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  近日,由专业旅游行业研究机构劲旅咨询与古村镇旅游门户网站中国古镇网合作撰写的国内首份《中国古镇旅游发展趋势研究报告》正式发布。报告对中国古镇旅游的现状做了深度的研究和分析, 并对古镇旅游未来发展趋势做了客观的预测。

recently,By professional tourism industry research institute giants consultation and ancient town tourism portal China town network cooperation write home first[China's ancient town tourism development trend research report]Issued a formal.Reports on China's ancient town tourism present situation of the depth of research and analysis, Ancient town tourism and the future development trend of objective prediction.

  中国古镇旅游资源类型丰富 但空间分布不均衡 China's ancient town tourism resources are rich but uneven spatial distribution

  中国现有19522 个建制镇和14677 个乡,其中,百年历史以上的古村镇共220个,分布在中国的24个省市。表1列出了中国24个省区市的古镇数量和所占比重。可以看出,浙江省古镇数量最多,有39个,而天津、新疆、内蒙古、甘肃和西藏最少,只有 1 个。排在前三位的是浙江、四川和江苏,古镇数量分别为39、38和23,所占比重分别为17.73%、17.27%和10.45%。排在后5位的省市的古镇数量所占比重均为0.45%。浙江、四川、江苏和安徽4个省份古镇数量累计比重占全国古镇总量的一半以上,为52.27%。

China has 19522 towns and 14677 township,the,More than one hundred years history of the ancient town is a total of 220,Distribution in China's 24 provinces and cities.Table 1 lists the China 24 of these ancient town number and proportion.Can see,The largest number of ancient town in zhejiang province,Have 39,And tianjin/xinjiang/Inner Mongolia/Gansu province and Tibet at least,Only one.The top three is zhejiang/Sichuan and jiangsu,The ancient town number 39 respectively/And and and,Accounted for 17.73%/17.27% and 10.45%.The bottom five provinces and cities and town quantity proportion is 0.45%.zhejiang/sichuan/Jiangsu and anhui four provinces of the proportion of the total number of ancient town more than half of the total,Is 52.27%.

  具体从古镇在东、中、西三大地带[1]的分布状况来看(见表2),我国古镇在三大地带都有分布,但分布不均衡,呈东、西中递减趋势,东、西部分布数量相当。另外,如果将中西部地区古镇总量和平均数量进行比较的话, 可以看出,西部地区古镇数量是中部地区的2倍之多,而平均数量却为1.7倍。究其主要原因,在于西部地区内部各省份之间古镇分布不均衡,四川的古镇数量为38,在全国古镇排名第2,而内蒙古、甘肃等4个省份的古镇数量仅为1。

From the ancient town in the east/in/West three zone [1] distribution situation(See table 2),The ancient town in China in three areas have distribution,But uneven distribution,In east/In the west decline trend,east/The western distribution number.In addition,If the total amount of the ancient town in the Midwest and the average number of words of comparison, Can see,The western region the number in the middle of the town is 2 times,And the average quantity is 1.7 times.Investigate its main reason,In the western region between internal provinces town uneven distribution,Sichuan town number and,The ancient town in the country ranked second,And Inner Mongolia/Gansu province, including four ancient town is only the number 1.


Natural talent and historical and cultural heritage in China town is the main reason for the uneven distribution.In addition,The ancient town want to develop tourism,Will be affected by many factors constraint,Such as tourism resources endowment/Location conditions/Regional economic development level/Traffic accessibility/Industrial policy/market,And these factors in provinces distribution is not balanced.

  古镇旅游产品种类多样,以资源驱动型、观光型为主 The ancient town tourism products are varied,To resources drive type/Sightseeing is given priority to


At present our country ancient town tourism products are varied,To sum up there are the following five types:Festival experience tour/Food health swim/Culture display swim/FangGu exploration to swim/Folk customs, such as swimming.On the whole,Our country ancient town tourism product development change with each passing day,But still with resources drive type and sightseeing is given priority to,In the development of the lack of deep culture and experience,Simple imitation of other areas,Lead to lack of similar characteristics,the,Jiangnan water town of homogenization phenomenon is relatively serious.

  市场高速发展,需求逐年递增,江南水乡古镇仍是古镇旅游的热点地区 Market rapid development,Demand increasing year by year,Jiangnan water town is still the ancient town tourism hotspots

  近年来,古镇旅游进入了高速发展期,而以周庄、同里为代表的江南水乡古镇发展尤为迅猛。江南水乡的传统村镇旅游起步于1980年代末,经过20多年的发展,该区域的传统村镇已形成具有自身特色的客源市场。2000 年周庄接待海内外旅游者 147.5 万人次,同里 87 万人次,甪直41 万人次,乌镇于 2001 年正式对游客开放,当年接待游客数达 78.9 万人次。与江南古镇相比,以西递、宏村、渔梁为代表的徽州传统村镇的旅游接待人次较低。2001 年西递接待游客总量 27.08 万人次,宏村 20.09 万人次,2002年渔梁古镇旅游接待人数仅为1.99万人次,仅为周庄接待人次的1%、同里接待人次的2%。一项研究显示,近年来,江南古镇的旅游接待人次一直是徽州传统村镇的近20倍或20倍以上[2]。2009年,同里的旅游接待人次为363万,2010 年,周庄接待 游客 592 万人次(见图1),乌镇接待游客 531 万人次。

