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气象专家称北京今晨降雪属意外 明晚将再迎中雪--亲稳网络舆情监测室
December 12 (Reuters)(KanFeng)This morning,Beijing ushered in the second winter snow.Snow in Beijing traffic/Civil aviation has certain influence.Expert analysis,Observed from the meteorological conditions,The snow"Quite surprised",In the process of snow will stop this afternoon,Tomorrow evening began to,Beijing area will appear again clear snow process.
This morning,Get up early, an office worker in Beijing the first feeling of the winter snow this second field,From this morning at half past six in sporadic snow,Continue to 9 is the urban district of Beijing has been"silver".Due to the snow fall on rush hour period,Workers are in micro bo on the sun drying out made Beijing snow,But people in the scene of snow excited at the same time,Also concerned about the influence of the snow.
"Today's snow too suddenly,Never weather forecast ah","Will not like the last snow snow that appear","Snow will last long,Late summit traffic jam"……The Internet more than about the snow from the"All of a sudden attack".
For the snow,China's weather channel meteorological analysts believe with hin"Quite surprised"To describe."We from satellite cloud image in almost all could not see precipitation cloud,And the precipitation appeared only in the Beijing area,So Beijing the snow is accidental,Because water vapor co., LTD.,,The snow,Snowflakes big,Look at snow very‘spectacular’,But the amount of precipitation is not very big."Believe hin analysis,As the weather system are not obvious,So Beijing the snow forecast difficult.
According to the snow weather,The Beijing meteorological station this morning at 9 release icy roads yellow warning,Warning says"At present this city has snow weather,And in most parts of the surface temperature in - 2 ° C to 3 ° C,Easy to appear the phenomenon of icy roads,Please note that travel safety."
Because this morning snow happened in Beijing traffic early peak,Beijing participated this morning at and through its official micro bo bulletin:This morning by snow weather,By 10,There are 13 bus lines to take when they offend/Interval measures,Eight of the line to take when they offend measures,2 lines take interval measures,Three line take a circuitous measures.And the capital airport news releases says,Influence by the snow,Today when the 11,Departure flight cancellations and vehicles,Delay detention 1 hour above 12 vehicles.
For the snow trend,Believe hin said,Up to ten points,The Beijing city average snowfall 0.1 mm,Miyun black dragon pool 0.5 mm maximum,At present Beijing snow has weakened,At noon today after,Due to humidity condition variation,Beijing's the snow will stop.
But at the same time remind letter hin,"A greater level of snow will appear in tomorrow night".Believe hin said,From December 13 to 14 in the evening in the morning,Beijing area will appear significant snowfall process,The 13th night,Beijing snow is obvious,May reach moderate snow,To become a snow and ice."Starts tomorrow snow May 13 and 14, peak traffic late morning rush traffic bring adverse effect,Need to municipal departments and people paid more attention."
November 3, Beijing winter snow came down the first game,Due to the snow strength is greater,The Beijing meteorological observatory issued by blizzard once red alert,Heavy snow in Beijing also parts of snow encounter.For Beijing area new snow weather,Believe hin said:"Beijing this wheel snow weather,Is a general process of snow,Strength does not meeting as last time,Parts could reach moderate snow or snow magnitude,But won't appear blizzard weather."(finish)

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