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50亿年后地球灭亡 已找到人类宜居星球--亲稳舆论引导监测室
Mayan prophecy on December 7, earthquake,Results the Japan really happen a 7.3 magnitude earthquake!According to the mayan prophecy,On December 21,,The earth was a name"The robustness than"The end of the impact of the planet.yesterday,Really have a star called"God of war"Asteroids fly to earth!
On December 21, this is the legend of the mayan prophecy"The end of the world",What is more,This time is specific to:21 afternoon at 3 o 'clock 14 minutes and 35 seconds.Artful is,This day,Also we are familiar with the traditional festive winter solstice.
"Peoples attention"On December 21, is coming,Although few people believe that the world will be on this day perish,but including"millennium",,Never which one day can be like 21 that draws attention around the world.so,"On December 21,"really"Great mystery"??
预言 12月21日,一颗行星撞毁地球 Predictions on December 21,,A planet crashed into the earth
现实 昨天,一颗小行星真的来了! Reality yesterday,An asteroid really come!
有个被毁容的“战神” 昨天下午擦边“滚”过地球 A is the disfigurement"God of war" Yesterday afternoon glancing"roll"Through the earth
The mayan prophecy said:On December 21,,The earth was a name"The robustness than"The end of the impact of the planet.yesterday,A micro bo be heat transfer:"On the 12th at 2 o 'clock,A star called"God of war"Asteroids run to and closest to the earth position about 6.9 million km.At present"God of war"Is about 35000 kilometers per hour speed.The United States has as its potential danger."God of war"Count down is December 21, early in the morning to reach the earth!"so,The asteroid"God of war",Really? Is very dangerous?
“战神”长相挺搞笑 1934年就被观察到 "God of war"Looks pretty funny in 1934 were observed
In fact, to astronomers,"God of war"Have are old friends.
据了解,它早在1934年2月10日就被首次观察到,当时第二次世界大战还没爆发呢。不过,之后的数十年它神秘地消逝了。直到1989年1月14日才再度被法国天文学家发现,随即被命名为“4179 Toutatis”。Toutatis,就是西方凯尔特人神话中的“战神”图塔蒂斯。
It is understood,It as early as in 1934 February 10 was observed for the first time,When the second world war broke out? Haven't.but,After decades of it mysteriously disappearing.Until on January 14, 1989 to French astronomers found again,He has been named"4179 Toutatis".Toutatis,Is the west Celtic mythology"God of war"Diagram tower di.
Although its name is"God of war",but the look of it is some"funny":Like a growth not smooth of peanuts,And like a not qualified"dumbbell"."God of war"Two huge,Intermediate fine,Longitudinal length about 4.5 km,The rough places at both ends,Diameter is about 2.4 kilometers.As for why it so"alternative",Day literati also have different inference.Some think,"God of war"The asteroid's components uniform,In a whirl gradually formed such.Others guess it would have very"boy",but constantly through the universe other asteroid impact,smashed"disfigurement".Also speculation,It was two independent asteroids,A chance to meet after the collision,it"together"the.
In addition,According to the American national geographic website reported,The national radio astronomy observatory researcher Michael to bush"God of war"When it passes the earth before the radar pictures were studied,Find it constantly in roll.bush said:"It around the vertical shaft rotation,Like a top."In a word,Its mode of motion is also very strange.
每四年就会接近地球 此次属于“打酱油” Every four years will be close to the earth belongs to"Play soy sauce"
2 o 'clock yesterday afternoon,"God of war"And the distance from the earth to the minimum,About 6.9 million kilometers,This is equivalent to the moon(The earth and the moon)Distance and times!"This distance is really closer."Astronomers say,"In fact,"God of war"Is to belong to a potential threat to the earth an asteroid."
It is understood,Astronomy earth and the sun will distance,Also is about 149.6 million miles (kilometers) is defined as an astronomical unit.If an asteroid 7.5 million kilometers from earth,He was labeled as a"As a potential threat to the earth an asteroid".The reason for such provisions,because asteroids and 7.5 million km distance from the earth,It is possible to be the earth's strong gravitational capture,Change running track,Run the earth until the collision.
but,"God of war"The odds were colliding with earth.In 2004 it from outside the earth"over"when,The earth's distance from the 1.5 million km,Is apart from the ground a recent.before have a diameter of a few meters or dozens of meters of small asteroids,And the earth passing by,Recent distance but tens of kilometers,And the earth satellite altitude almost,The earth also spend easily.Astronomical experts say,According to the"God of war"The elliptical orbit,Every four years will be close to a little more than a earth,So this is on time"Play soy sauce".