In recent years,The ancient town tourism into a high-speed development period,And to zhouzhuang/Appear as a representative of jiangnan water town development is rapid.Jiangnan water village tourism in the traditional start of the 1980 s,After twenty years of development,The region's traditional town has formed a unique tourist market.In 2000, received 1.475 million tourists from home and abroad zhou zhuang people,Prefered to 870000 people,Lu straight 410000 people,Wuzhen in 2001 officially open to visitors,The number of tourists received amounted to 789000 people.Compared with the jiangnan town,To XiDi/Hongcun these/Fishing beam as a representative of huizhou traditional tourist reception of the village people is low.In 2001 XiDi hospitality volume 270800 people,Hongcun these 200900 people,In 2002 the number of ancient town tourism fishing beam is only 19900 people,Only 1% of the visitors to zhouzhuang reception/Prefered to receive 2% of the people.According to a study,In recent years,Jiangnan town tourist reception people has been huizhou traditional villages and towns near twenty times or more than twenty times [2].In 2009,,Prefered to tourist reception people for 3.63 million,In 2010,,Zhouzhuang received 5.92 million tourists(See chart 1),Wuzhen received 5.31 million tourists.

数据来源: 中国古镇网 劲旅智库

Data sources: China town network giants think-tank

  古镇旅游以休闲和文化体验为核心,旅游方式以“慢游”和细细品味最为适宜 The ancient town tourism to leisure and cultural experience as the core,Tourism way to"Slow swim"And carefully taste the most appropriate


Generally speaking,With the improvement of educational level,People travel/Leisure wishes also gradually increases,ChuYouLv increase greatly.The ancient town with its profound cultural connotation and unique antique building as the carrier,Attracted a large number of cultural tourism enthusiasts,so,Ancient town tourism makes the preference of tourists group has higher cultural level.

  游客群体的年龄结构间接反映了旅游者在体力、旅游兴趣 、生活阅历和消费水平等方面的差异。古镇旅游以休闲和文化体验为核心,旅游方式以“慢游”和细细品味最为适宜。因此,古镇旅游者在年龄结构上,以中青年、中老年为主,青少年相对较少,一般是随同前两类人群而来。

Tourist groups of age structure indirectly reflects the tourists in the physical/Tourism interest /Life experiences and consumption level difference.The ancient town tourism to leisure and cultural experience as the core,Tourism way to"Slow swim"And carefully taste the most appropriate.so,The ancient town tourists in the age structure,In young and middle-aged/Mainly middle-aged and old,Relatively few teenagers,The general is along with the first two group and come.

数据来源: 中国古镇网 劲旅智库

Data sources: China town network giants think-tank


Awareness is not very high town,The tourist spatial distribution follow distance attenuation law;Awareness higher/And tourism development early in town,The tourist market in addition to show the distance decrease,Also show a wide space distribution/From coast to inland gradient descending significant difference


For most of the awareness is not very high in town,The tourist spatial distribution follow distance attenuation rule,Which customers are mainly concentrated in the ancient town of the province(city/area)And its surrounding areas,Present a strong space concentrated.Such as,In a town in chengdu in market research,From chengdu city and its surrounding tourists accounted for 44.25% of the total sample and 37.63%,And the other parts of sichuan province and other provinces and cities of tourists smaller proportion;But to a higher visibility/And tourism development early in town,The tourist market in addition to show the distance decrease,Also show a wide space distribution/From coast to inland gradient descending significant difference.Such as,A study of zhouzhuang market research shows,Zhouzhuang tourists are mainly distributed in the eastern coastal provinces and cities,Such as jiangsu/zhejiang/Shanghai/guangdong/fujian/shandong/hebei/Beijing,These places of tourists visiting tourists accounted for the proportion of the total amount to 77.65%;In central and western regions and the proportion of the were 15% and 7.35% respectively.Traffic tongda sex and the level of economic development is a town tourist market gradient descending main reason [3].

  短途的一日游是古镇旅游的主体,且多大选择周末出游 Short day trip is the main body of the ancient town tourism,And much choose weekend getaways


The tourist market of time structure and spatial structure in some degree of mutual echo.For awareness lower in town,Due to the tourist market is located in the ancient town and its surrounding residents accounted for larger proportion,so,Short day trip is the main body of the ancient town tourism,And much choose weekend getaways.Such as,In the ancient town tourism in chengdu in the investigation,Chengdu short day tour visitors travel accounts for about three-quarters of the total number of;For the popularity of higher in town,The long and the number of Japanese tourists also have a large proportion,so,"New Year's day"/"The May Day"/"11"Holidays such as tourists to travel more.


overall,Ancient town tourism tourist market in our country travel time is relatively concentrated,The ZhongDuanTu mainly concentrated in the weekend,The long mainly concentrated in the holidays,In the main"The May Day"/"11"holiday,Will inevitably appear travel demand blowout phenomenon,This is the common fault of the Chinese tourism market,With the improvement of the system of our country on vacation,And paid holiday gradually carried out,The ancient town tourism tourist market time structure will be more reasonable.

