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爱情期待旅行 2·14我们始终牵手旅行(组图)--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  近日热卖的《我们始终牵手旅行》一书,两位作者认识27年,恋爱11年,结婚8年,自助旅行10年,游历了23个国家,十几万张照片,书写了几十万文字……记载了他们感情之旅的种种精彩。 Recently the hot[We always travel hand in hand]book,The authors know for 27 years,Love 11 years,Married eight years,Self-help travel ten years,Traveled 23 countries,Ten photo,Writing out hundreds of thousands of words……Recording their feelings all sorts of wonderful trip.


Below please several have been in hand travel of lovers,And share their journey of love story.There are some love,Start from the travel;There are some love,Because the journey and more add a warm memories.Love itself is a journey,Road has beautiful scenery,Also have haze.On the way we always meet some people,Some people associated a ride after each thing,Some people associated to the end.


Gratitude makes for heart,We always travel hand in hand.


尼泊尔安娜普纳山 Nepal's AnNaPu mountain

爱在路上老夫少妻忘情游 Love in the way the old wife less to swim


There is a love,Is beside the age,Only hate meet too late,So more to shine with love,Love well.A pair of net"Chief country woman"and"Mice emperor"The husband and wife love to travel,One is the 80's beauty,One is after fifty"Alternative sixty years"male,They who know each other love each other together,They hand in hand to travel around the world.Over the past few years,Two people every year to spend at least nine months in walk all over the world……recently,See the country woman in micro and leave a message on the letter:"[Thai dealing]fire,Don't go to Chiang mai is late,Today we start,Open date."What a"Shall be final",The love of travel"Fairy raised as soon as possible"Is natural and unrestrained to let a person be jealous!


秘密档案 Secret files

  网名“首席村妇”和“老鼠皇帝”,目前以旅行为职业,也写写书,出版过《我们的事业是旅行》、《我只想和你去远方》等四本书。在网络上名气响当当,曾是 “2010年度 中国(攻略) 博客大赛十大博客”得主。“首席村妇”是80后,自称是“大叔控”,有点小文艺,爱臭美。“老鼠皇帝”是海龟一枚,下过乡,务过农、当过工人、教过大学,还精通英语德语,更擅长N种乐器。两人从2008年开始环游世界。

net"Chief country woman"and"Mice emperor",At present to travel for career,Also write a book,published[Our business is travel]/[I just want to go with you far away]Etc four books.On the network famous,was "2010 year China(strategy) Ten blog blog competition"winner."Chief country woman"Is after 80,Claims to be"Uncle control",Is a little small literary,Love boast."Mice emperor"Turtle is a gold,A village,Affairs over agriculture/When a worker/Taught university,Also proficient in English German,The more good at N kind of Musical Instruments.Two people from 2008 began to travel around the world.


牵手故事 Story in hand


旅行检验默契 Travel inspection tacit understanding

  “村妇”和“皇帝”是通过网络认识的。当时“皇帝”在网络上发了一个《找一个志同道合的女孩儿周游世界》的帖子,表达了周游世界的强烈意愿。这个引起了 “村妇”的兴趣,经过几番电话联系后,他飞赴杭州(机票) 与她相会,再半个月后,村妇在很多人的扼腕叹息中毅然辞掉了排名全球前几位的外资企业工作,奔赴深圳(机票) 与他会合。

"Country woman"and"emperor"Is through the network of understanding.At that time"emperor"On the network to send a[Looking for a like-minded girl to travel around the world]post,Express a strong desire to travel around the world.This caused the "Country woman"interest,After a few comments after the call,He fly to hangzhou(ticket) Meet with her,Then after half month,Country woman in a lot of people sigh) in the world's top ranking resolutely to quit several foreign enterprise work,Go to shenzhen(ticket) To meet him.


Their hand only fifty days.From outsider's point of view,This union is a different number,Age gap,A northeast man,A jiangnan beauty,A careful thinking,A powerful and unconstrained style,"Country woman"said:"We should belong to the type of love at first sight,In the meet each other at first glance,That is in my heart:TA is I am looking for that guy."


For the first time in hand travel very targeted,Two people want to test whether the other party the dish,If it is right for the hand in hand together to travel round the world.So they set out to the south anhui from hangzhou,Go to see the rape flower and the ancient architecture has been gloriously enrolled.On a trip,Two people fantastically have many tacit understanding,Such as ask the practical problem,Only see each other is appropriate to do in life journey or partner."Country woman"said,Their hand in hand with all the material indicators do not have what relation,In fact after get married for a long time didn't ask whether money or how much money and so on questions.