前天有个小行星更“低调”,它离地球更近 The day before yesterday a asteroids more"low-key",It is closer to the earth
As we put the eyes are focused on"God of war"on,Many people do not know is:On December 11, actually has another asteroid in more near distance"low-key"To brush the earth,.
据了解,这颗小行星是在12月9日刚被发现的,临时编号“2012 XE54”,宽约28米。北京时间12月11日18:10左右,它从距离地球仅22.6万公里的地方飞过。
It is understood,The asteroid is on December 9, has just been found,Temporary Numbers"2012 XE54",About and meters wide.beijing time on December 11, around and,It is only 226000 kilometers from the earth's distance from the place across.
“其实对于我们来说,只有直径1公里以上的小行星才会带来巨大的灾难。”王思潮研究员说,从现代天文历史有记录以来,还没有出现过距离地球很近的这类小行星。而根据天文专家监测,未来200年内也不会出现直径1公里以上的小行星“靠近”地球。(扬子晚报记者朱 姝)
"In fact for us,Only diameter 1 km above the asteroid will bring great disaster."Wang sichao, a researcher said,From the modern astronomical history record,Haven't been very close to the earth's distance from this kind of asteroids.According to astronomical experts monitoring,The coming 200 years also won't appear diameter 1 km above the asteroid"near"The earth.(Yangzi evening news reporter then zhu)
扬子晚报微调查 Yangzi evening news micro survey
A 你相信“末日”吗? A you believe that"end"??
20位路人中19人“不信” 只有一人“看看再说” And a stranger in 19 people"Don't believe" Only one person"Look around first"
"God of war"by the end of the said again.so,for"On December 21, is the end of the world"It is,And how many people believe it?Yesterday afternoon,Yangzi evening news reporter in nanjing new street random interview and a stranger.And a stranger in 19 say don't believe in the saying,Only one said"Then look at".
"In addition to the so-called"prophecy",No any evidence can prove that the end of the world really coming,I think just legend."In the new street work JiangXiaoJie so told reporters.And her,Said do not believe that the end of the world people are similar reasons:Now science and technology so developed,And no monitoring to any evidence.
but,Also some people don't"firm".A to nanjing on business Mr. Chen told yangzi evening news reporter,Some believe that the end of the world or theory."The earth also had several times the ice age?Now a big disaster will come,Who can guarantee that the earth exist forever ah?"
B “末日”怎么过? b "end"How did?
多数人周五照常上班 也有年轻人要办派对庆祝 Most people go to work as usual on Friday and young people to do party to celebrate
"Said the end of"Gu is false to the,but it is likely:The 21st day,The sun also rises.so,For this"be a survivor of"day,Are you going to do?Yangzi evening news reporters found,A lot of nanjing people are rational,said"This is how how"For the most.
"Still can how,That day was Friday,Also was serious? by work.The end of the year a lot of things,Every day busy feet from the ground,Which have time tube the end of the world ah."In jiangning work miss Rachel told reporters,her"The plan"And ordinary little difference on Friday.
In the core bridge work Mr Yang is great days,unit"tide"very,In the 21 collective have the day off."My plan is to sleep to nature to wake,Then about a few friends to play play."He told reporters,The boss have a day off does not mean the end of believe,Just are young people,Want to find a reason let everybody"hi"Once it.
另外,约上好友开个派对的年轻人也不少。“世界末日啊,多好的聚会理由啊!我们五六个死党月初就说好了,21日从下午就在一起,吃饭唱K开派对。什么找工作、什么考研都暂时放一边去。”南师大大四的胡同学这样告诉记者。扬子晚报记者 杨 彦
In addition,About friends on a party and a number of young people."The end of the world!,Great party reason ah!We five or six early friend is agreed,21 from afternoon together,Dinner party sing K.What job/What is one's deceased father grind temporarily put aside."NaShiDa senior hutong learn told reporters.Yangzi evening news reporter Yang "
The Chinese media say doomsday Russian South Korea"buy"
a,Famous consulting firm ipsos survey 21 countries people to the end of the world view,The results show that China/Russia/South Korea/Japan/The United States/Poland and other countries about more than 10% of people believe the mayan calendar,belgium/Canada/Italy/britain and Germany only less than 10% of people believe that.
but on the Internet,Many Chinese Internet users to"survey"doubt,We think that the Chinese to the spirit of the entertainment,May let the survey company sumption.
商家利用了“末日” businessmen use"end"
面对“末日”生意 千万别“入戏”太深刷爆卡 In the face of"end"business don't"Into play"Too deep maxed card
Although don't believe"end"People accounted for the vast majority of,but many places still take"end"Made a text.
In sichuan shuangliu/LongChangXian,because people"On December 21, will be the night for three consecutive days"The rumours snapping up the candle/match.For this kind of"crazy",Have net friend's comment on hit the nail on the head:"Ask Japan earthquake that year,Rob salt finished?"
