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出门自驾不用愁 境外租车攻略--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室



With the development of China's outbound tourism,The conventional with a tourist group has more and more can't satisfy the demand of tourists in mature,Freedom and individuality is gradually becoming the tourists the pursuit of the key words.so,More tourists choose to drive this and convenient and comfortable way to travel.AnFei and AVIS rent for the vast number of leading lovers or ready to try leading friends finishing some instructions and car rental car rental skills:


租车前准备: Car rental preparation:

  租车出游前,除了出国旅游所必需的护照、签证等证件以外,一定会涉及到驾照的问题。我们没必要有所谓的“国际驾照”才能在国外开车,其实任何国家颁发的有效驾照,只要同时附上对方国语言的翻译件,即可视为有效驾照,租车驾车都没有问题。目前AVIS在美国和法国可以直接使用中国驾照取车,旅客仅需参照翻译模版自行翻译即可取车。取车时,提供旅客有效的护照、驾照原件、翻译件 (部分欧洲国际需要提供公证件)/ 双币或外币信用卡 到AVIS柜台提供确认单或者确认号码就可以顺利的拿到车钥匙。

Travel car rental before,In addition to traveling abroad necessary passport/Visa and certificate outside,Will be involved in the problem of driver's license.We don't need to have the so-called"International driver's license"To drive in a foreign country,In fact any valid driver's license issued by the state,As long as the other countries along with language translation,Can be regarded as a valid driver's license,Driving car is no problem.AVIS at present in the United States and France can directly use the Chinese driver's license for my car,Passengers only reference translation templates to translation is desirable car.Take car,To provide tourists with a valid passport/Original driver's license/translation (Part of the European international need to provide notarized)/ dual-currency credit card or foreign currency to AVIS counter offer confirmation slip or the confirmation number can smoothly to get the car keys.


In the process of book,International credit card is the premise condition of international tourism car rental.Outside the car rental usually do not need to pay high deposit,Only through the credit card pre authorization can lift the car,Car rental cost when we pay.


订车进行时: DingChe progressive:


Different car rental company has different facilities/Localization and the feature.Like AnFei AVIS rent and so have 65 car rental company experience,Will let you in the car rental in the process of tourism to enjoy fully in place of service.AVIS is the first a set in the airport car rental companies,And a personalized service,if:Priority service/Care service/Butler service/Rescue service/Navigation plan/Children safety chair/Smokeless vehicle, etc..More important is,In AVIS in China due to the vehicle,And then to foreign destination to take car.For Chinese customers, convenient also won't worry in the book because language ambiguity caused by the communication.

  选好租车公司后,可根据出游的人数和路线量体裁衣,确定租用的车型。如果去海岛游,这种风景宜人的海滨路线,可以选择一辆MINI COOPER;路况复杂、有山路,则选择越野车;而人数较多或者行李较多,建议选择空间宽敞的SUV。

Choose good after a car rental company,According to the number of travel and route act according to actual circumstances,Determine the rented car.If you go to swim island,The pleasant scenery of the coastal line,Can choose one MINI COOPER;Traffic complex/A mountain road,Chooses cr-v;More and more the number or luggage,Suggestion choice space spacious SUV.


驾车享乐时: Driving pleasure when:


Route planning is the key to the whole car rental process,Must before leaving,For his equipped with a copy of the latest and the most accurate road map.Driving abroad are total strangers,If the direction doesn't hold,Must often ask the way.If lost,Safer and more convenient way is into the road next to the gas station,Usually can get satisfactory answer.If you bother,Best in the AVIS rent a GPS satellite navigation system.AVIS provide GPS navigator,How language system,Not only have an English/French/German and Chinese navigation.


Car rental drive travel is increasingly becoming the overseas travel rather praise highly of transportation,Take passport/Driver's license/Credit card,Simple procedures can step on the journey;In AVIS chooses a JingChe,And friends/, along with the family,Make a charismatic overseas line it!


关于AVIS安飞士租车: About AnFei and AVIS rent:

  AVIS安飞士租车及旗下子公司是世界知名汽车租赁品牌之一,在超过165个国家拥有5200余租赁点。AVIS安飞士租车历史悠久,并始终致力于汽车租赁产业和服务的创新,是全球拥有极高客户忠诚度的顶级品牌之一。AVIS安飞士租车隶属ABG股份有限公司(Avis Budget Group, Inc. NASDAQ: CAR),在全球范围内拥有授权经营许可。

AnFei and AVIS rent and subsidiary company is a world famous brand of car rental,In more than 165 countries have more than 5200 lease point.AnFei and AVIS rent has a long history,And always dedicated to car rental industry and service innovation,Is the world with the high customer loyalty is one of the top brand.AnFei and AVIS rent membership ABG co., LTD(Avis Budget Group, Inc. CAR NASDAQ:),In the global scope has authorized business license.