  如今,旅行已经成为两人的工作,每年最多会安排2 次超过2个月的长途旅行,像是去非洲、中东等地,都是超长时间的深度游,还会安排N次随心所欲的短途旅行,其中还会回家跟父母待一段时间,其余时间待在家里或者窝在某个风景秀丽的小地方,整理图片、写写书,准备下次旅行。他们希望能通过旅行赋予婚姻和爱情一种崭新的演绎方式。

now,Travel has become two people work,Arrange a year at most 2 times more than 2 months of long distance travel,Like to go to Africa/Middle East,Is the depth of the long time to swim,Also will arrange N times follow one's inclinations of the trip,It'll be home for a period of time with their parents,The rest of the time to stay at home or nest in a beautiful small place,Finishing pictures/Write a book,And prepare the next trip.They hope to travel to give marriage and love is a kind of brand-new deduce mode.


"emperor"To travel around the world it has prepared for more than ten years,So the support they travel economic foundation is not bad.But they are still in the backpackers self-help is given priority to.


成都安仁古镇 Chengdu AnRen town

旅行心得 Travel experience


解决旅途摩擦 Solve journey friction


秘诀是“好好爱” Secret is"love"


"Country woman"said,Since two people together,Way to travel great changes have taken place."Country woman"Belong to the logic confusion type,Travel no plans,and"emperor"Things are planned,Now they will have to travel around the world as a career.


The trip is really the most test of husband and wife,this,They have a solution."Country woman"said:"goals,Branch don't over.Our secret is"love",As the man to tolerance,A woman should some young woman,And the,What problems are solved.And at the beginning of the trip we had agreed,Meet error who also no complain,Have to first in yourself to blame."


In this years in the process of travel,LiangGongPo also formed a set of travel philosophy,They made"Green life/Low carbon travel"Travel rules,Is the choice of travel tool by walking bike bus train plane this several to choose,Forced to choose by airplane,And on food vegetarian as much as possible,Stay as far as possible not to use air conditioning,As far as possible to stay in the big city,More close to nature,Close to the local life.In addition,Music is two people the best communication bridge,"emperor"Erhu and flute from the body,Occasionally and"Country woman"Cooperation performance?.


推荐地 Recommend to


尼泊尔安娜普纳山 Nepal's AnNaPu mountain


"Country woman"and"emperor"Suggestions in hand travel together at least once a husband and wife's mountains,Like Nepal,In the high altitude AnNaPu nano mountain hiking,The average daily walk twenty kilometers,Until the end of 4200 meters above sea level.Process a couple will have new feeling,Because in the vast wilderness, only you and me,When the forces by means of all disappear,When almost walk,Then can find,Side the person actually mean,Moreover when hand in hand to overcome difficulties stood in the top of the mountains when,Two people will see the true meaning of marriage.


成都安仁 Chengdu AnRen


Chengdu is a easy and comfortable and comfortable place.If two people want to find a quiet place to stay,You might consider chengdu AnRen town,In addition to taste buds to go outside to heaven,Quietly here feel one thousand town in the romantic temperament.AnRen town deeply the essence of western sichuan folk culture,Many of the Ming and qing dynasties buildings still retain the original characteristics on the basis of building the perfect Cinderella,Appear already fashionable and artistic taste.AnRen old street husband tavern was transformed into China's largest residence community,Phase with and do,Believe that the most to like history mature man appetite.哥本哈根 Copenhagen

分工有道同龄人默契前行 Division of labor youdao peers on the tacit understanding


Age of husband and wife or lovers,Often have close values,Have similar dreams and ideals.In hard work/The old man for house when children strive to,Also often look forward to hand in hand/Walk on the beach/Run in the field……eternal,In addition to love,It is always so beautiful nature.Under the blue sky and white clouds,Hand in hand,Tread a string footprints……


甜蜜档案 Sweet file


After 80 heroine has very younger sister is a typical understanding wife and loving mother,This was born in guizhou beauty love travel/Love food,Now engaged in culture industry.Their hometown in hubei province hero already bo and his wife are of similar age,Home is a good man,Now the legal profession.They fell in love who know each other in guangzhou,Get married in 2009.Premarital to qiandongnan charity trip,Start with the romantic marriage theme,To the island and South Korea and other neighboring countries,Now the baby to be born.


