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印度男人卖妻陋习盛行 貌美新娘仅售几百元(图)--亲稳舆论引导监测室

[提要]: [abstract]:印度一名男子上个月为支付酒钱将自己妻子卖掉。这一事件让卖妻陋习再次成为印度的热点话题。印度全国妇女委员会也特别组建工作组介入调查。[ India a man last month to pay for pourboire will sell his wife.This incident to sell his wife abuse once again become a hot topic in India.India's national women's committee is also a special working group intervention survey.[我来说两句 Me two sentences] >> ] >>更多旅游资讯 More tourist information 印度男人卖妻陋习盛行 貌美新娘仅售几百元(图) 一名印度妇女排在一群男人中间等车。 (资料图片) An Indian woman came in a group of men intermediate and so on the vehicle. (Material picture)

  本报讯 据印度媒体报道,印度一名男子上个月为支付酒钱将自己的妻子卖掉。这一事件让卖妻陋习再次成为印度的热点话题。印度全国妇女委员会也特别组建工作组介入调查。

Report from our correspondent according to Indian media reported,India a man last month to pay for pourboire will sell his wife.This incident to sell his wife abuse once again become a hot topic in India.India's national women's committee is also a special working group intervention survey.


 “酒鬼”为酒钱卖妻 "alcoholic"For pourboire sell his wife


In today's India,Sell his wife money things also happen from time to tome.Some of the remote areas in India,As long as spend hundreds of yuan can"buy"To a beautiful young wife.


[Times of India]Reports say,42 pull JinDeEr is a gambler,Because found that he had no money to buy wine to drink,He and middlemen to reach an agreement,October 13, at the age of 36 his wife sold to this name reseller.October 13 morning,He forced to take his wife to public station,To her at the station and middlemen.


His wife recalled,Himself in the hear her husband will himself to 6000 rupees(About 711.88 yuan)When sold very shocked,Her husband for his bought a ticket,And then left.She left a distance,Then I went to the village of other relatives,Will tell the relatives.She said,His married to her husband for 20 years,Never imagined that he would make such a shameful act.


Reports say,The couple's eldest son is 18 years old on October 15 complained to the police about the matter,The police are put on record.A deputy inspectors said,Pull JinDeEr the past was also because money threats and infringe upon his own wife,The police are on the couple inquire.


In fact,In India,Like to pull JinDeEr this sell his wife and a lot of.Indian women's status is very low,There is even because of debts and sell his wife to sell the phenomenon.Both parties shall sign"The marriage contract",As long as the signature sign,Skill make money,Sk people,And trading success.This contract provisions:Once the husband tired of his wife,His wife can be sold to another man.


农民卖妻现象严重 Farmers sell his wife is serious


According to the British[independent]Earlier reports,To make a living,India uttar pradesh this del campo DE area thousands of farmers have had to 4000 ~ 12000 rupees price sell his wife raise money.According to the report,The gap between rich and poor huge Indian society,Many remote areas of people still live in very hard environment,Many farmers grow still need to live at the mercy of the elements.Indian farmers usually loan to buy seeds,To the autumn harvest season reoccupy money owing on the loan.But in natural calamities without charge particles when,Many farmers back to the wall,Some farmers can only will be his wife"For sale"Give scrivener.Through different women's price is also different,Looks more handsome,The price is higher.

  据报道,大多数遭买卖的女性都是文盲,她们压根就看不懂“婚姻契约”上都有什么内容。一名受害者声泪俱下地说:“我的丈夫仅以8000卢比的价格就将我卖给了另一个男人。买家还把我带到法院,以证明我们的婚姻合法。我在前往法院的途中乘其不备逃了出来。” (阿南)

According to the report,Most were buying and selling of women are illiterate,They just can't understand at all"The marriage contract"What is the content.A victim in a tearful voice to say:"My husband with only 8000 rupees price will I sold to another man.Buyers also took me to the court,To prove our marriage legal.I was on the way to the court by the escaped unprepared." (onam)


    source:Guangzhou daily


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