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春运临近 北京铁路警方提示旅客谨防“拎包人”--亲稳舆论引导监测室
京报网讯(记者林靖 通讯员王海蛟)据北京铁路警方通报,随着春运的临近,北京各大火车站的客流明显增加。据统计,截至1月19日,北京铁路警方本月已连续破获扒窃案件7起,抓获嫌疑人7名。其中,三分之二的案件属于凌晨的“拎包”扒窃案。
Beijing news network -(Reporter LinJing WangHaiJiao correspondent)According to the Beijing railway police bulletin,With the approach of the Spring Festival,The Beijing railway station passenger flow increased significantly.According to the statistics,By January 19,,Beijing railway police this month has continuous unearthed pickpocketing case 7 up,Captured suspect the seven.the,Two-thirds of the cases belong to dawn"bag"Pickpocketing case.
According to the Beijing railway police relevant controller introduces,Spring Festival is near to,The Beijing railway station passenger flow increased significantly,Beijing railway police team composed of many"Iron eagle"teams,To carry out special FanPa action.Current detection of pickpocketing case mainly waiting room night bag/JinZhanKou and ticket pickpocketing is given priority to.
January 17, at about seven,Beijing south station mouth xian inspection,Police patrol police station found:A man was sitting in a near the security apparatus with a necklace and a mobile phone,See the police immediately after the necklace and the cell phone into the pocket,Got up and went.Police immediately to stop his inventory.
The 29-year-old man valley hebei a final account,And at last month,,From Beijing south station ticket office in the front seat,While a female passenger asleep,From her side to steal a black double shoulder pack,Mobile phones and necklace is in the bag,Bags and a laptop computer/Pendant and 1500 yuan in cash, etc,Value of more than 5000 yuan.
The police to verify,Attack at the,Beijing south station police station really received the relevant report passenger butyl lady.At present,Suspect a valley by Beijing railway police criminal detention,Case is still under further trial.
On January 16, in the morning at about seven,Beijing station waiting room 6 south,A suspicious man went to a sleeping female passenger side.suddenly,While the woman off guard,Suspicious man quickly the female passenger on the side of the rod drag the suitcases,And turn round to prepare to escape.
But all this was GongAnDuan Beijing railway station"Iron eagle"Teams FanPa police see in the eye.In the passage between the seat inside,Want to escape the suspicious man was plain-clothes police arrested on the spot.When the police wake up the sleeping female passenger young lady,She did not learn luggage had been stolen.The inspection,The bags of mobile phone/Clothing etc are no less.At present,37 the sichuanese suspected man deng one already confessed theft facts,By Beijing railway police administrative detention.
on,Beijing railway police remind the waiting passengers:Be sure to look after carrying goods,Not in the waiting room to sleep or nap.If there is a associate,Can look after each other.Once found lost property,Timely find police report,In order to avoid delay detection time.
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