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开普敦 在“地球上最美丽的海角”狂欢(组图)--亲稳网络舆情监测室
If you are in the upper,Table mountain will occupy your vision of the center.Cape Town air pure and fresh,Two oceans sea breeze will the city fan almost spotless.so,When you are on the second floor of the hotel balcony,Table mountain clearly almost stretch one's hand can touch.The most notable is table mountain changeable weather,The vagaries,Often cloud,Sometimes the top of the mountain will haunt a layer of clouds tablecloth,Just like impending great falls to Cape Town pouring over the city.If lucky enough to can meet such a beauty,There's no doubt about that,Table bay hotel is the best viewing place.
seen[Cloud day]Perhaps people in Cape Town grape manor is not new,Handsome gino · LiWeiSi roaming in the vineyard of the picture,Become a Cape Town to the world beautiful impression.South Africa because of the geography and climate conditions and the Mediterranean wine region are very similar,So also is rich in wine.Stay the night is coming,The sun residual power will still sky clouds and red,At this moment,The window is a quiet sea,Not the,Water clarification,Reflecting the XiaHui in the distance,Those docked in port of fishing boats/The yacht now have only some black silhouette,Pinpricks of light like a diamond set in the black velvet of above silhouette,dazzling.
Travel strategy
游玩: play:
2013年3月16日起,第四届开普敦狂欢节在Fan Walk上演。另外,开普敦音乐会、舞台剧等都值得一看。大多数酒吧、俱乐部、迪斯科在市内Bree街、Loop街、Long街的周边,海角区、港口一带,星期三、星期五、星期六最为热闹。路普街(Loop Street)有爵士乐酒吧、夜总会和深夜咖啡屋彻夜不息。距离路普大街不远的绿市广场(Greenmarket Square)和传统广场(Heritage Square)是欢乐的海洋,鹅卵石铺就的路面和古老的建筑都是游人必不可少的游览项目。绿市广场的咖啡店是人们聚会的最好场所之一。
In March 2013, 16 days,The fourth carnival in Cape Town on Fan Walk.In addition,Cape Town concert/Stage and so on all is worth a look.Most of the bar/club/Disco in the city street, Bree/Loop street/Long street peripheral,Foreland area/Port area,Wednesday/Friday/The most busy on Saturday.Road at street(Loop Street)Jazz bar/Nightclubs and late into the night cafe all night of life.Distance and general street near green city square(Greenmarket Square)And traditional square(Heritage Square)Joy is the ocean,The cobbled alleys road and ancient buildings are essential to visitors to visit project.Green city square coffee shop is one of the best places people party.
美食: food:
Because many immigrants,South Africa there are British diet/Germany/Portugal/Spain/Hungary/Malaysia/India and China and other countries of the dishes.
Table bay hotel Atlantic restaurant a good reputation,Is the world's top fifty one of the restaurant.The restaurant is divided into two parts,Indoor can accommodate 150 guests,The balcony can take about 80 people.Interior decoration to Cape Town wine to theme,The elements are large murals and fruit pattern of carpet.When have dinner you can quietly look table mountain and overlooking the harbour.And outdoor part has a unique private terminal,Ocean return cruise ships can directly call among them.The dock and a round ten stands,The private corner has a funny name long ship,The ship is the first in the table as the Atlantic microwave swaying gently,Occasionally a few seagulls came,Stop in the distance,But fall is somewhat the captain's meaning.
Here the raw materials were very local features of South Africa,The famous springbok meat/The sea so shrimp/Salmon etc., are not to be missed delicacy,And the most exotic ingredients and assist with classical European cooking methods.The restaurant is one of the specialty of"Potatoes filling sea so shrimp with French cream tender plants",Mashed potatoes and cooperate with French butter mellow thick wrapped in fresh well with a slightly sweet taste of the sea so shrimp,The taste of their mutual fusion but does not interfere with each other,Enough to let a person feel from the Mediterranean to the southern ocean a delicious.
签证: visa:
South Africa is not set up a consulate in guangzhou temporary,Guangzhou citizens can entrust travel agency to deal with.South Africa consulates shall pay cost is about 560 yuan.All visa acceptance period are five working days.
交通: traffic:
Guangzhou via Hong Kong/Singapore transferring to Johannesburg.Cape Town from Johannesburg have two hours voyage.
住宿: accommodation:
luxurious/Economy and intermediate hotel for tourists choose,Still can try to field tent vacation form.
Three hundred years ago the first arrived in Cape Town Derek jazz can't help but admire here is"The earth's most beautiful cape".This is a strange place,In the black the southernmost tip of the mainland,In the intersection of the two oceans,The South Africa's oldest city is in a similar pointed toward the south the southernmost tip of the triangle.In the next three months,Cape Town will have the third Cape Town carnival,All the people will enjoy here once a year the joy of festivals,And the attendance of the distinguished people,You can feel the Cape Town enthusiasm and bold and unrestrained.
