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23名驴友私游西沙被困调查结果 组织者非法牟利--亲稳网络舆情监控室

[提要]: [abstract]:网络上非法组织西沙旅游的行为从2004年就存在,之后每年呈增长态势。目前西沙"黑旅游"的船只大多数是渔船。1月11日,私自搭乘渔船赴西沙旅游的23名"驴友"经历4天"海上惊魂",终于安全抵达三亚。高额利润驱动非法组织者铤而走险。[ The network illegal organization xisha tourism behavior from 2004 is,A year after there is a growing trend.At present xisha"Black tourism"Most of the ships is fishing boat.On January 11,,Secretly take fishing boats to the xisha tourism 23"LvYou"Experience four days"Sea at the",Finally arrived in sanya.High profit drive illegal organizers rush in where angels fear to tread.[我来说两句 Me two sentences] >> ] >>更多旅游资讯 More tourist information


Xinhuanet haikou on January 16(Reporter summer crown male/WangZiChen)On January 11,,Secretly take fishing boats to the xisha tourism 23"LvYou"Experience four days"Sea at the",Finally arrived in sanya.When the donkey friends haven't from this"Black tourism"With the breath of god,Many so called"Sai sha road"And will set out on a journey.


In xisha tourism has not yet officially open before,Privately by boat xisha behavior are regarded as illegal.What is the reason for xisha"Black tourism"Repeated the more than?


出事后“黑旅游”仍公然叫卖 After the"Black tourism"Still openly peddle


On January 8,,Hainan maritime search and rescue center received a shen alarm says,There are 23 tourists and take a tour guide"Joan the high 113098"Fishing boat to visit the xisha islands,Encounter waves,Ships happened mechanical failure,Trapped in the xisha islands YaGong island waters,Request rescue.In order to ensure the safety of tourists,"Chinese fishery administration and 306"Ship and"The south China sea to save 115"Ship separately from wenchang and start sanya rushed to the crash site,Three shashi government has also been actively coordinate all rescue organization.After nearly four days of emergency rescue,Trapped in 11 visitors arrived in sanya.


Just get out of"LvYou"Ms. Zhang is still not yet recovered from a fright.She said,More than twenty name"LvYou"Meet on the Internet,Through the sanya"guide"FuHuaEn contact a fishing boat to xisha for sea fishing."Don't think about this kind of thing will be out,Thanks to the mobile phone and signal."Ms. Zhang said.


however,The reporter understands,At present,Illegal xisha swim is still in the various channels peddles publicly,He didn't affect by this.Open the Ma cellular network/K2 outdoor travel network/Music road and travel"LvYou"Groups gathered tourist site,Related BBS and share area has a lot of about three sand tourism travel/strategy.There are many claims more online"Smuggling coastal areas and territorial seas treasure island"/"Xisha islands seven days later the original dream of fantasy"/"Xisha depth quest to swim"Content of the recruitment advertising and dedicated web site.


Reporter dialed K2 outdoor travel network organization xisha swim contact CaoYong cell phone number,He claimed to have three side to xisha,And said that during the Spring Festival on February 11, will be organized based on LvYou,"I told other organization buddy spell ship do.The ship was a little bit small,Our ship is fishing boat,But generally no problem."


In the online publication xisha swim information sanya sea faith travel agency staff to ensure that WanQuan reporter:1 month and day early and sandu have hair ship."Our ship is procedures.And the twin-engine,Just rest assured aboard.In the sea also won't have HaiJing to inspection,We are here to the relationship,Are all brothers.Even seal sea we can also go out."

  高额利润驱动非法组织者铤而走险 High profit drive illegal organizers rush in where angels fear to tread


The reporter understands,The network illegal organization xisha tourism behavior from 2004 is,A year after there is a growing trend.According to the department of hainan border is introduced,In 2006,,A statistical hire individual fishing boats to the xisha tourist number for 417 people,By 2010 to 704.


Sanya a organization over xisha tourism Mr. Xu said,Now back to pull tourists to the ship in the xisha islands a little,And a trip to the profit and high,Making the illegal organization xisha tourism survival soil.


According to our country[Public security management punishment law]The provisions of article 53,Ship trespassing/Dock prohibited by the state/Restrict access to water or island,On the ship's person in charge and the relevant responsible persons from five hundred yuan to one thousand yuan;If the circumstances are serious,Five days in detention,Less than five hundred yuan to one thousand yuan.


Relative to a fine of less than 1000 yuan,Single to xisha a trip to profit is very considerable.According to the trapped ms. Zhang is introduced,They pay a line of per capita"market"8500 dollars to"guide"FuHuaEn,A man is nearly 200000 yuan.


Sanya sea elm fishermen professional cooperatives deputy director feldspar water DE to reporter calculate a bill:A ship of 140 tons of fishing boats from sanya to xisha yongxing island and a trip to diesel about 2 tons,Oil fee is 18000 yuan,The ship personnel food expenses per person a day on 100 yuan.The accident of the fishing boat and oil fee and board expenses is 50000 yuan,Plus intermediary costs, etc,Net profit in 100000 yuan of above.


And the accident fishing boat captain LinGaoXian people ChenDeQun also revealed,This is his first time to xisha.Oneself at that time in sanya sea fishing,Through the fellow countryman introduce load"LvYou"Near sea fishing in sanya.in"guide"persuasion,Set sail to the xisha."First he gave me and the other two crew twelve thousand,I say I haven't been to,Give more,He was frank to fifteen thousand."ChenDeQun said,A sea fish in most cases even earn 10000 yuan all,so"The killer".


渔船缘何变“旅游船”? Fishing boat why change"Cruise ship"?


The personage inside the tourism said,At present xisha"Black tourism"Most of the ships is fishing boat.Why fishing boats into"Cruise ship",After the sea supervision department does not take measures to management,Fishing port of registry of fishing boats supervision worth pondering whether there are loopholes.


"LvYou"Ms. Zhang told reporters,The fishing boat accident"Joan the high 113098"For a ship tonnage of less than 90 tons of small fishing boat,And it is scrapped ships,The whole ship is equipped with a motor,Navigation system behind,No satellite phone.


And the reporter in an accident that night dialed LinGaoXian oceanic &fishery administration, deputy director of the DengChaoLin cell phone,He told reporters on county fishing boat accident situation not informed,Even said"No ship to xisha,impossible".


Hainan province tourist association officials said,Xisha tourism itself is more sensitive.The competent departments and strengthen supervision,In fact and didn't take strong measures,visitors/The illegal intermediary cost is low,Is xisha"Black tourism"Existing soil.


Haikou folk travel agency manager zhao with think,Xisha tourism will open soon,Illegal organization"Black tourism"Serious impact the normal market order.These people don't have the travel service qualification,Not for visitors to provide formal security service.For such illegal behavior,Relevant departments supervision serious does not reach the designated position."We can found out from the Internet so many illegal information,Regulators why it cannot be done timely find/Timely and?"


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