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高速交警提示:春节客运高峰 事故多发谨慎行驶--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  钱江晚报2013年1月30日报道 1月26日,今年的春运又开始了。高速交警预计,受春节期间小型客车免费通行的影响,今年春节长假期间我省客流量又将创历史新高。随着流量的增加,事故量也会明显增加――2012年国庆首个免费通行的长假,许多高速事故都比往年同期增加近4倍。高速交警结合近期的事故,对于春运期间容易出现的一些问题,为大家高速行车提个醒。

Qianjiang evening news on January 30, 2013 report on January 26,,This year's Spring Festival started again.High-speed traffic police is expected to,During the Spring Festival by the influence of the mini-bus toll free,In our province this year Spring Festival holiday traffic and a record.With the increase of flow rate,Accident quantity will also increased significantly - 2012 National Day first toll free vacation,Many highway accidents than the same period in previous years increase nearly four times.High speed according to the recent traffic accident,For the Spring Festival period is easy to appear some problems,For everyone a caution high-speed traffic.


 最要不得的:争先恐后 The bad:Vie with each other

  狭路相逢互不相让,两败俱伤 Eyeball over face-to-face,internecine


"Better three points not to rob a second"Everyone knows the truth,But in action,Often can not breath for about,Results in which both sides had a.January 21,,In that the platform gold high speed jinhua direction 44 km construction buffer,JiangMou and often a two car"face-to-face",Eyeball over scratch occur.after,Two car driver fierce to reverse jerk the steering wheel,Results the two cars have crashed into a guardrail,Light path production loss to tens of thousands of yuan.


Accident happens,Often a driving on the motorway,JiangMou driving on in the slow lane.Because construction buffer zone road narrowing,JiangMou must change to the fast lane,According to the speaker,Open the left turn light,To want to change their ways.And often a don't want to avoid.Look at the other party no reduction avoid meaning,JiangMou nasty,Malicious stepped on the accelerator,Forced to left lane change.Often a slammed on the brakes,But I still can't avoid.Scart after,Two pilots heart in a panic,Both sides were to hit out direction,Were hit the barrier,JiangMou car hit the right wheel are off.Crash barrier to compensation for tens of thousands of yuan,And vehicle repair costs,Loss not small.


After the accident,Two pilots are not blaming each other.Field police said,No matter who was at the time step,Will not the accident.This DingNiu,In addition to various fees and fines,Will lose repair time,It is kui big.finally,Because JiangMou change driveway affect normal driving motor vehicle fault,Often a exists in construction area is not the fault of the driving speed,For the accident are the same responsibility.In accordance with the laws and regulations,Police also to the driver's illegal behavior capped punishment.


High-speed traffic police remind,Safety travel,Want to have a good state of mind,In the running process to comity.In the National Day toll free period,High speed also happen to a little bit too much on scratch the dish it out,Of course,They will all be for his own behavior pay a steep price.


 最可笑又可气的:堵车看热闹 The most ridiculous and can spirit of:Traffic watch the scene of bustle

  跑到前面看热闹,通车了人回不来 Run to the front,The man back to open to traffic


On October 5, 2012 in the morning,High-speed traffic police patrols to the high speed and direction of the hangzhou section of bimodal,Find a Honda cars parked in the driveway to the Lord,After the car also didn't take any warning measures,The rear of the vehicle collision avoidance in succession,threatening.It is strange that,Bridge no one,Pair the man on the driver anxiously call in.The man told police,The car had four people,Driving is a friend ZhuMou.On the high speed,He has been in bed,Waking up and realizing the people were gone,And the car at high speed,The car keys was gone,He is in a dilemma.


Five minutes later,High-speed traffic police in the front 2 km found ZhuMou etc.The original front at that time because of the traffic accident,ZhuMou took not asleep friend to the scene of the accident to watch the scene of bustle.Field after the opening to traffic,ZhuMou found them from the original traffic location walked two kilometers,The high speed recovery passage,Large traffic,Suddenly can't walk back.ZhuMou in highway main parking at will,Be fined 200 yuan,Remember six points.


High-speed traffic police remind,During the long holiday toll free,High-speed traffic situation common occurance,Is blocked in the patience to wait for,Don't leave the car at will.


In addition,Do not use emergency lane,Lead to an ambulance/Such as fire rescue forces can't the first time arrived at the scene,The serious influence subsequent rescue work.This year a new preceeding to take emergency lane behavior increase the punishment,Clear on the highway vehicles in traffic jams,Take emergency lane of driving,Will be fined up to 200,Remember six points.


最要留神的:新手上高速 The most to look out of the:New hands high speed

  才跑过3次高速,遇到车多就心慌 Just run over 3 times high speed,Meet more cars is dismayed


25 years old Chen is a white-collar beauty,Last year for her family and convenient,Bought her a car instead of walking.Eleven long holiday last year,Under the cover of high-speed toll free,Before running three high-speed Chen about colleagues to visit in lishui.At that time travel vehicles are concentrated,When Chen moved to the platform gold high speed large puddle in the tunnel,Found in front of a car low-speed truck in the way,Ready to overtake.Her lack of experience,Didn't play turn light went to the left played a direction,The results cause behind three car tracing cauda serial,One of the car was trapped before and after,became"biscuit"."Before I run alone over the three times,Didn't meet on passing like today so much,Heart once panic!"On the stand accident little Chen hao mood moment didn't,And afterwards the high-speed traffic police that Chen illegal change lane is a 3 cars piled up the culprit,In full charge.


High-speed traffic police remind,Weekdays rarely have the opportunity to run a new high speed on high speed,For high-speed traffic and road conditions to grasp the does not reach the designated position,Driving experience less,Very easy to accident.In addition,According to the implementation of the new preceeding,A driver's license in 2013 January 1st pass driver in the internship period on the must be accompanied by the old driver,Otherwise will be fined up to 200 yuan.


最害人的:路口犹豫或急刹 The Greek:Crossroads hesitate or nasty cha

  想进服务区,一脚急刹被撞飞 Want to get into service,A nasty cha foot into fly


National Day long vacation last year the second day,Zhang with his girlfriend from wenzhou to hengdian.Driving to the high speed and ShenXianJu near the service area,Zhang aiming the vehicle dashboard,Find the remaining two lattice oil.He hesitated whether to go into service when,Find the vehicle is passing the ramp the service area,Slammed on the brakes the feet.Zhang follow behind a car be caught off guard,A head of bump up,Zhang car roof in the shunt island anticollision sand on the barrel,On the right side of the car tires were also hit fly.


High-speed traffic police remind,The driver not familiar with a lot of traffic,Often at high speed in the main/Service area or share position indecision,Quick on the brakes or simply main stop to ask the way,Behind accident cause.So travel prior familiar with traffic,Driving to the above sections in the attention and keep enough space,To ensure that meet urgent cases when the reaction time.


The most careless:Parking brake not shake handshandle hit new land rover,Loss 560 thousand


On January 14,,That the platform gold high speed jinhua direction linhai service area,An owner toilet didn't pull the overhand brake,Slip slope hit the car parking refueling land rover,6 loss ten thousand yuan.


Slip slope car driver name is sun,Jiangsu people.In the service of a queue,Wait in line vehicles more,He want to go to a toilet.After parking,Look at the terrain pretty flat,There is no handle brake.Which know just ran out of the way a few steps,She heard"bang"sound,Turn head a see,broken,The car forward slip slope,Bump in front of a car is come on the land rover.That police,Master sun bear full responsibility of the accident.


High-speed traffic police remind,Parking brake handle is actually a again small but details,Walk to complete,Don't ignore such details,Caution is the parent of safety.
