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携程推出“超值由自飞” 轻松预约三折内机票--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
recently,Ctrip announced the launch of the domestic air ticket products"Value free flight".This product mainly provide discount less than thirty percent of the domestic air ticket,Suitable for time agile elastic passenger.This product into,Also let electronic ticket products are more diverse/The price also more competitive.At present and Air China and hebei aviation cooperation,Will introduce more route.
It is understood,"Value free flight"Is a cheaper ticket reservation of innovative products.The customer through the ctrip reservation in advance ticket,Those who hold this order prepaid card),But not ensure lines.Airlines will be in at least one day before departure,Determine the number on the seat,Upon successful application of make out an invoice directly,Application is not successful, full refund.
Electronic ticket department senior manager ChengJiang said,"Value free flight"Is characteristic of the passenger in time to agile elastic.After observation,China has a batch of price sensitivity is very high,But to start date/Time is not very strict requirements of passengers,These people could be students/The elderly or free industry,The date of travel is comfortable,Often on the Internet looking for each channel low discount ticket.This kind of passenger is"Value free flight"Main customer base,Ctrip is to business leisure guest group.
Reporters found that the actual operation,In addition to the electronic ticket channel can click on the website"Value free flight"advertising,From the ticket channel"The latest preferential ticket information"Link into the,Can click on the purchase"Value free flight"products.But at present the ctrip cooperation airline and flight route,To Air China Beijing starting line(To Shanghai/guangzhou/shenzhen/chengdu/chongqing/urumqi/xian/hangzhou/changsha)And hebei air route(Waypoint to shijiazhuang/dalian/tangshan/Harbin/chongqing/nanjing/Qingdao/hangzhou/shenyang/qinhuangdao)mainly,More than the price within thirty percent,The future will also join other airlines.
It is reported,Ctrip goal is"The best price/The best products/The best service"For competitive strategy,Based on the value war on the price war.On the basis of,The ticket business greatly innovation,In addition to the first half of international air ticket booking platform,The second half of the seats up to nearly 30000 par value"Spell JiZhan"Also received good reputation,The launch of the overflow free flight is also innovative layout key.Electronic ticket group CEO and general manager LiXiaoPing said,Electronic ticket share in fact is on the increase,To consolidate the achievements,The future will also continue to product packaging,Than competitors with lower price service consumers.
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