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钓鱼网站环比暴增166% 春运订票需早更要防骗--亲稳网络舆情监控室

   [提要]: [abstract]:伴随春节临近,火车票、机票预订日渐升温。与此同时,一些钓鱼网站也在浑水摸鱼。来自中国反钓鱼网站联盟的数据显示,截至1月10日,订票类钓鱼网站903个较上月同期环比暴增166%。其中,以铁道部官方售票网站和携程等正规机票预订网站为仿冒对象的钓鱼网站大幅激增。… With near the Spring Festival,Train ticket/Ticket reservation is heating up.meanwhile,Some fishing site also in fished in troubled waters.From China anti-phishing website alliance data display,By 1 October,,Booking class fishing site 903 is the link jumped 166% last month.the,With the ministry of railways official ticketing website and electronic and normal ticket reservation website for fake object fishing website greatly surge.…


The Spring Festival holiday of the year as the first golden week,Has always been a universal travel"feast".According to the national tourism administration and the national bureau of statistics,In 2012, during the Spring Festival golden week,The received 176 million tourists,More than 2011 Spring Festival golden week 14% growth;To realize tourism income is 101.4 billion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 23.6%.


With near the Spring Festival,Train ticket/Ticket reservation is heating up.meanwhile,Some fishing site also in fished in troubled waters.From China anti-phishing website alliance data display,By 1 October,,The coalition accumulated determination and deal with the booking class fishing site 903,Is the link jumped 166% last month.the,Train ticket/Ticket class fishing website about 70%.Since jan. 7 began to open to booking travel ticket up,Booking class fishing site also rapid warming.Data show,Ticket class fishing site daily new hundreds of,More than five times the off season tickets.the,With the ministry of railways official ticketing website and electronic and normal ticket reservation website for fake object fishing website greatly surge.


recently,China consumer association issued 2013 tickets travel network safety tips,To remind consumers to prevent false website/Phone fraud/Transfer the remittance and other network reservation fraud trap.


From the China consumers' association of data display,In the network tickets in the complaints,ticket/Train tickets related complaints accounted for more than the highest,The nearly 90% of complaints is for the black agency/No qualification agency/Hold website/Fishing websites and fake web site,These are the serious influence the consumers to online travel trust.In case of damage of the rights and interests of consumers,Many consumer for search bargain price ticket/Ticket agent encounter phone fraud.meanwhile,According to the cancellation/endorse/A refund of the links such as bank transfer transfer fraud also showed a rising trend.


 在线旅游市场鱼龙混杂 预订环境亟待净化 Online travel market good and evil people mixed up reservation environment to purify


Online travel market good and evil people mixed up,Consumers to polish eyes carefully distinguish,Guard against false website/Phone fraud/Transfer the remittance and other network reservation fraud trap,Choose safe products.At the same time,Online travel booking environment has to be purification,As the tourism product and service provider of online travel website should take more responsibility,Such as to establish corresponding security mechanism etc.


To protect consumers' negotiating safety and smooth trip,The China consumers' association to remind the vast number of consumers in the network purchasers should pay attention to the following matters:


The first,First choose to have safety guarantee system website.At present,Has a group of web site through the agent qualification certification/Transaction process supervision and control measures to improve the security of the network tickets.Such as,Where to network in 2011 launched"Guarantee pass"system,Through the agent qualification certification/Transaction process safety management/after-sales"Compensate plan"To ensure the safety of consumers reservation.In addition,Suggest that consumers through the network to buy the flight ticket,First choose China air transport association(CATA)The authentication qualification ticket agent and the website to buy.


The second,Guard against false website.False website in addition to imitate the normal site name/page/Outside mode,Will be released through special ticket information entice consumers to reserve,Implementation fraud.Consumer choice in site,Be sure to choose regular aviation company website/Online travel agency web site or web site,Check the China air transport association(CATA)Qualification certification,And remember these website domain name,Or put it into the favorites,Try to avoid using general search engine open strange ticketing web site.


The third,Phone fraud prevention.Phone fraud is a common way,Especially in 400/800 the phone,Some scams phone even highly imitate the tone of the official customer service and routines,Very professional,Most shots.so,Meet 400/800 the phone number of the beginning when,Consumers have to remain vigilant,Do not believe.Consumers through the web site order ticket,Through the website to verify.