牵手故事: Story in hand:


老家徒步旅行中相知 Their hometown hiking in the bosom friend


Not only has very little work out recently,At home is thrifty.Her bo is the good man,Good temperament,Don't waste money.Has very younger sister think life need passion,Need to travel from time to time in hand,On a trip further understanding/Find each other's strengths.


premarital,They two people in the hometown has very little of qiandongnan in hand travel,When two people brought a lot of stationery,Walk a village send some to the local people.


The little village and nonnative contact,Seldom see a person from another place,Remember two people to have a minority village,The stationery to a child,The child was crying,Because have not seen so they dress up people.Has very younger sister remember walk to a mountain village,Just the village just fire,A lot of people home burned didn't,Is building a house.Because there is no restaurant,Two people were a man brought into dinner,Go left 200 dollars to them,Hope to the meager strength to help them,Then leave the address,The children a few months later wrote a thank-you note to.Has very younger sister think it can increase the understanding of each other,Because into the mountains,Into the poor area,So more know how to cherish life now it.


After marriage,Two people like to the island.Now the two people are planning to wait till after the baby is born and slightly bigger time,He brought the child go out for a walk.And her younger sister has very rich like free to walk,Sleep to nature to wake,Up look at the map,Like to feel the local people's life,Into the local culture,Understand their eating habits and lifestyle, etc,To go where you want to go.


Two people a recent tourism is April 2012 to South Korea,Her sister has very rich follow around the Korean dramas point shooting away.At that time,Two people mainly in Seoul,Every day in South Korea is to see all the babes/shopping/Product snacks.Her beau to south Korean beauty praise unceasingly,Think a lot of girls skin good/Shape good.Has very younger sister don't mind,Doesn't matter!,We enjoy together ah,Has very little to see beauty will call the husband to go.


旅行心得: Travel experience:


合理分工让感情升温 The rational division of labor to let the affection warming


Generally speaking,Every time I travel is has very younger sister sure stroke,The husband follow.But in accommodation reservation,Has already Po in the evening when I get home from work,Responsible for booking online,Because his English better.Two a basic won't quarrel,Even if the quarrel is trivial things,But will soon reconciliation,After all travel outside,Happy is the most important,And her beau temper is better,Usually the boy first active reconciliation.


journey,Man's brave action will let the woman moved.Two people in Vietnam when DaLe rent a motorcycle,Because of the way is not very familiar with,Open outside the,Could not add too much oil,Far more open,Because DaLe belongs to the plateau,The weather is wet,Has very younger sister was worried about what would happen if the way,But in the way of driving,Her beau constantly to comfort her,it doesn't matter,unafraid,"I have",emergency,The husband let has very younger sister is very safe,Heart feel sureness.


北西兰岛 North Zealand

推荐地: Recommend to:


哥本哈根 Copenhagen


走近北欧童话世界 Approached Nordic fairy tale world


Happy hand in hand:Hand in hand travel for fairy tales,Have to mention Denmark Copenhagen,This is his hometown.All of the cities in northern Europe,Copenhagen has the unique charm.It is a one thousand - year - old port,Is modern urban model.From the museum's collection,To the most avant-garde new building,Both classical art or lovers of modern art,Will be here to spell.


北西兰岛有众多历史建筑。 North Zealand has many historic buildings.


To Copenhagen on holiday,Might as well go to a local most famous recreational area Newport,This shop/bar/The coffee shop is almost kept during the eighteenth century style of the building,Port place also can see the old sailing and canal boat driving here,Do not have a nostalgic sentiment.


哥本哈根大学的建筑设计独特。 Researchers at Copenhagen university architecture design is unique.


North west orchid island is located in the northwest of Copenhagen,Due to the retained many of the important historic building,And have thick forest/Beautiful coastline,Therefore is regarded as the back garden of the Copenhagen.North Zealand has three big eye-catching royal city,Respectively is fort caron palace/Fitow fort the palace, the palace and frei's fort.The most famous fort caron palace was built in 1574,Name contains"Palace of crown"mean.The whole palace with rock build by laying bricks or stones becomes,Brown copper roof is special,It is that Shakespeare hear the castle majesty and create the classic[Hamlet].And fitow fort the palace is the most elegant northern European Renaissance buildings,Such as crystal and beautiful round of beautiful huan.Fred's fort, palace is also called HePingGong,Located in the quiet beautiful arum Israel lake side,Become the Danish royal through summer summer resort.


资讯加油站 Information service station


visa:Visa application can be submitted to the kingdom of Denmark consulate in guangzhou visa application centre,In general will finish the examination and approval within 15 working days.


traffic:Guangzhou - Paris - Copenhagen.Beijing and Shanghai have any direct flights to Copenhagen flight,In the Danish territory,In addition to car/Train outside public transportation,Rent a bike is the most convenient way to save money and visit.


accommodation:Vesterbro and Nrrebro area youth hostel is a good choice,Not far away from the central,And close to the busy cafes and bars area.