All say south africans are good meat national.barbecue,Almost can say is South Africa person every day roast/Enjoy every day of delicious.Cattle and sheep pork these common barbecue,Everybody are eaten a lot,And here will taste the barbecue,The difference in the sauce,Such as milk shake used for barbecue sauce,The collocation of is worth a try.
Springbok meat is this unique game.The national emblem of South Africa on springbok pattern,To South Africa do not eat springbok like to Australia don't eat like a kangaroo meat.Although it is a sheep,But springbok meat no mutton of recuperation.The traditional production process with South Africa baked,First the cinnamon cut slim,Insert garlic internal,And then with blade in the springbok meat even open,Insert garlic,Show cinnamon shall prevail,Then wipe on fine salt/pepper/Chili sauce,And onion fire slow roast.Springbok meat fiber tight and elastic,Fresh and tender meat with zi zi sonorous voice,A forefinger big move immediately.Because meat is,Even if the roast on medium well also won't old plug his teeth,This for many not used to western barbecue blood tube ticking Chinese tourists is undoubtedly a good thing.In addition to raw roast springbok meat,Still have a kind of curing after be smoked springbok meat,Pieces of cut very thin,Peripheral ornament red green vegetables and small particles cheese,In the great white porcelain dish,Delicious scent not greasy.
In Cape Town,Whether sidewalk snack booth,Or high-end restaurant,There are traces of barbecue.In high-end restaurant taste barbecue,Although a few primitive African straightforward,But add a big European elegance.More important is,In some of the Cape Town in high-end restaurant,Traditional South Africa barbecue production technology has been improved,Keeps good South Africa local ingredients,And into the local cultural essence.Cape Town and unique geographical advantage,A variety of spices,More can make out all kinds of innovation of the delicious barbecue.
Straightforward but elegant cuisine
3月里的狂欢 3 months of the
On march,Cape Town will have a year to the most lively carnival,Art performance/Dance revel/Music event,In the holiday,These are the contents of the essential.During the festival,Almost all the people came to the Vatican walker(Fanwalk)Avenue carnival,Attracted from the South African artists and tourists from all over the world.And in the bleachers,Every afternoon will be put on the band performances.Dozens of square by the performance of the team,Nearly 2000 dancers,In 1.3 kilometers of road,Carnival is opened up.During the carnival in,Dress the chorus show their skills well,And the more visitors a special and unforgettable memories.
据开普敦狂欢节CEO Jay透露,今年的狂欢节将会将精彩延续,将进一步升级现场布置,带来更高规格的全民狂欢派对。毫无疑问的是,每年的开普敦狂欢节都集聚了团队智慧,包括设计、制作、舞蹈编排等专业人士的精心打造,以及成千上万名社区志愿者们的积极参与。
According to Cape Town carnival CEO Jay revealed,This year's carnival will continue wonderful,Will further upgrade site layout,More specifications of the party.There is no doubt,Every Cape Town carnival gathering team wisdom,Including design/production/Choreography and professional meticulously,And thousands of community volunteers active participation.
As Jay said,The purpose of the festival is various,It not only create the annual carnival,To build a harmonious social atmosphere,More important is,It also committed to pull the local tourism economy,Let the world know a profusion of Cape Town, South Africa, lively.
People in the experience at the same time,Might as well also to Cape Town famous club happy time.The glamorous Cape Town nightlife,Set the African and European colonial color concurrent multiple culture,Very crazy.As a world famous wine producing area,Cape Town also has the global best beach change a bar dance floor,There is always a good place for tourists.One night,Once the carnival music played,Cape Town has become the city of art,Whether elegant art or street performances,In every corner of the city to experience.
encounter"Kill sea"
As the African continent to the southwest of famous,Cape of good hope north from Cape Town and kilometers,West faces the Atlantic,To the east of faure, bay,North even the cape peninsula,About 4.8 kilometers long.Is located in the Atlantic ocean and the Indian Ocean of meeting place,Before the opening of the Suez Canal is not,Europe to Asia is the way to the sea.
Cape of good hope is located in the Atlantic ocean and stands at the junction of the Indian Ocean,Strong westerly jet lifted surges perennial constantly,Here in addition to storm the harm,Is always"Kill sea"appear.The wave front is like a cliff,Back is like slowly hillside,Wave height usually have 15 - twenty meters,Frequent in winter,Also add polar wind from time to time caused by the rotation of the sea,When the two waves stack together,The sea is more severe,And there is a strong longshore current,When the wave and flow meet,The sea as boil like roll,The voyage to the ship in distress often,so,Here to become the world's most dangerous navigation area.
Corner on,With a view to the Atlantic ocean and the Indian Ocean spectacular scenery.The wide on the beach,Sea water volume once more silvery white waves,Moves mountains in a,A road to the coast to surge,Like an army to flush with another;The waves hit the rock cliff,Foam spray,The sky were to fall, a noise.
In part to cape of good hope, and between simmons,Cape of good hope, the existing nature reserves.In the protection zone,Rust color uneven ground on the growth of low bushes and is called the South African national flower mountain longan,baboon/African swing Angle eland and other animals or in front of pass through it.In the Atlantic side of red on the pebble beach,Often visible ostrich idle walk and cute.In the area of the southwest side has a as stretch into the Atlantic ocean to the huge crocodile claw.