The fourth,To prevent the remittance and bank ATM machine transfer.The vast majority of fraud is inseparable from the bank transfer,Swindlers often to the website and the banking system have cooperation/Need to transfer to the issuer,Or to prevent the ticket prices for reason,For consumers to pay via bank transfer or transfer.Similar fraud often brought to consumer is less thousands of yuan, tens of thousands of yuan of economic losses.Suggest that consumers in the network when booking online payment choice,Once received the remittance to the bank or ATM machine transfer/Even in the face of the payment request,Be sure to be vigilant and refused to.


 回家过年最好提前购票 Home New Year best tickets in advance


Distance the Spring Festival has less than a month,With the Spring Festival near the steps,A train ticket is hard to find,Ticket prices,Passenger tickets in advance.Clean out treasure the travel LiXin said,Although 1 month just half past,But many people have begun to plan the trip home during the Spring Festival.Travel from taobao platform data display,Recent users to late January ticket inquires the quantity appear obvious growth,the,On January 31, to February 8 period ticket inquires the quantity compared to other time grew by more than 120%.


This year winter vacation every university in January and February before and after before,College students have to train ticket/Ticket reservation.Reporters from online travel website where nets to know,Beijing/Shanghai/wuhan/The concentration of xian city,During the winter still have many special ticket,But the influence during the Spring Festival,Price changes quickly,Suggest the students to make reservations ahead of time.


With the growth of the amount of tickets,At the end of January to early February Beijing clearance to two or three line cities and the west/Northeast China and other regions of the ticket price has been rising,Some hot line on taobao is the lowest discount generally above eighty percent,But is go to Shanghai/Qingdao/Hangzhou and other business/Leisure tourism line still has many low to 3 discount ticket sale.


Such as,Beijing - Shanghai/Beijing - Qingdao now ticket reservation price in 3 fold the left and right sides,Departure time basic for about a week before and after the Spring Festival golden week,Basic can meet the Spring Festival travel tourists visiting or requirements.On February 9, Beijing - hangzhou only 207 yuan(1.8 fold),Flying price is high iron and cheap a times more.

  作为国内旅游热门城市三亚,从2月1日开始,北京飞三亚的机票价格开始飙升,一直保持在9折左右,持续到2月15日以后才能订到4折机票,仅903元。 建议去海南游玩的游客提前订票,或者避开高峰等春节后再出游,也可选择中转或临近机场出行的方式以节省出游成本,可选择周边机场到海口的航线,也可以通过转机方式降低成本。

As the domestic tourism popular city sanya,From February 1st,Beijing fly sanya ticket prices began to soar,In keeping with about discount,Continue until February 15, after can order to 4 discount ticket,Only 903 yuan. The proposal goes to visit hainan tourists booking in advance,Or try to avoid the rush and after the Spring Festival travel again,Also can choose to transfer or near the airport travel way to save the cost of travel,Can choose the route around the airport to haikou,Can also through the transfer mode to reduce cost.


And outbound tourism in,Wuhan non-stop flight to jeju 5th swim only 998 yuan,The original price is only 3 fold,Equivalent to a one-way ticket price.


LiXin introduced,Taobao travel this year with combined process network/Mango and home ticket merchant,On January 10, to January 21, launched during"The Spring Festival the flight home"activities,Red envelopes to send 800 yuan in cash,115 a free ticket opportunity."This year is the largest scale,Integrated platform business resources,Highlighted the price advantage,Let people go home to have a good New Year's day."LiXin said.

男子嫌12306注册太麻烦 被钓鱼网站骗1200余元

Men don't think 12306 registered too much trouble be fishing site cheat more than 1200 yuan

  《重庆晨报》讯 陈先生30岁,是一家广告公司的设计师,本月底打算和两个朋友去北京看艺术展。昨日上午,陈先生在网上搜索“火车票”,找到铁道部的官方售票网站,但觉得需要注册太麻烦,于是又选择了某火车站订票官方网站。这家网站不用注册,他很快就订到三张1月27日前往北京的T10次列车,票价一共1209元。

[Chongqing morning post]Mr. Chen 30 years old -,Is an advertising company designers,To the end of the month and two friends to go to Beijing to see art.Yesterday morning,Mr. Chen search on the net"Train ticket",Find the ministry of railways official ticketing website,But felt the need to register too much trouble,And he chose a certain railway station booking's official website.This website not registered,He soon order to three January 27 went to Beijing train T10,Ticket price 1209 yuan.


