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The barrage of fog haze weather,The many people"trapped"In the indoor,Can't easily go out.meanwhile,holiday/A breath of fresh air became everybody to the urge.Xanadu of maldives became the first choice for many people to travel.Reporters learned from the travel agency,In addition to the Chinese tourists know Charles carney island/The full moon island and the horse and the famous island,Vera tile lu island(AV island is)/Quiet island(Namely W island)/Ha kula island/The dew island and the maldives high-end island is being more and more attention of Chinese tourists.
Caesar tourism standing deputy general manager zheng dang Beijing branch is introduced,Vera tile lu island/Quiet island/Ha kula island/The dew island and the maldives islands are all five star island,For tourists can provide higher quality service.meanwhile,These islands has high privacy,And all take seaplane on the island."The water is the best way to view and admire the maldives,The height of the flight just can panorama of the maldives."
Through the introduction of zheng dang,The reporter understands,Vera tile lu island is Chinese tourists are known as the maldives high-end island.It is a few visitors came here original island,Quiet costly,Resort in all the rooms are of the villa,Excellent illicit close sex.meanwhile,Vera tile lu island have horse generation only indoor church,The whole island can enjoy free wifi.
Quiet island is under starwood high-end island."Here is the service aim at any time/Along with the need to,Meet any requirement of the residents."Said zheng dang,And other than the xanadu resort hotel,W island into the more modern breath,Provide the latest fashion magazine,Choose the things that wash bath in lane crawford sell brand."W island don't allow children under the age of 13 an island,Make two people the world quiet,Many couples become the first choice of tourists."
In addition,Ha kula island for a price inclusive island,To provide visitors every day two deep-sea snorkeling service.The dew island is for Chinese tourists set out rich products,High cost performance.
It is understood,At present AV island/W island/Ha kula island and other products during the Spring Festival of quota is limited.The opening of the direct flight to Beijing hna horse tired after a direct route,The maldives to become the most popular island to travel.
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