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喜达屋亚太地区推“双重好礼惊喜” 会议促销--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  即日起至 2013 年 3 月 31 日,于亚太地区参与此项活动的 200 多家酒店进行活动预订,可获赠一台时尚的平板电脑*和双倍 Starpoints 积分

From now on until March 31, 2013,In the asia-pacific region to participate in this activity to activity of more than 200 hotel reservation,A fashionable tablet computer will be presented to * and Starpoints double integrals

  喜达屋酒店与度假村集团(“喜达屋”)是世界最大的豪华高端酒店运营商,于亚太地区推出“双重好礼惊喜” 会议促销活动,参与此次活动的喜达屋酒店达 200 多家,分别位于大中华地区、澳大利亚、印度尼西亚、印度、日本、韩国、马来西亚、新加坡和越南。须在 2013 年 3 月 31 日前预订并于 2013 年 6 月 30 日前举办活动,方可享受此优惠。

Starwood hotels and resorts worldwide("starwood")Is the world's largest high-end luxury hotel operator,In the asia-pacific region"A double surprise gifts" Meeting sales promotion activity,Involved in the activities of the starwood hotels amounted to more than 200,Located in the greater China region/Australia/Indonesia/India/Japan/In South Korea/Malaysia/Singapore and Vietnam.Must be made a reservation in March 31, 2013 and in 2013 by June 30 to hold activities,Can enjoy this discount.

  “双重好礼惊喜” 专为喜达屋优先会议组织者(“SPP”)的会员而设计,优惠包括一台时尚的平板电脑和双倍 Starpoints 积分。对于一次团体预订,当其花费超过 18000 美元(约合人民币112320元)时,SPP 会员将会获赠一台时尚迷你的平板电脑;而花费超过 25000 美元(约合人民币156000元)时,则将获赠一台平板电脑。此外,SPP 会员每 3 美元的消费还将获得 2 点 Starpoints 积分(比平时高一倍),且无上限。此优惠只适用于团体活动及会议的预订,包括通过旅行社的预订。

"A double surprise gifts" Designed for starwood preferred conference organizers("The SPP")Member is designed,Including a fashionable tablets and Starpoints double integral.For a group reservation,When it costs more than $18000(RMB 112320)when,The SPP member will be given a fashionable mini tablet computer;And spend more than $25000(RMB 156000)when,Will be given a tablet computer.In addition,The SPP member of $3 per consumption will also earn Starpoints integral at 2 o 'clock(Double than usual),And there is no upper limit.This offer is only applicable to group activities and booking of the meeting,Including booking through a travel agency.

  SPP 是一项回馈丰厚的忠诚计划,会员可通过其获得并积累 Starpoints 积分,用以兑换缤纷奖励,其中包括无限住日期免费住宿奖赏(标准客房)、客房升级(全球 1000 多家酒店)及优惠券(凭借喜达屋即时会议奖赏计划获得,可用于下一次活动)。如欲加入,访问 starwoodmeetings.com。

The SPP is a feedback generous loyalty scheme,Members can obtain and accumulate Starpoints through its integral,For the exchange of reward,Free accommodation reward including unlimited live date(Standard rooms)/Room upgrade(More than 1000 hotels around the world)And coupons(With starwood instant meetings get reward plan,Can be used for the next activity).If you would like to join,Go to starwoodmeetings.com.

  “我们非常高兴在 2013 年来临之际推出‘双重好礼惊喜’促销活动。作为世界最大的豪华/高端酒店运营商,喜达屋旗下九大卓越品牌的发展足迹遍布全球,为会议组织者带来更为优质的服务和丰富的场地选择,并可满足各种预算与需求。此项限时优惠也面向我们的一些新酒店开放,包括澳门喜来登金沙城中心酒店、曼谷 W 酒店、钦奈 ITC 大佐拉豪华精选酒店、或即将开业的广州 W 酒店与吉隆坡中环广场雅乐轩酒店。”喜达屋亚太区销售副总裁艾莉森•泰勒女士(Alison Taylor)如是说道。

"We are very glad to approaching launch in 2013‘A double surprise gifts’Sales promotion activity.As the world's biggest luxury/high-end hotel operator,Starwood's nine outstanding brand development footprints all over the world,For the conference organizer to bring more high quality service and rich site selection,And can meet all kinds of budget and requirements.This limited-time discount also for some of our new hotel open,Including sheraton Macao sands city hotel/W hotel in Bangkok/Gianfranco zola luxury collection hotel chennai ITC/Or is getting ready for the opening of the guangzhou W hotel in Kuala Lumpur central plaza aloft hotels."Starwood Asia Pacific sales vice President Alison•Ms. Taylor(Alison Taylor)said.

