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  中新网1月16日电 据法国《欧洲时报》报道,1月11-13日,由法国华人旅游协会主办的欧洲华人旅游界2013年辞旧迎新大会在巴黎举行。大会盘点2012年旅游行业情况,展望2013年旅游业的状况,希望以更专业、更细致的服务做好旅游接待工作。中国驻法使馆领事部主任李平公参、科技处韩军公参、领事部任昕秘书等与来自欧洲20多个国家的旅游界人士出席了大会。一些法国著名品牌企业、厂商、旅游城市代表以及娱乐场所代表20多家也出席了大会。

Beijing on January 16 according to France[European times]reports,On January 11-13,,By the French Chinese tourism association of Chinese tourism industry in Europe in 2013, the year in Paris.The count 2012 tourism industry situation,In 2013 the status of the tourism industry,Hope to be more professional/More detailed service well tourism reception work.China's embassy to France LingShiBu director LiPingGong ginseng/Science and technology department HanJun public participation/LingShiBu RenXin secretary, and from the European tourism industry more than twenty countries who attended the meeting.Some French famous brand enterprise/manufacturers/Tourist cities and places of entertainment representative on behalf of more than twenty home also attended the meeting.


The French Chinese tourism association chairman of YuanLing address from many countries welcomed tourism industry counterparts.She said,Last year's tourism industry faces many challenges,In the debt crisis/The world economic crisis under the haze,Because of China's economic stability and development,Chinese tourism to the number is still better than last year increased by 25%,Now that Chinese to European tourism has become a scale.And further change and mainstreaming has become the new trend of tourism,How to deal with the new situation of the tourism industry/The new changes,Tourism has become a colleague facing the most urgent task,The communication between peers has become an inevitable.special,Catch the new knowledge is the Chinese nation's customs,She hope everyone can take this opportunity,To construct a homeopathy has meaning and joy,At the same time, can look forward to the future good platform.

  当天的大会,既是各大旅行社、免税店、餐饮业、导游界交流业务的平台,也是法国旅游城市、各大品牌运营商推销自己品牌的舞台,也是大家联欢共乐的场所。会上,来自德国、奥地利、意大利、瑞士、荷兰等地的旅游界代表纷纷介绍了自己在旅游方面的经验,法国阿美市AMNEVILLE城市旅游局主席克里斯托弗JEAN CHRISTOPHE介绍了阿美莉城市的概况。来自法国旅游界餐饮业、宾馆业、旅行社、客车租赁业、品牌运营商、导游业等行业的代表在大会上介绍了各自的经验和优势,希望大家互相支持共同发展,把华人旅游业做大做强,树立华人旅游业的新形象。

The meeting,Is the travel agency/Duty free/Catering industry/Guide bound communication business platform,Is the French tourist city/Each big brand operators to sell yourself brand stage,But also all the places jihs gala.meeting,From Germany/Austria/Italy/Switzerland/The Netherlands, on behalf of the tourism industry are introduced ourselves in tourism experience,The French may city AMNEVILLE city tourism bureau chairman Christopher JEAN CHRISTOPHE introduced the general situation of the city may lisa.From France tourist trade catering industry/Hotel industry/Travel agency/Bus leasing industry/Brand operators/Tour guide industry and other industries in the meeting on behalf of the introduced their experience and advantage,Hope everyone support each other common development,The Chinese tourism industry bigger and stronger,Set up the new image of Chinese tourism industry.


According to data shows that,Europe has become the first choice for Chinese tourism to,Especially to shopping for the purpose of tourism in recent years become a tourism industry new look.Just over a year,Paris lafayette shopping mall(lafayette)The single largest turnover of 890000 euro diamond products,Is the Chinese buried single.so,Each big business to Chinese people also pay more attention to,Employees on Chinese and Chinese etiquette training,Equipped with special service personnel,Each big luxury brand also aimed at Chinese,For the many Chinese marketing personnel.A lot of brands think,European economic unable to,The main object of this luxury purchase main or Chinese.


In the face of the new situation,The French Chinese tourist association executive vice President and secretary-general of LongXueWu told reporters,The Chinese tourism industry also put forward higher request,Especially for travel/Guide's service quality put forward higher request.Brand recognition/Identification of art become guide required business.He said,Since last year,Association to strengthen the professional knowledge to guide the training,Good results have been achieved.This year also will have this kind of work.Now each big brand operators have attached great importance to the Chinese market,To strengthen the cooperation with Chinese tourist trade,The Chinese tourism industry is an opportunity.


At the same time,Also faces many challenges,Such as tourism industry practitioners the good and bad are intermingled,Some even corrupt tourist trade reputation,Tourism brings great damage.These will be in the future development of correct slowly.Strengthen sets up the profession morality,Improve the quality of employees,Will give tourist trade bring larger development space.


Attend the researchers also invited to France some tourist attractions on the on-the-spot investigation and visit.(HuangGuanJie)
