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从冬穿越到夏 反季节出境旅游目的地推荐(图)--亲稳网络舆情监测室

没有暖气的广东,冬天显得格外阴冷屋里比屋外气温低,屋外常常也阴湿不见太阳,遇见暖洋洋的太阳就成为幸运的事。而在地球的南部现在正值夏日,短袖短裤、灿烂的阳光、洁白的海滩,无不洒脱。与其羡慕浪里白条,不如下个决定,到南半球去寻找夏日,从冬穿越到夏! No heating of guangdong,Winter is cold house more than the outside air temperature is low,Outside of the sun are often dankness,Meet warm the sun would be the lucky thing.And in the south of the earth is now at the summer,Short sleeve shorts/Brilliant sunshine/White beach,Is free and easy.LangLiBaiTiao with envy,Not as follows a decision,To the southern hemisphere to look for the summer,Through from winter to summer!



斐济 Fiji


In the south Pacific Ocean near the island of New Zealand Fiji,Can experience the original ecological island amorous feelings.Winter to the world's ten largest tourist attractions tourism of Fiji,In addition to the conventional romantic honeymoon line,Also add to the designed for parent-child swimming tailored medium-grade trip/High-end golf leisure trip choice, etc,Enjoy the joy of the holiday for blue.


When we stand the wind of winter,In the oceanian Fiji is 25 ℃ can enjoy the sunshine beach,Attracts many tourists to avoid winter"heating".Fiji is nearly two or three years new island tourist resort,Diversified tourism experience by the favour of high-end tourists.You can completely enjoy sunshine and the beach,Lying on the coconut palm down comfortable beach chair,Listening to the gentle sound waves sasha vujacic,A carefree"summer".Take the most local characteristics of the double mast sail aboard,Can visit the movie[Desert island the rest of my life]Onto the imaging,Understand the modern Robinson legend life.Deep shallow blue sea water clear enough to see colorful fish and coral,Cross starfish/Small seahorse/Tiger skin speckle bei characteristic such as Marine life around the bits and pieces of green island,Become pure clear xanadu.




visa:For Chinese citizens to Fiji visa,Dispense with heavy and complicated visa formalities,Travel at any time,A week early registration can.


traffic:Take the Pacific airlines direct flights to Hong Kong,Distance is about 9.5 hours.


food:Burger f is Fijian most like to eat a traditional food,With taro is/yam/pork/fish/Chicken and meat and other food and seasoning baking and become,Baking time to a little longer,About three or four hours,Taste fresh meat tender.kava/juice/cocoa/Coffee drinks such as well.


accommodation:Visitors can customize play in more than 200 islands - in five-star resort,About 900 yuan up.


shopping:Characteristic products are hand knitting basket/soap/coral/Shell products/Wood carvings/Tamba tablecloth/India ShaLi/Tortoise shell, etc.Fiji is a free port,Duty free shop much more special,In Fiji government tourism bureau of the mark of the duty free shop can be free for a diamond/jewelry/perfume/silver/Crystal products as well as the world first-class goods.


CITS guangdong company recommended circuit:Fiji medium-grade leisure vacation eight days


澳洲阿德莱德 The Australian Adelaide


In winter season,People always miss the sunny summer.Fortunately the earth have the north and south of the points,From the northern hemisphere equator guangzhou leap to Australia,Can immediately into the warm summer,In the sunny Australia on the realization of the infinite"summer"Want to.


Australia had better realize"summer"Want to one of the place,Of course is located in Adelaide han's near the town of belem strawberry's farm.Every October to the following may,Is south Australia's strawberry season,The summer sunshine makes the strawberry bright-coloured be about to drip/Is sweet and delicious.Founded in 1839, belem's strawberry farms provide close to sixty products,In addition to eat,Can hand picking strawberries,Into the intersection of strawberry field,Feet are each cheery red or bright red dripping strawberry,Bend down to pick at full bright fruit,Each into the basket,Million to experience the joy of the harvest.Visitors can also make strawberry jam in the workshop to fresh jam production process,Choose the right delicious jam home.




food:The central market is a good place to look for food,Here are free to choose Australian fresh fruits and vegetables,South Australia in unique food test meal,Taste the local chef cooking all kinds of seafood and and Angus beef,In addition,Can also customize to buy local new fresh material and on the spot for you please chef cooking delicious cuisines.