  SPP 会员可在参与此项促销活动的 200 多家喜达屋亚太地区酒店进行选择。其中包括:

The SPP member can be involved in the promotion of more than 200 starwood Asia Pacific hotels to choose.including:

  • 澳门喜来登金沙城中心酒店是澳门乃至喜达屋旗下规模最大的酒店,拥有 3896 间客房与15000平米且配备先进会议设施的活动空间。此外,宾客还可以使用酒店所在的金沙城中心内面积达5000平米的会议空间

• Sheraton Macao sands city hotel is the largest hotel and starwood group,With 3896 rooms and 3896 square meters and equipped with advanced conference facilities of activity space.In addition,Guests can also use the sands hotel within the city area of 5000 square meters of meeting space;

  • 新加坡圣淘沙湾 W 酒店于2012年9月16日亮相,拥有 240 间客房及8间会议室,其会议空间总面积达750平米,可根据宾客充满创意的主题和理念进行灵活布置,同时还供应别具特色的餐点与饮品;

• W hotel in sentosa, Singapore bay on September 16, 2012,Owns 240 guest rooms and meeting room 8,The meeting space covers a total area of 750 square meters,According to the guests creative subject and the concept of flexible layout,At the same time also have distinctive meals and drinks;

  • 悉尼公园喜来登酒店位于市中心海德公园的对面,是全市最大的会议酒店,拥有 557 间客房,其会议空间配备先进完善的设施,如采用剧场式布置则可容纳多达900位宾客,为宾客缔造难忘的会议体验;

• Sydney park opposite the sheraton hotel is located in the downtown of Hyde park,Is the city's biggest hotel of the meeting,With 557 rooms,The conference room is equipped with advanced facilities,If use theatre type decorates can accommodate up to 900 guests,Experience for guests to create a memorable meeting;

  • 东京威斯汀酒店地理位置优越,距东京繁华的商业文化中心仅数步之遥,拥有 438 间客房和一流的会议设施,是举办小型会议(10人以下)及精致主题宴会(1200人)的理想之地;

• Westin hotel in Tokyo, the geographical position is superior,Tokyo's bustling commercial and cultural center and only a few steps away,With 438 rooms and meeting facilities,Is held a small meeting(10 the following)And delicate theme party(1200 people)The ideal place for;

  • 喜达屋酒店与度假村集团旗下的八大品牌均已入驻海南岛。这些度假酒店的选址得天独厚,分别位于亚龙湾、海棠湾、海口及土福湾,且拥有多个会议场所,适合举办各种规模与类型的活动。海南三亚福朋酒店(喜来登集团管理)拥有总面积逾1700平米的多功能空间,包括一间无柱式宴会厅与五间会议室。会议空间可容纳1400位宾客,部分会议室不仅配备先进的视听设备,还可进行灵活布置,以满足各项需求。而对于寻求私密活动空间的组织者而言,三亚御海棠豪华精选度假酒店则是完美之选,130平米的室内会议空间和设施齐全的商务中心可随心使用。

• Starwood hotels and resorts group of eight major brands have been in hainan island.That the locations of the resort,Located in yalong bay/Haitang bay/Haikou and soil at bay,And have more meeting space,Suitable for all kinds of size and type of activity.Sanya, hainan friends hotel(Sheraton group management)With a total area of more than 1700 square metres of space and function,Including a banquet hall without column type and five meeting rooms.Conference room can accommodate 1400 guests,Part of the meeting room is not only equipped with advanced audio-visual equipment,Also can be flexible in layout,In order to meet the requirements.For seeking the organizers of the illicit close space,Sanya imperial haitang luxury selected resort is the perfect choice,130 square metres of meeting and indoor space and facilities in the business center can be used as.


Is getting ready for the opening of the hotel including:

  • 印度钦奈贝拉奇瑞威斯汀酒店于 2013 年 2 月开业,拥有面积超过 1100 平米精致的会议及多功能空间,其中包括 2 间宽敞的无柱式宴会厅和 12 间分组会议室,并配备设施齐全的商务中心、高速上网接入及先进的视听装置,缔造非凡卓越且与众不同的会议及社交活动体验。

• India chennai Bella chery westin hotel opened in February 2013,Has a area of more than 1100 square meters and delicate meeting and multi-functional space,Including 2 spacious banquet hall without column type and 12 meeting rooms are grouped,And equipped with a fully equipped business center/High speed Internet access and advanced audio-visual equipment,Create extraordinary excellence and different meetings and social activities experience.

  • 吉隆坡中环广场雅乐轩酒店于 2013年3月亮相,超过1600平米的优质空间适合举办各类活动。而其豪华宴会厅面积达800平米,可灵活分隔成多个小型空间。

• Central plaza aloft hotel Kuala Lumpur in March 2013,More than 1600 square meters of high-quality space is suitable for all kinds of activities are held.And the luxurious banquet hall area of 800 square meters,Flexible space into many small Spaces.

  • 广州 W 酒店将于 2013 年的第一季度开幕,拥有 1000 多平米的活动空间和工作室,成为举办活动与会议的新选择。经典的 W 酒店宴会厅面积达 638 平米,可容纳多达 900 位宾客,欢迎时尚达人与商务人士来此感受别具一格的活动体验。

• Guangzhou W hotel will be opened in the first quarter of 2013,Has more than 1000 square meters of space and a studio,Become the new choice for events and meetings.The classic W hotel banquet hall area of 638 square meters,Can accommodate up to 900 guests,Fashionistas and businessmen are welcome to join this activities feel unique experience.

  如需预订或是了解更多信息,请访问 Starwoodmeetings.com/doublerewards。

If you need reservation or for more information,Please visit the Starwoodmeetings.com/doublerewards.
