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大陆人在台湾:台湾就像咖啡 越喝越上瘾--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  中新网11月22日电 台湾《旺报》日前刊载高雄大学许杰翔对大陆交换生许业欣的采访文章,文章提到,许业欣在台湾遇到了很多热心人,感觉台湾就是自己的第二家乡。“台湾就像一杯咖啡,越喝越上瘾”。 Beijing, nov. 22 Taiwan[Flourishing newspaper]Recently published kaohsiung university XuJieXiang the mainland student exchange XuYeXin interview article,This article mentioned,XuYeXin in Taiwan met many enthusiast,Feel Taiwan is their second home."Taiwan is like a cup of coffee,More drink more addictive".


This paper provided as follows:


Came to Taiwan after,XuYeXin as long as free will a person travel everywhere,Leisurely slowly past experience only exist in the impression of the island.Think of travel met warm and customs,XuYeXin said with a smile,"Taiwan is like to drink coffee,More drink more addictive,To the end will not quit the."


厨房搭帐篷 收留游子 The kitchen tent take shelter


After high school,XuYeXin from mainland China to South Korea to study abroad,Enrolled at the university of ShiZong.It's a accidental change,XuYeXin found that the school posted the application to Taiwan exchange learning announcement,Together with her in South Korea students learning,All think that has from the mainland to study abroad,Not likely to successful application exchange to Taiwan.But most adventurers spirit XuYeXin hold for the moment a try state of mind,Smoothly become the exchange students,Let other classmates are surprised.At present she in kaohsiung university asia-pacific business management department,For half a year's study.

  来到台湾,垦丁是陆生旅游时必去的景点,许业欣也不免趁着假期,规划了了一趟东港、垦丁、小琉球的旅行。出发之前,许业欣本来以为不需要提前预约饭店,想要到了垦丁再找喜欢的民宿住,不料垦丁却下起了雨,饭店人满为患,幸好碰巧遇上了其它的陆生,便住在同 一间民宿里。

Came to Taiwan,Kenting is terrestrial travel will go to scenic spots,XuYeXin also unavoidable advantage of the vacation,Planning a trip ever donggang city/kenting/Small ryukyu travel.Before starting,XuYeXin thought do not need to advance booking hotel,Want to kenting get like living a home stay facility,Behold kenting but it began to rain,Hotel packed,Fortunately, happened to meet other terrestrial,He lives in the same room in the home stay facility.

  到了第二天,其它交换生准备回程,许业欣却还打算在垦丁留一天 ,在拆伙之后,许业欣开始寻找还有空位的民宿,但却一无所获。幸亏民宿的好心老板雪中送炭,邀许业欣留下来住,虽然已经没有空房 ,但老板把厨房的空位腾出来,搭了个蒙古包让许业欣睡在里面,还 拿了一床厚被子,就怕下雨天许业欣着凉。

The next day,Other exchange student for the return trip,XuYeXin yet intend to leave a day in kenting ,In part company after,XuYeXin started looking for and vacancy of home stay facility,But nothing.Thanks to the kindness of a home stay facility boss timely help,Invite XuYeXin to stay,Although have no vacancy ,But the boss of the kitchen to make space,Take a yurt let XuYeXin sleep in it,Also took a heavy quilt,He was afraid the rainy day XuYeXin catch cold.


"When you least dispossessed time,Can someone like this to help you,You will feel very warm,That feeling is indefinable way."XuYeXin moved said.On the night of a home stay facility the boss's friend,Even bought expensive wine and kenting city salt crisp chicken,And XuYeXin eat and drink together joke after a whole night.And accommodation as well as breakfast,The boss didn't XuYeXin to charge,Even XuYeXin treated as general ones,It makes XuYeXin very moved,Decided to leave the former Taiwan,Also to kenting find close such as sister boss a home stay facility.


热心台湾人 戒不掉了 Enthusiastic Taiwanese not quit the

  许业欣喜欢一个人背上背包,按照自己的步调,自由自在的慢慢走、慢慢看。“随遇而安嘛,都是说中文,不会有人生地不熟的感觉, 说不定在路上遇到一个不错的人,我就嫁在这里了。”许业欣笑着说 。抱持着这样的想法,在旅途中许业欣结识了不少热心的台湾人,即便旅程结束回到高雄,还是会透过网络互相联系。

XuYeXin like a person back backpack,According to your own pace,Free walk slowly/Slowly see."Being on sea, sail!,All speak Chinese,Won't have the feeling of are total strangers, Perhaps in the road meet a good man,I will marry here."XuYeXin said with a smile .Holding on to the idea,On a trip XuYeXin met a lot of enthusiastic Taiwanese,Even if the end of the journey back to kaohsiung,Or will be connected with each other through network.


"I think Taiwan is my second home.For me,Taiwan is like to drink coffee,More drink more addictive,To the end will not quit the.I'm afraid I will fall in love with Taiwan!"Remember when traveling met warm and customs,XuYeXin said, with a smile.