Ten minutes later,Mr. Chen's phone rang,"hello,Have you booked your ticket success,Now need to pay,Will fare play to our company account."Telephone end,Sweet female voice came.then,He received the phone from account information.At noon,Mr. Chen to bank put money to each other.

After 2 PM,Mr. Chen Internet inquiries,It found that after the success of the train ticket booking,Will receive the railway department of message to remind,And the payment is paid"The ministry of railways fund settlement center".

Mr. Chen thought of,His transfer is a private account,May be cheated,The ministry of railways official ticketing website login immediately,But don't have access to their own booking information.


12306 website 5 minutes hot ticket snapped up

  《东方早报》讯 据新华社电 1天点击15.1亿次!1小时最高售30万张票!1秒钟最高售255张票!

[Oriental morning post]According to xinhua news agency - 1 day click 1.51 billion times!1 hour highest sale 300000 tickets!A second highest sale 255 tickets!


Into the Spring Festival transportation peak tickets.This is the railway tickets 12306 website 15 click/The ticket quantity.


"Now on sale on February 4 train ticket,12306 websites in recent days flow increased by 20% every day.Hot line ticket in less than five minutes will be snapped up."Web site 12306 units in charge of China railway academy of sciences electronic institute vice director ZhuJianSheng said.


On January 15,,The national railway ticket sold a total of 6.951 million pieces.the,Through the Internet to pay 2.652 million copies,38.2% of the total FaShouLiang.


In 2012, during the Spring Festival,12306 website first actual combat,The highest click rate nearly 1.5 billion times,Rush hour is difficult to login,even"paralysis".This year,12306 website which improvement?


ZhuJianSheng told reporters,2012 years after the Spring Festival,The railway departments has invited many domestic famous universities/The Internet and e-commerce sites,And bank/securities/Shipping transportation enterprise seminar analysis,Were improved.


technology,Focus on the hardware equipments of flash,For business process have been adjusted,In order to improve the system processing capacity,To adapt to the big concurrent users access to.After the completion of the overall optimization,To entrust the third party agencies to system for the whole process of pressure test,Verify the system deal with performance and processing capacity.


"Last year's design ability is one day 1 million copies,But the actual selling 1.19 million copies a day on average,Appear congestion.Like 15, 2.65 million tickets sold,But our design ability than the quantity more."ZhuJianSheng said.


15,A total of 17 million people logged on the 12306 web site.A second peak 200000 people at the same time login.


In addition,Last year when Spring Festival,The passenger ticket inquires more than login system,General information to lag ten minutes.This year,Usually lag 2 minutes,Passenger access to more accurate information.


In the recent online hot"Booking artifact"And rob ticket software,ZhuJianSheng said,Normal online purchase order,According to a train ticket more than quantity,Allow online passenger into the booking system queue.The so-called rob ticket software,In fact is forced"Cut in line",Destroy the normal order of the tickets.At the same time,This software plug-ins of Trojan horse for user information security hidden trouble caused.


"From the technical and management adopted many measures,This year the Internet negotiating experience will improve.But as a result of passenger travel is too centralized,Peak at the ticket still likely slow login/Negotiating waiting for long time, etc."ZhuJianSheng said.


To cope with all kinds of emergency situation,Website made more than ten sets of emergency plan.Web site background of more than 200 people on duty every day.


How to lead on the website for tickets?ZhuJianSheng puts forward some Suggestions:Want to advance understanding of the initial station put ticket time,Each station on the web site of the ticket put at different times,Passengers to put at the station a few minutes before the start of ticket ready;The rider ahead of personal information/Net pay such as equipment registration/Ready to,According to the present issue of speed,Fill in slow ticket may be gone.