  购物:主要购物地点是伦德广场,这里是一处由户外咖啡厅、树林和现代雕塑组合而成的风情街,有750间百货公司、品牌服饰店、书店以及超市。另外,Rundle Street East这里也有很多与众不同的特色商店。

shopping:The main shopping site is lund square,Here is a place from outdoor cafe/The woods and modern sculpture combination becomes amorous feelings street,Have 750 rooms department store/Brand clothes shops/Bookstore and the supermarket.In addition,Rundle Street East there is also a lot of different specialty shop.


GuangZhiLv recommend line:Southeast Australia natural ecological wonders eight days


肯尼亚野生动物园 Kenya wildlife park


Will diablo in Africa,You will have the chance to witness the African animals great trek,Experience already separate a life time of the wild life.December every year on March ushered in the Kenya best tourist season,Don't hesitate,Now back kitbag encounter the wild animals go!



October to December,Kenya is in short rainy season,Continuous rain upset men.And a 12 month,Belong to the warmth of the sun in winter came!Kenya in even the cold winter,Is better than other parts of the winter to warm some,Very suitable for tourism.In this beautiful season,Full of vigor and vitality/Tens of thousands of wild animals run unruly.There is no hate and noise/Only the quiet and peaceful,And occasionally from the vitality of the primitive African animals to send out the wild,Display close to the natural law of survival.


In Kenya this natural wild animal kingdom,Every year on one spectacular animals great migration.In Kenya, one of its four big zoo marseille Malawi national wildlife refuge,You will have the opportunity to look for interesting five African beast:The king of the African grassland/Jungle WangFeiZhou cheetahs/Low grassland of the WangFeiZhou white rhino/The ponding WangFeiZhou buffalo and the dense forest WangFeiZhou like,Visit the nature and wildlife.The most breathtaking scene is"Malawi river crossing the"Animals great migration.Millions of animals in narrow mouth you push me to hold,Trample each other,That very spectacular,Only in Kenya to feel by themselves,Believe that the world wild animal lovers are to admire unceasingly.




food:Kenyan is very fond of meat.At the same time in the barbecue in the mixed with all kinds of vegetables,Eat up do not have a flavor.Is called the staple food of the black jia li is the most popular food in Kenya,It is made of corn,Is dense corn paste,In eating cut it into brick shape,Remix some vegetables/Meat, eat together.


remind:In Kenya,A few people will not because of soil and water conservation/Factors such as mosquito bites body allergy,So to prepare a little allergy and antipruritic medicine.


South lake CITS · western holiday recommended route:Animal kingdom Kenya eight days luxury trip


新西兰蒂卡波湖 New Zealand's card wave lake


Is located in the town of Christchurch and queen's between kapo lake,New Zealand is the most beautiful one of high lakes,And in the southern half of the spring and summer season,The lake will also contains large dull ice flower,Showing a flourishing scene.


New Zealand's card wave lake is located in mount cook basin and mike will this heartland,Summer temperatures in twenty ℃ or so,Is very pleasant.Walk in speed card wave lake lake,In the nearby MangYuan can find continuous sections of dull ice flower.The dull ice flower more not only,And the color is very beautiful,white/pink/lilac/Bright red……multicolored,Very beautiful flowers,Far looked,Plenty of colorful dull ice flower is like a rainbow in the grasslands of the extension,Is very bright.Kapo's lake is located in the mountains,The vast lake calm calm sea/clear,Reflecting the perennial snow around the south of the Alps,Scene is very spectacular.Kapo lake's special place is that the color of the water of the lake,In the pure blue sky/White snow mountain set off,She kapo lake will be on a delicate milk blue,Dream is,Far looked,She kapo lake is like a Mosaic in the hills of sapphire.




food:New Zealand food steal Europe/Asia and Polynesian cuisine of the characteristic such as director.Burn mutton and icing volume is New Zealand's most famous traditional food,Small lobster/Blue cod and local very tender beef/Mutton and deer are also very worth tasting.


shopping:New Zealand is rich in wool,Which made of wool felt the earth the most famous,Can buy wool/Leather products.In addition,Maori handmade works of art/Wood carving/All kinds of green jade ornaments and furnishing articles are unique.