眼前是“上帝的餐桌” Eyes is"God's table"
By plane not landing,Then we can see table mountain of splendor,This looks like the knife cut over general mountain,Cloud cover on top of the mountain,Just like a layer of cloth cover as in table mountain,These clouds seem shapes,To a person with all kinds of daydream space.But in fact,Cape Town is a symbol of table mountain,Is one of the seven wonders of the world natural wonders.
Off the plane,We soon to realize that such a reality:No matter where in Cape Town,Natural beauty is always around the around.Standing in the table mountain national park towering cliffs stare at Antarctica,Breathing is perhaps the world's most pure air,Feel the beauty of the southern tip of Africa's most,Imagine before the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic ocean is fierce struggle,All like a dream generally.Westward declines the sun,The sea gradually became a piece of red wave.In the cascade mist,Table mountain like a mirage, floating in the sea,Flat place seems to be a precise DaoGong cut into a straight line,And the sky together as one.No wonder people call it"God's table".
Table mountain in South Africa, where the me, language means"The city of cape",South Africa is the mesa.It stands in high and rocky cape peninsula north,Standing on the corner of the mountain,People can overlook Cape Town city and table bay.Table mountain front hug sparkled in the sunlight Atlantic bay,Back pillow a disorderly cloud FeiDu/Similar to large rectangular tables's mountain.Table mountain across the bay has a natural harbor,And because of table mountain named for table bay.Like a sitting on the Atlantic side of the historical old man,At an altitude of 1086 meters of table mountain is South Africa nearly four hundred years history of the most authoritative witnesses.It is close to the Atlantic side of the two hills,A called lion mountain peak signal,The other side more precipitous mountain called devil's peak.They are like table mountain outstretched arms around two,Hug the Cape Town at the foot of the mountain city.Every summer(In October to march),A large number of water vapor across the southeast wind was suddenly table mountain after stopped rising rapidly,On top of the mountain under the action of cold air,The setting for the roll of the clouds rise,And then like a thick velvet cloth from the table mountain soonly together brush to cover up,spectacular.
About table mountain cloud has a long and interesting:One day,A man named fan Hanks pirates in the table near the mountain and a devil after meeting,They were in a saddle shaped rock side side to smoke a pipe,Side got talking.That day the devil's in a good mood to pirate revealed,The mountains there is only one for the sin of redemption devil keep warm cave.Prepare right pirates brainstorm,Put forward with the devil for smoking game,Who won the,The warm place will belong to.Their competition continue today,So table mountain from now on always cloud and mist curl up.Why winter no cloud?That's because the devil and pirates now get on in years,In the cold wet winter to stop the match.
The table mountain is the most convenient way of doing that is halfway up the mountain in large cable car,No matter you are standing in which position,Rotating pod guarantee that you can make a comprehensive view.For extreme sports lovers,Rope downhill is undoubtedly an attempt to stimulate.The destiny is on the line,Standing on the cliff fall,Absolutely worth a visit.
桌山山势之高,山上没有见到水源,但植被却十分茂密,且种类繁多。在这里一年四季人们都可以看到美丽的花草树木。山上的克斯坦博西国家热带花园拥有绝佳的美景,这里堪称世界最早的植物园,园内培育了7000多种植物,即使是植物学家来到这里,也会感到目不暇接。其中2200种为开普半岛所特有,尤其是南非的国花Protea,长得有点像郁金香,但花瓣更挺直、厚实,色彩鲜艳,吸引众多游客观赏。山上的鸟类多得出奇,岩石上、小道旁,三个一群,五个一伙,四处转悠。热衷赏鸟的人在桌山能够享受到前所未有的乐趣。还有豚鼠、岩兔之类的可爱小动物在游人身边跑来跑去,有的甚至顽皮地蹲在岩石上让游人观赏、拍照。人与自然的和谐就此展现。 (文/记者 周人果/南非旅游局提供)
Table mountain mountain high,The mountain not seen water,But vegetation is very thick,And various kinds.Here all the year round people can see the beautiful flowers and trees.The mountain's Stan bo west countries tropical garden has perfect beauty,Here is the world first botanical garden,Park produced more than 7000 kinds of plants,Even the botanist to come here,Also will be too many things to see.2200 kind of peculiar for cape peninsula,Especially in South Africa's national flower Protea,Look a bit like tulips,But petals more straight/thick,colourful,Attract many tourists ornamental.The mountain was more birds,rocks/Small way,Three group of,Five gang,rounds.Keen bird watcher in the table mountain can enjoy unprecedented pleasure.And guinea pig/Rock rabbit and so on cute little animal running around in the visitors,Some even naughtily squatting on the rock let visitors to watch/photos.The harmony of man and nature in this show. (Wen zhou reporter/fruit/South Africa provide tourism bureau)
作者:周人果 南非旅游局提供 (来源:南方日报)
The author:Zhou fruit South Africa provide tourism bureau (source:Southern daily)
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