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应对春运客流 北京地铁2、9号线首班提前6分钟--亲稳网络舆情监测室
Yesterday afternoon,Beijing railway station square to the west of metro line 2 JinZhanKou open all security channel,In order to deal with concentration of passenger travel.Reporter sun Yue perturbation
During the Spring Festival travel peak has to,Today this month to 22,Metro line 2 inside and outside ring/Line 9 did the first train up before an LinKe listed respectively.This is equivalent to the two through the railway station of subway routes the first train the 6 minutes in advance.
yesterday,Beijing subway company issued passenger flow organization plan,Deal with the return Spring Festival travel peak.Near the railway station and long-distance passenger transport hub, such as the Beijing railway station/Beijing west railway station/Xizhimen station/Dongzhimen station/Military museum station/LiuLiQiao station and subway station,According to their own characteristics are respond.
地铁北京站提前20分钟开门 Ahead of the Beijing station twenty minutes to open the door
From the third day began,The subway in Beijing station passenger flow daily increasing 20000 people,At present the station daily passenger capacity for 150000 people,The only home to reach 100000 people.
Deal with large passenger flow,The only way is approaching fast out,Reduce passengers retention time.Station early precast ticket,Ensure that all ticket window open,Passenger tickets queue time not more than ten minutes;Security facilities open to all,Set up sorting member timely guide carry bulk or more pieces of luggage of passengers using low security facilities;Home brake machine place puts mobile ticket machine,Increase handheld devices.
Be worth what carry is,Because of the train LinKe mostly at a regular briefing,Daily before the first bus,The subway station waiting passengers more.The station early twenty minutes to open the gate entrances,Will passengers counseling to station hall platform hibernation.
地铁机场线增设义务拎包岗 Metro airport line add obligation bag duty
Continuous two days,The airport line in the return Spring Festival travel peak,Passenger, 34000 people,At ordinary times than increased by more than fifty percent.
Due to the short circuit/Platform space is limited,The airport line of travel organization plan more is to rely on people to achieve.Such as the subway T3 station set up special IC card back card site,Beijing convenient for outgoing passengers can timely check out card business.Recent half a month,Here back card 313 copies.
"The airport line passengers carry big suitcase 85% above.During the Spring Festival,The airport line station youth league branch was established in dongzhimen station duty bag service team,By more than a dozen party/Members and activists composition,Key period in stair place or near the ticket window,Help the stairs passengers carry baggage obligations."The airport line assistant station warden said Mary,"They all dressed in red ma3 jia3,Particularly eye-catching.If passengers have need can also be active to contact them."In the future,This kind of temporary service is expected to become long-term position.
地铁北京西站增设集散区 The Beijing west railway station add distributing area
Line 9 big Beijing west railway station passenger flow forecast occurred in 19 this month/24 and March 6,.the,Station 2 JinZhanKou will open more/Three security channel/12 sets of automatic ticket machine/An artificial ticket window and article 15 in brake machine channel.
And the different to Beijing railway station,The Beijing west railway station is located in the railway station,So in the north and the south station outbound brake outside painted grid line/posted"The subway evacuation area do not sit lie stay"mark,Set up a distribution control area,Avoid feeder hall idle personnel congestion north of the brake machine channel,Affect the subway passenger outgoing.
Beijing subway has revealed,The Beijing west railway station and the surrounding will every time travel information communication cooperation,Travel to the data,Make travel work more targeted and foresight.
现场探访 Site visit
“今年春运客流来势更凶猛” "This year's Spring Festival transportation comes more fierce"
The subway station to Beijing railway station on duty JingGuiHua leg long faster pace,Talk do business through the blandness.13 when yesterday,She is dressed in a blue uniform coat,The people standing in the hall layer went to the front desk,Ten to step distance,It took 5 minutes,Keep carrying around a big box or carry people find out trap.
"As the subway line networking operation,Passenger volume surge.This year the Spring Festival transportation passenger flow more furious‘fierce’."JingGuiHua lips dry up PiEr.Eight points to the unit,She hasn't the water on,Lunch from home nine bring cool dumplings."Spring Festival every year it's been the same,This year more."
Every mount guard station staff 25,In recent days the daily passenger flow 150000 people,This means that on average to deal with 6000 passengers."The conductor can't drink water,He was afraid the toilet.The ground eat dredge member is a slip away small run."JingGuiHua said.
A young man from the platform layer climb,Walked up to a half,The box to a Dun on the stairs,A talking out of CuQi.JingGuiHua hurried past counseling.Persuade word quite interesting,"You stick it,Look back."At this time,A train just outbound,Carry baggage passengers such as tidal surge as toward the stairs.Young man hurriedly picked up box tight take two steps,On the station hall.
Beijing subway company revealed,The subway is Beijing station every current limiting the time of the earliest a station.Is the train passenger flow influence,Often from early in the morning at about 5 here began to current limit,To ensure passenger safety waiting in station.(Reporter LiuMian)
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