GuangZhiLv recommend line:The north and the south island of New Zealand 100% pure trip eight days


毛里求斯 Mauritius


Southwest of the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius is pure subtropical island paradise,Are now in the warm summer,Green flowers and trees,Birds and,Have a long coastline/Clean the broad white sand/Various types of coral reefs/Colorful fish,Can be in more luxurious hotel enjoy private beach.


Mauritius around the island's coast is four/Five-star and super five-star hotel,Most have their own private beach,Never leave home can experience"Invincible sea view".A room facing the ocean capacious balcony or terrace,Against the rail,The Indian Ocean warm wet sea breeze gently stroke,Side view of the sun and scattered in the endless blue sea,Tasting the hotel prepared coffee and Creole cuisine,He put aside the ado multifarious sound,Return to the quiet leisurely free mood.As the paradise of the deep sea fishing,Every November to the following four/may,variety/Colorful fish would gather in nearby hunt,Tourists in the hotel can lease equipped with fishing tackle/Facilities and advanced communications equipment of the fishing boat at sea.




visa:Because of Chinese citizens to Mauritius dropped,So travel is very convenient,But need to reserve time book air ticket and hotel,So at least a week before application.


traffic:Hong Kong can direct to Mauritius,Voyage about ten hours.


food:Mauritius food fusion the countries taste,Creole(A kind of curry and tomato meat)Is the fundamental key of food,famous"millionaire"salad/Quail salad with strawberry vinegar/Fried bananas/Mango coconut chicken breast volume and ling and fish/Fresh tuna/Smoke sword fish/oyster/Mini lobster seafood such as also worth a try.


accommodation:The local most is three to five star hotel,In general more than 100 euros,Through the travel booking,Prices are cheaper.Pay attention to part of the resort fee includes three meals a day,And in addition to immersion outside all kinds of water activity cost,Relative to play.


shopping:shell/Straw bag/African woodcarving/India yarn and the local handicrafts and do not miss.


CITS guangdong company recommended circuit:Eight days of Mauritius leisure


澳洲费沙岛 Australia fee sand island


The vast land of Australia, of course, is the perfect choice to swim against season,The Great Barrier Reef/Gold coast,Sydney harbour numerous famous scenic spots are people hibernate entertainment place,But if you only pay attention to every time these people well known attractions,So you will miss a lot of scattered in Australia every corner of the fairyland scenery,If be located in Queensland, Australia's fee sand island.


Fee sand island is the world's largest sand island,Is also a and don't different island,The island has a large sand dune/rainforest/River and its highland freshwater lake,The nature of the masterpiece pride can be seen everywhere here.Fee sand island and Marine junction,Is smooth and wide/For hundreds of kilometers long beach,called"75 miles beach",Is the world's longest beach"highway".Summer came here,Take raider buggies gallop fee sand island in the open"75 miles beach"on,The high speed running time feel beach,All appreciate the fee sand island all kinds of magnificent scenery.Outside the window is the boundless sea,The waves of the sea in restricting the roll jump,The waves were.Outside the window for a while is color sandstone hills,Is a vast desert,There are even grows in the dense tropical rainforest on the sand.The rainforest is actually fee sand island's most famous wonders,Sixty metres high large satin tree/Palm trees and the test such as pine trees grow from the sand out,Constitute a unique sand rain forest,Magic very.




consumption:Unionpay card general credit card consumption can also use,But the rural areas and small retail stores to use a credit card may have a limit.


remind:Apply for tax refund must comply with three conditions:In the same shop shopping with more than $300;Consumption is in the left Australia within 30 days before;The original tax invoice/On international flights, the registration certificate and purchased items.