  美食:典型的菜式有猪肉丸、水煮鳕鱼、烤脆皮乳猪等。 西安

food:The typical dishes have pig meat ball/Boiled cod/Baked crispy Suckling pig, etc. xian


西安 xian


关中美食大饱口福 Guanzhong gourmet big full the luck to eat STH delicious


Xian food most guanzhong traditional flavor.


Happy hand in hand:Hand in hand to go to the corner to eat food,What better than this more hot?Xian xian food can best embody the historical connotation and heavy,Main hot and sour delicious delicacies guanzhong extremely traditional flavor,Such as is known as"The first one bowl"One hundred years old and old jia restaurant red meat buns bubble/Xian restaurant flavor snack/DeFaChang dumplings/DE objects overseas crystal cake/Rosefinch grains of steamed pork with rice flour outlets/Spring happen gourd head bubble buns/The dried meat fengxiang money/Shaanxi MiZhi donkey board intestinal are the famous xian food representative.In addition,80 - year - old gourd chicken is on behalf of its food dishes,Each program is very exquisite,A gourd chicken at least hundreds of condiment,Worth a try.In addition,Wu huang the bread/Datang birdbath shark's fin and changan eight scene feast/Palace long birthday/According snack feast/In the tang dynasty emperor feast is xian famous brand.


资讯加油站 Information service station


traffic:Guangzhou non-stop flight to xi 'an.


accommodation:High-end have xian shangri-la hotel/Xian sofitel people's building,shangri-la/Xi 'an sheraton hotel and xian kempinski hotel.Xian youth hotel and family inn very much.As in foreign backpackers rave reviews in the hotel is located in the center of xian tang yi,Is the city god temple nearby/Drum tower and snack street"Hui street".


food:The northwest hui street of guanzhong food has everything.苏梅岛 Koh samui

把臂同游 姐弟俩潇洒一回 The arm truck with the sister and natural and unrestrained once


Small sharp and meimei,Two people in chengdu,Are seven year old elder sister and younger brother love,A pair of crazy love outdoor travel/Hand in hand make an arduous journey have read a lot of beautiful scenery small husband and wife.The impression of chengdu are diagram at ease,But for some"Shock the world"The elder sister and younger brother love small husband and wife but unrest in chengdu them doing alacrity,But ran to sanya messing up a interesting family restaurant.Even now trapped in the family restaurant affairs can't like in chengdu before that time be natural and unrestrained to travel,But they will still be in the dining room to hang the picture with a few small photo trip,And all the guests by talk about travel.Small sharp said,He and meimei goal is to earn enough money to travel around the world,For this,They are trying to find!


甜蜜档案 Sweet file


Small sharp and meimei,Chengdu people,To sanya respectively before engaged in hotel marketing and retail.After a long in the eyes of the world still deregulation are seven year old elder sister and younger brother after love,Two people finally in the family and friends in the soul.but about beats knot,And in 2011 to sanya opened a family restaurant,And with the age gap between them on the dining room name yue"7 years old family restaurant".


牵手故事 Story in hand


“在人群中多看了一眼” "In the crowd looked at"


Although other people feel strange,But little sharp and meimei don't think they are seven years old elder sister and younger brother love how special,instead,They use a firm love and sweet life responses to the other people talk.Two people become attached to in their favorite outdoor travel,For many years in hand through the sichuan/xinjiang/Tibet/Yunnan many place,Now temporarily settled in sanya.


Small sharp and meimei love originated from"In the crowd looked at",After all,In chengdu the donkey was more than in the city,Go out in couples in the team,To produce the intersection is not easy,Besides two people meet for the first time in a group of outdoor activities,And without too much feeling.Then fate is so strange,When the team reach inaccessible mysterious cave when adventure,Only when the last only a few person,Small sharp and meimei casual look together,So heart movement,Their made an impression in the bottom of my heart.


The rest of the story some let nature take its course mean,Two people are in the outdoor activities to meet,then"bitch",And then meet to emei reckoned double adventure,Is the trip,Two people have been rare in a heavy snow,Small sharp suddenly serious illness,Vomiting and diarrhea,Have a kind of collapse weak feeling,And meimei on one side up all night to take care of him,For small sharp boil a bowl"Memory is the most delicious of vinasse glutinous rice balls soup",And try our best to spend two or three hours will be small sharp climbing shoes roast until half dry,See the front of the fire meimei serious appearance,Small sharp in the heart has been determined:"Before this can be for life of woman."


