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动车故障停驶 乘客被蒸5小时踹门捶窗望逃离--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
昨天上午10时许,武昌至上海虹桥的D3012次列车,行驶到安徽独山至六安间时,突然发生设备故障,乘客被滞留近5小时。对此,有不少乘客发微博称,车厢空气不流通,令人窒息,有的被困乘客焦灼不已,情急之中猛捶车窗玻璃。 At 10 PM yesterday,Wuchang D3012 times of trains to Shanghai hongqiao,Nearer to the anhui province dushan to luan,A sudden equipment failure,Passengers were stranded nearly five hours.For this,Many passengers were tweeting said,Car air does not circulate,choking,Some trapped passengers anxious unceasingly,The feeling be nasty in kept on punching him on car Windows.
Net friend"Bayeyang - sun indiscretions"D3012 train yesterday,Starting from wuchang to Shanghai hongqiao.
From wuchang railway station train departure time is eight o 'clock in the morning of 13 points,Via macheng north/luan/Hefei and other places,The punctual arrival of Shanghai hongqiao station of time should be 2 PM 22 points.
"Bayeyang - sun indiscretions"Buy car is eighth floor seats.D3012 equipment failure happen yesterday,He live in weibo the process.
10:28 去上海的列车行驶途中发生故障,这么奇葩的事居然被我赶上了!已经停了快半小时了!
10:28 train on the way down to Shanghai,So exotic things that was caught up with me!Had stopped almost half an hour!
10:33 列车目前正在抢修,列车员不让大家下车,并表示故障原因还在调查当中。
10:33 train is currently in repair,The conductor doesn't let you off,And said the cause of the problem is still in investigation.
11:18 车厢人太多,随着车内温度的升高,乘客开始抱怨,有乘客开始踹门捶窗。
11:18 cars people too much,With the increase of temperature inside the car,Passengers began to complain,A passenger window began to kick the door lamented.
15:39 快五个小时了,列车中空气已经无法用闷来形容了,由于室内外温差太大,窗户上已经开始滴水了。据说马上进行转移,期待赶紧脱离这个让人窒息的环境。
15:39 for almost five hours,Train in the air is stuffy can't describe it,Due to indoor and outdoor temperature difference is too big,Windows has a drip.It is said that immediately to transfer,Looking forward to hurry out of the suffocating environment.
16:13 我终于转移到另外一列动车上来了,到目前为止颗粒未进,终于吃上了今天的第一顿饭。
16:13 I finally moved to another car to move,Particles so far has not come in,Finally eat the first meal today.
Net friend"Bayeyang - sun indiscretions"Told reporters,After the failure,Because the carriage in airtight space,Temperature reached more than 30 degrees,Sweat soaked clothes back.Due to moving the car also have no food,There are quite a few trapped passengers anxious unceasingly,Under the feeling be nasty kick the door hit the window,Some children in the car,Because of the unbearable heat environment,Excessive crying.
车上乘客心脏病突发 The car passengers to a heart attack
Net friend"William small sail"According to,Mother and two aunts are also on the train,Due to train fault,Two aunts had a heart attack.He is very worried about the safety of the two old people.
After reached"William small sail"Mother ms. Wang.She said,Because the car air does not circulate,My sister can't stand high temperature,A heart attack.With the help of the other passengers and the conductor,Everybody together will she carried to the door of the ventilated place,Hello available JiuXinWan,And the paper newspapers do,Give her a breeze,This is out of danger.
Ms. Wang said,4 o 'clock yesterday afternoon,Ministry of railways has set a train temporarily,Came to the rescue,Stranded passengers were gradually transferred to another train.
滞留原因系设备故障 The stranded because of equipment failure
38 points 2 PM yesterday,Wuhan railway bureau official weibo announcement said:Because of wuchang to Shanghai hongqiao train in dushan D3012 time to occur between luan equipment failure,Cause delays,At the same time affect the subsequent D3082/D3048 inferior to Shanghai train in the direction of different degree of delay.After the failure,Railway departments launched emergency plans,Organize personnel to repair,Cabin crew to provide interpretation and service work on the train.For the old man inside the car/Children such as key visitors key nursing care.In a timely manner according to the ventilation safety operation procedures to open the door.
At the same time,Shanghai railway bureau official weibo,By the railway department to repair,27, 15 points in 20 points,Arms of the train operation order is gradually returned to normal.The inconvenience for passengers,Apologies for the railway sector.
It is understood,At present the cause of the problem is under further investigation.
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