GuangZhiLv recommend line:Pure play Australia rainbow island magic charm eight days


埃及尼罗河 The Nile, Egypt


Egypt is a LaoGuang winter season against swimming place of first choice.The cruise along the Nile river all the way down,Explore the mystery of Egypt,As if is"Raiders of the lost ark".The Nile river stands pyramid/The Nile is the papyrus/Driving on the Nile at GuChuan and mysterious mummy,Records and carry forward backward in one thousand the development of civilization.


In luxor on tour boat,Start the mysterious journey of the Nile.Visit the Nile west coast tour countless great site,MengNong like gods and hoop surt the queen hall,Luxor temple and karnak can't miss it;The symmetric structure design and construction of the families WengPo temple,Type is,And the crocodile god rope baker temples and eagle temple is a connected building,unique,unique.


Along the coast of the Abu Simbel big/Small temple is ramses ii built in 1275 BC important memorial building.This temple high 31 meters/Width and meters/Is 65 metres long,In the whole 座山雕 carved a,Big temple positive four and twenty meters high of ramses ii colossus,Intermediate cavern is the temple,There were eight honour to him in the presence of god stands resemble,Maintain complete spectacular statue,Around with wonderful painting murals.Abu Simbel temple stands in the land of Egypt the southernmost tip,Declare the Egypt's strong and majesty.And a house stand is ramses ii for the precious nye fu tower built her small temple,This is his masculine historical position smooth add romantic interlude and imagination,Small house than large temple spectacular,But don't have the beauty of the feminine.


The Nile river in Aswan city along the way,Has the world's most famous water conservancy engineering Aswan Dam,In the three gorges before built here but the world's largest water conservancy facilities,On dam,Enjoy the flow is in the middle of the truncation grand project.In addition,Like unfinished obelisk/Philae temple and nasser lake, and other famous scenic spot can visit together.




remind:Don't suggest take barque on a long tour,The ship no bathroom,Diet is a problem,If the condition allows,Or choose the ship is more comfortable.If in the Aswan to have a short trip to the Nile,The three mast on sailing advisable.


entertainment:Recommend the night.Take large passenger ship,Buffet catering/Comfortable dining environment,A belly dance characteristic such as entertainment activities.


South lake CITS · western holiday recommend line:The Nile, Egypt five-star cruise panoramic trip double kick 9/10 day


南非开普敦 Cape Town, South Africa,


Here the table mountain under the natural barrier,Become a global climate most comfortable cities.Each year on September to February spring to summer,Climate pleasant,Endless beach and sunny outdoor activities,Enough to make you forget the cold winter.


Cape Town is located in the southernmost tip of South Africa,South Africa is the most ancient city,A busy ZhuoWan port,There are fishing village/The vineyard/Beautiful coast highway and peninsula on both sides of the numerous beach.Cape Town from the sea,Of course, the sea to the cape of good hope,In the face of the boundless sea,Feel the world is behind you.In addition to the cape,Cape Town landmark table mountain is one of the best Angle to see the sea.Table mountain is a great and bare rock,Table mountain is located in Cape Town on the peninsula,Topped the Cape Town city.Table top of the hill like desktop as flat,Like a knife flush,Like god's table.On top of the mountain can see the Atlantic ocean and the Indian Ocean the beauty of the intersection,Copy is like place oneself in the fairyland.


And along the Indian Ocean shore,From George town, to endure until Elizabeth's port,There is a known as"Garden avenue"Also by travelers like scenery line,All beautiful scenery,Everywhere to enjoy the,All visible lakes/bay/Mountains and forest,Along the coast drove forward,There are a series of ornament in natural scenery charming town,Incomparable beauty.




traffic:Tourists can be in Hong Kong on South Africa airlines flights to Johannesburg,The flight time about 13 hours.


food:South Africa has a variety of local flavor food,Also have fusion the world flavors of food.South Africa is the beef and delicious kalou sheep absolutely not to be missed,wine/Seafood affordable;There are rich game,Such as the African wild boar/crocodile/ostrich/goats/Guinea fowl and sheep shutter, etc.

  广东中旅推荐线路:南非—迪拜10天 (来源:南方日报)

Guangdong team recommend line:South Africa - dubai 10 days (source:Southern daily)
