finding may prove,The giant panda originated in Europe,Rather than China.

  该报道称,由西班牙国立自然科学博物馆古生物学家尤安·阿倍拉等人组成的一支西班牙考古团队前不久在西班牙加泰罗尼亚地区发现了一些1160万年前的原始熊的牙齿化石。他们把上述发现发表在具有广泛影响力的美国综合性期刊《PLOS ONE》杂志上。

The report says,By the Spanish national museum of natural science paleontologists euan · o times such as pull of a Spanish archaeological team recently in Spain Catalonia region found some 11.6 million years ago, the primitive bear teeth fossil.They put the above findings published in a widely influential American comprehensive journals[PLOS ONE]magazine.


Archaeologists said,From the tooth fossils of this species for the related information to see,This kind of original bears and now there are genetic relationship of giant pandas.It belongs to ursidae animals,More accurately,Belongs to a branch of giant panda family.The original bear life habit and with similar giant pandas,Is a strict vegetarian.It can bite to eat solid food,Mainly eat bamboo.


but,Due to the archaeologists found only a small amount of tooth fossils,So not able to reconstruct the original bear the overall appearance.But they guess,It should be with the appearance of giant pandas similar,Have dark fur,In the shoulder/Eye and close to the place where the dotted with a few flakes.They the movement range of smaller,May through the trees to avoid large carnivore attacks.


The report also says,"The new findings"The origin of the giant pandas will be negative time.Archaeologists said,The discovery of the new species is panda subfamily species s one of the most well-known known species,From 20 million years ago continuously developed,And the giant panda belong to the panda subfamily species.


Abe pull also said,The findings also explain,The origin of the giant panda is not originated in China,But warm and wet in southwest Europe.before,The oldest known giant pandas from about 8 million years ago the ancestors of China,And in Western Europe"New findings"Earlier than in China for more than 3.5 million years.At present in southwest China panda,Is the panda family still alive only members of the group.


Germany[mirror]Weekly the archaeological discovery comments,Panda subfamily animals can migration,But this kind of original bear ever migration from Europe to China,The problem is still not confirmed.The paper also wrote,The giant panda's future is still uncertain,Climate change has threaten its food.Have net friend in Germany[mirror]This article after the beep Suggestions,In the European natural raising the giant panda.


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