  古镇旅游的开发模式 The ancient town tourism development mode


At present,Ancient town tourism in our country there five major development mode,For the dominant model respectively/The government leading the project company model/Operation rights transfer mode/Community development mode and comprehensive type development mode.

  古镇旅游发展存在问题 The ancient town tourism development problems


Ancient town tourism in our country after twenty years of development,At present has entered a rapid development period.Tourism development to promote the protection and development of the town,However the ancient town tourism development trend of good behind,Is also facing a series of problems.Theme features not bright,Tourism development differentiation is not obvious,Tourism development lack of depth,Space competition;Protection and development and utilization are more prominent contradiction;On the local community impact,Social participation is to improve the and so on are still outstanding.

  精细化、深度游、旅游地产化、产业集群化将成为古镇旅游的发展趋势 fine/Depth vernier/Tourism real estate change/Industrial cluster will be the trend of the development of ancient town tourism

  精细化是古镇旅游的未来发展趋势之一。主要表现在以下两个方面:(1)是古镇旅游资源开发的精细化。要定位明确、规划合理,深入考察,避免粗制滥造和杂乱无章;(2)是实现精细化管理和标准化服务,并通过开展精细化管理,推动古镇旅游向集约化、品牌化、效益型方向发展,提升古镇旅游在管理、信誉、品牌、服务、理念等方面的“软实力”。(3) 是实现古镇旅游的信息化,古镇不仅是观光的胜地,还是休闲度假的最佳去处之一.随着智能手机及平板电脑的普及,古镇要想让后可做更多的停留,进而带动更多综合,消费提供方便快捷的免费无线网络是大势所趋。

Ancient town tourism fine is one of the trend of future development.Mainly displays in the following two aspects:(1)Is the ancient town tourism resources development of the fine.To clear positioning/Planning reasonable,In-depth investigation,Avoid fudge and desultorily;(2)Is the realization of fine management and standardized service,And through the development of fine management,Ancient town tourism to promote the intensive/brand/Development efficiency,Ancient town tourism promotion in management/credit/brand/service/Concept, etc"Soft power".(3) Ancient town tourism is to realize the information,The ancient town is not only a tourist resort,Is one of the best place for leisure vacation. As smart phones and the popularity of tablet PC,The ancient town want to let to do more to stay,And bring more comprehensive,Consumer to provide convenient and quick free wireless network is the trend of The Times.


Depth vernier,Different from the traditional means of sightseeing sex tourism,With enough time and energy,Deep into the ancient town tourism,The ancient town of in-depth observation and understanding.With the increasing demand of tourists experience,Before the sort of"typically/Skimming over the surface"Type of travel mode is no longer popular,Tourists more hope in a unique attractive tourist destination to do more to stay,Understand and experience the local cultural characteristics,Looking for it"To dragon"and"To pulse".


Just closing eighteen big clearly put forward the future ten years to speed up the pace of urbanization,And the economic development of urbanization as one of the core driving force.Like a raging fire in recent years the tourism real estate development,Will as a new round of urbanization development and more vigorous development,Make through creating characteristic town/The concept of tourism location town will not be a few.


tourism,Will be the future construction of China's urbanization,One of the most important development power.The ancient town tourism twenty years development process and results,For the rest of the China town turns into a good demonstration and template.With the industrialization of the guide before the different urbanization,Tourist guide new urbanization is a kind of consumption leading industry leading industry is that domestic demand type of urbanization.The future development of ancient town tourism fusion culture creative products/Agricultural products/The collection and shopping consumption,Cultural experience/Entertainment activities/Sports fitness/Health physiotherapy/Endowment service/Exhibition training/Pray and tour service consumption,Connotation and denotation will be more rich,The ancient town tourism will present industry cluster development trend.

  中国古镇网介绍: China town network is introduced:


For ctrip group's professional ancient town tourism portal/The destination of integrated marketing platform.In 2005, China town network was established,After seven years of development,Has successfully publishing publishing China town to swim/Chinese ancient village tour/China's ancient city swim series,And with the global times/The China news service and the central and local authority media depth cooperation,And with many famous town depth cooperation,Ancient town tourism becomes a tourist information platform and the first town inn preferred marketing platform.

  劲旅网介绍: Giants net is introduced:


Giants net is China's leading tourism industry research advisory body force under consulting professional tourism financial new media website,Focus on mining and reported in tourism products/marketing/service/Investment and financing/In the mobile applications and other areas of innovation and practical results,For travel agencies to provide comprehensive/Depth of industry economic news reports and effectiveness analysis.Powerful force consulting provide including tourism industry research/Data research/Market research/Brand building and other services,Professional tourism industry is dedicated to serving the online website/The hotel and the hotel group/The traditional travel agency/Scenic spot/Airlines and tourism at home and abroad customers, etc,And for financial research and investment and financing institutions to provide the most exclusive efficient tourism industry data products and consulting services.Its operation in China tourism financial new media website - and force.