Compared with,Part of the gourd agile business,some"end"Themes goods make a product sell like hot cakes."The jeans""The whitening mask""The puer tea"Randy lerner, etc.Some shopping web site launched"Noah's ark tickets".but recently many of the tour company,Also introduced the so-called"The tourism".In this give you a word of advice:Don't"Into play too deep",Maxed his credit card,After winter solstice,Still want to return.
“末日”是什么心理? "end"What psychological?
“末日”成热门话题 人们热议它有种参与感 "end"Into a hot topic people hot debate it have a participation
Why the end of December 21, said so"Thorough popular feeling"?Sociologists say that,This and people's heart the pressure."The current society,There are many great pressure,The problem of shortage of happiness.Natural disasters/Unsolved mystery is likely to deepen insecurity,bring mental panic."
but the people's hospital of jiangsu province department WangHaoFei psychological doctor told yangzi evening news reporter,At present they hospital is not because the end of the world rumors and anxiety of patients.WangHaoFei doctors say,From his understanding to see,Most people don't really believe that the end of the world the phrase,After all, now the society is rational/Social science,No sufficient basis,It is difficult to cause a wide range of identity.Now in the society to the hot discussion,More like as a topic or a hot issues,A lot of people to discuss this topic can also gain a participation.
and,Look from another Angle,Someone may from"The panic"A phenomenon of enlightenment,Positive face and cherish the life.Some experts think the,Neither too arrogant,Also cannot little,Harmony with the mentality to face himself and society.If we can from this perspective,"The panic"Can also play a positive role.
真相 truth
in[2012]In the movie,Mayan prophecy mentioned 2012 years to happen very heavy storm the sun/Celestial overlap/North and South Pole reversals……It looks"alarmism"The theory of how false?yesterday,Wang sichao, a researcher is also carried out by the interpretation.
“2012末日”谎言1 “三个太阳”是末日迹象 "The end of 2012"Lies 1 "Three the sun"Signs is the end of the world
真相:是地球“活力”体现,地球运动产生的好处我们更需要 truth:Is the earth"vitality"reflect,Earth movement benefits we need more
"Three the sun"/"Japan earthquake"/"Hurricanes in the us"……Many people put these disasters as"Signs of the end of the",These signs are really can lead to end?"The earth's disaster happened every year,It also proved that the earth is movement,is"vitality"of."Wang sichao, said,It is because the earth of these"vitality",bring us such as volcanic eruption/Climate disaster and so on.but we should also see,The earth's"vitality"bring more or benefits.If the earth stop motion,So the magnetic field will disappear,The sun produces a large number of charged particles will bring huge radiation to human beings;If the earth stop motion,So the atmosphere also will disappear,We will lose on the life"boot".
“2012末日”谎言2 太阳特大风暴 "The end of 2012"2 the sun lies heavy storm
真相:对地球有影响,但和“末日”是两回事 truth:On the earth have influence,but"end"Are two different things
According to the movie[2012]description,The end of the world coming is due to the sun in 2012 into the anomaly active period,It issued a large number of neutrino let the earth's internal temperature soared,Cause rapid continental plate movement and collision,And then in the global scope cause volcanic eruption/Earthquake and super geological disaster,Eventually form is as high as 1500 meters super tsunami sweep around the world,Destroy the earth most of the life.
this"ghost"The ringleader neutrino,What on earth?It is understood,Neutrinos is a kind of don't take charge of elementary particles,The stars internal thermonuclear fusion produce,And to the high speed divergence.Its volume and quality are minimal,Has strong penetrating power,Can travel freely across the wall/iron/Even the earth and planetary and almost does not produce any change.Neutrinos although penetration ability,but it basically don't react any material.It is estimated,Every second of the human body through the neutrino up to trillions of a,but will not affect to the human body,Can't like in the movies[2012]Says it will heat the earth's interior.
Astronomers have to the sun for more than 200 years of scientific observation system,Understand solar activity has an average of 11 years change cycle,Is about to enter is a 24 activity cycle period of move.In the period of move,Sometimes there will be big solar storms,The earth's ionosphere harassment,Influence shortwave communication.
According to astronomical expert analysis,Period of 24 solar activity and compared before and there is no big anomaly,And there are two cover the earth's atmosphere and magnetic layer,This greatly reduced the influence of public life on the ground.so,Although large solar storms on earth have influence,However, this is the end of the earth are two different things.