After went back to chengdu,Small sharp bravely to meimei launched love offensive,eat/About movies,And meet outdoor travel,gradually,Small sharp with its mature mentality let meimei gradually down doubts,And a surprise proposal also let meimei in unprepared between age than she feel small/But it can see strong inner man is so worthy of trust.But the marriage is two people more hope to get the blessings of family and friends,Dramatic is,According to the small sharp said,Because of his past that rich 12 segment in the untreated,There are many by spectrum"Gourmet girlfriend",And meimei past the boyfriend,No like small sharp that old man a sight type(Of course the little sharp also think it said a bit unkind,But the fact),These let both sides parents began to recognized the association between two people,In the third year met,This period of elder sister and younger brother love finally blossom and bear fruit.


旅行心得 Travel experience

牵手源于心灵的契合 Hand in hand with what comes from the heart


It is said that small sharp and meimei love between the friends become a legend,They had never for life feelings or any things make at odds/Red face or quarreled,Even love outdoor travel,Never on the road have any disputes,I divided,To the restaurant business,But always will soon reach an agreement.


Other people do not understand,Two people are not have the age gap,So peace,How could it be possible??According to the small sharp and meimei explanation,They although physiological age gap,But psychological age but almost,Even small sharp in many ways more experienced.Small sharp said,He is an only child,But very early step into society,For many years to let him make some"Try reading thousand sails"feeling,And he all over the country travel experiences more let him to a lot of things can see it,Meimei is home althorp,And natural disposition is perceptual,So two people's psychological gap is narrowed,More likely to have heart fit.For elder sister and younger brother love the way we relate,There is a small sharp"helps",That is when a man to step into marriage,Must see enough/Play times,So to meet a woman,Will want to settle to the,Even small sharp also"excuse"Before the said he made so many girlfriend is a good thing,Such ability to meet after meimei,No matter that she is not to accompany the life that person.


In addition,Small sharp and meimei think whether in life or on the road,Keep harmonious way is to ensure that two people have a common values,Their ultimate goal is consistent,There is a day to earn a lot of money,Just hand in hand to travel around the world.Remember when in chengdu,Two people really play mad,Whenever you have a weekend out a climb mountains/Rush forest,Carrying bag to close to nature.Have a common hobby,On a trip to take care of each other,The fit of mind is more important,The age gap is irrelevant.


推荐地 Recommend to


苏梅岛 Koh samui


Happy hand in hand:Koh samui is little lovers to enjoy a good place for romance,And do Spa is a good way for romantic upgrade.Valentine's day is near,The hotel is on koh samui valentine's day to enjoy sweet service during the good place.In the koh samui in luxury hotels,In addition to check-in in the face of the seaview room,Face to face with the color of the romantic outside,Can also double enjoy spa project of koh samui signs.It is understood,Many koh samui hotel has double Spa project launch,According to the different needs of men and women,Lady can experience aromatherapy massage whole body,And the man can enjoy body massage massage,After two people can be in private pool in continues to relax,Enjoy the beautiful seascape.


云南 yunnan

  快乐牵手:姐弟恋的情侣都有颗年轻的心,也不会太顾及世俗眼光,选择的情人节旅行地点自然也要够特别。在2月这个春天初启的季节,云南是不错的旅行地,可是丽江太火,双廊开始广为人知,云南还有什么地方值得一去呢?不妨考虑腾冲,到腾冲情侣们必做的就是去热海泡温泉,这里共有14处温泉群,最有名的要数大滚锅,从地底涌出的沸水不停翻滚,水温高达100摄氏度。在这里泡温泉可亲自体验“火山热海天浴”。在云南腾冲火山群国家地质公园内,感兴趣的话还可以尝试一下坐在火山口里的滋味。 (来源:广州日报)

Happy hand in hand:Elder sister and younger brother love of lovers have young heart,Also too won't take account of secular vision,Choice of valentine's day travel site nature also to special enough.In the February this spring initate season,Yunnan is a good travel,But the fire too,Double gallery began to well known,Yunnan what places are worth?You might consider segmented,Segmented to lovers will do is to ReHai bubble hot spring,There are 14 onsen group,The most famous to several big roll pan,From underground gushing water ever.my,Water temperature as high as 100 degrees Celsius.Here in the hot spring can personally experience"Volcanic ReHai day bath".In yunnan segmented volcanoes national geological park,Are interested can also try sitting in the taste of the crater. (source:Guangzhou daily)
