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台湾再现旅游车祸 游览车撞上吊车致1死25伤--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  中新网12月17日电 据台湾《苹果日报》报道,继上周台湾新竹县司马库斯发生13死车祸后,又传游览车祸。一个25人的旅行团昨(16日)半夜摸黑搭游览车到桃园机场搭机,但在中山高速公路杨梅路段,疑司机误判前车车速,追撞车速不到50公里的25吨吊车,造成1死25伤惨剧,带队的叶某说:“当时团员大都在睡觉,每个人都是从座位上弹起后,再重摔在地上。” December 17 According to Taiwan[Apple daily]reports,Following last week's hsinchu county department marcus has 13 dead after the accident,And the touring car accident.A group of 25 people yesterday(16)Midnight took lap touring car to taoyuan airport flight,But in zhongshan highway arbutus sections,Doubt the miscarriage of justice driver speed,Overtaking collision speed less than fifty kilometers of 25 tons crane,Deals 1 death and injury tragedy,The YeMou said before:"At that time most of the members in the bed,Everyone from the seat after bounce,Then heavy fall on the ground."

  警方表示,其中一名陈姓妇人(56岁)因出现血胸送医不治,另外包括陈某(司机、42岁)左小腿及右脚骨折、吴某(女、53岁)左手手指开放性骨折、曾某(女、51岁)左手腕骨折,目前还在医院观察中,其余22人均已出院返回南投。 Police say,One of them woman surnamed Chen(56 years old)Because of the blood in the chest to the hospital,Also includes work his way up(The driver/42)Left leg and right leg fracture/WuMou(female/53 years old)The fingers of the left hand open fractures/CengMou(female/51 years old)Left wrist fracture,At present is still in hospital observation,The rest of the 22 per capita has discharge (return.

  警方调查,车祸发生在昨清晨6时许,游览车行经高速公路一路段时,追撞前方一辆25吨吊车,游览车车头全毁,驾驶陈某(42岁)被夹在座位上,车上的25名乘客,全都摔、跌在车中。 The police investigation,The accident took place at yesterday morning at about 6,Touring car through highway when a section,After hit a car in front of the 25 tons crane,Touring car driving all destroyed,Driving work his way up(42)Was caught in the seat,The 25 passengers,All fell/Into the car.

  车上乘客张某表示,车祸发生时他正在睡觉,被撞击声惊醒,同时间所有人因撞冲力,从椅子上飞了起来,往前猛撞,车内不断发出惊叫声,许多人都流血,场面一片混乱。幸好游览车撞车后,虽一路摇摇晃晃往前滑行擦撞护栏,但没有翻车,否则更严重。 Zhang said the passengers,When the accident happened he was sleeping,Crash was awakened,At the same time all because of bump impulse,From the chair flew,Dash forward,The car forth cry,Many people are bleeding,Scene confusion.Fortunately, touring car after a crash,Although the craziness on planing a sideswipe guardrail,But not to turn over,Or more serious.

  吊车司机陈某(45岁)昨向警方表示,昨一早从五杨工地出发,但才刚上路没多久就被撞。但高速公路相关人员表示,肇事吊车未依规定申请报备,就行驶高速公路,依“道路交通管理处罚条例”可处3000元(新台币,下同)罚款,但因游览车司机陈俊杰受重伤,目前仍无法制作笔录,确切的车祸原因仍需调查鉴定。 Crane driver work his way up(45 years old)The police said yesterday,Early in the morning yesterday from the five Yang on site,But just hit the road didn't take long for them to be hit.But highway related researchers say,Hit and crane are not in accordance with the provisions, apply for submit,Just driving highway,In accordance with the"Road traffic regulations on administrative penalties for public security"Can be in 3000 yuan(Nt $,Similarly hereinafter)fine,But for touring car driver ChenJunJie seriously injured,Still can't making a record,The exact cause traffic accident still need to survey appraisal.

  根据目击民众指述,当时吊车车速很慢,时速可能不到50公里,因此不排除以100公里时速行驶的游览车司机可能误判吊车车速,才会追撞。因车祸有人死亡,警方将以可处5年以下徒刑的过失致死罪嫌,追究两车司机的肇事责任。  According to the witness people refers to the above,When crane speed is slow,May be less than fifty kilometers per hour,So would not rule out running at 100 miles (kilometers) per hour of touring car driver may miscarriage of justice crane speed,Will hit after.Because of the death of any of the traffic accident,The police will take place can be less than 5 years imprisonment negligence causing death sin too,Two car driver for the accident responsibility. 