“2012年末日”谎言3 天体重叠形成黑洞 "The end of 2012"Crammer 3 celestial overlap to form black holes
真相:太阳不可能穿过银河系中央 truth:The sun does not through the middle of the galaxy
There are some astrology that house,2012 will be possible"Celestial overlap",This kind of phenomenon every appeared in 26000 a.According to the"Celestial overlap"prediction,The sun in the sky the running lines will be through the galaxy's central.Many people are worried about the celestial dislocation will make the earth a more powerful unknown cosmic forces under the traction,Will accelerate the destruction of the earth;Cause the earth's poles switch,Or in the center of the Milky Way galaxy form a huge black hole.
"This idea is to astronomy ignorance,Is nonsense."Wang sichao, told reporters,The Milky Way is very vast,Diameter up to 100000 light years away(A light year is equivalent to 10 trillion km),This means from one end of the Milky Way to send a text message to the other side,Even if 300000 light-years per second of speed,Also want to 100000 years to receive.And the sun is 200 billion stars in the Milky Way in common"A member of",It is very far from the center of the Milky Way galaxy,About 33000 light years apart.The sun in the Milky Way travels at a speed of 250 km rotation around the center,Run a circle about 240 million years.The sun is very regular,It in the sky the running line could not across the Milky Way's central,As the earth revolves around the sun in slightly has about 4.6 billion ring,Can never turn around the sun there.
“2012末日”谎言4 南北磁极倒转 "The end of 2012"Lies the north and the south four pole reversals
真相:多次遭遇磁极倒转,但人类并未灭亡 truth:With many pole reversals,but humans did not perish
about"North and South Pole reversals"that,Often accompanied by"The end of 2012"appear.North and South Pole will ultimately no reversal?If the reverse really will bring disaster?Wang sichao, said,According to the geological period in the history of rock magnetization direction of the research,The scientists found that the earth has repeatedly occurred pole inversion phenomenon.Even since the map"Was born"The hundreds of years,North and South Pole position are drift hundreds of thousands of meters.
but,Pole inversion is a continuous how many ten thousand years of slow process,Its rate of change slow make humans don't feel;and,The earth several large biological mass extinction time also and pole reversals of the time is not coincidence,In the human millions of years of evolution in,Also encountered many times pole reversals,but humans did not encounter the end of the world.
50亿年后地球确实可能灭亡 但人们可能早就“移民”其他星球了 5 billion years after the earth really may perish but people would have"immigration"The other planets
In the street yesterday in an interview,Someone mentioned the"Who can guarantee that the earth exist forever??"And wang sichao tell yangzi evening news reporter,In fact,When the sun from the current stable state transition to"Years Laoban"Red star when,Volume will be severe inflation,Even the earth will be swallowed up,This is the end of the earth in the true sense,but all this and then after 5 billion years of time.by that time,Humans will not really perish?Or and where to go?
人类发展过程中也出现有人种灭亡 In the process of human development also appears some kind of destruction
Yangzi evening news reporter learned,From the earth 4.6 billion years until today to see,There have been five biological mass extinction.
"Although humans do not meet biological mass extinction,but in the development of human history to see,Also once appear people kind of destruction."Wang sichao, said.Destruction of the race is called"Neanderthal man",Is the modern European Cousins of the ancestors,In the 28000 years ago,The ancients has disappeared.As for the cause of destruction,Most think because can not adapt to the change in food intake.
"Although the Neanderthal man perished,but beginning ability is stronger/More wisdom of homo sapiens has gradually developed.So perish do not necessarily represent the disaster,Sometimes is also the new development opportunities."Wang sichao, said.
1995年就首次找到人类宜居的星球 For the first time in 1995 found human livable planet
If 5 billion years after the earth destroyed,The human where to go?
"Man is wise,Don't say 5 billion,Perhaps another hundred years for thousands of years,Humans have the ability to develop new home planet."Wang sichao, said,In fact as early as in 1995,Human is the first time that the appropriate immigration planet.
"Recent belong to 4.3 light years from earth"Centaur planet",It is similar to the quality and the earth."Wang sichao, said,"If the future our science and technology can make the vehicle speed to 30000 km/SEC,The forty, fifty years can fly to there."Wang sichao, also said,"Planet immigration"Not was able to finish,First you have to go to the planet"adventure",Then slowly"immigration","Estimation process need 1000-3000 years of time."
未来也许可以和外星生命做“邻居” The future may and alien life do"neighbor"
"maybe,The appropriate livable planet will have wisdom life."Wang sichao, said with a smile,human"Advance troops"Can go to a field detection.
Wang sichao, finally said,For the"The end of the world",We should not worry about blind.but for the future,We need to have suffering consciousness.Air pollution/Virus and so on,Can cause a wide range/Serious human casualties incident."And these,In fact and our own human activities.We need to respect nature/Protecting natural,This also is equal to protect ourselves."
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