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男子跟团旅游溺水身亡 家属获赔37万--亲稳网络舆情监控室
跟团旅游溺水身亡,游客获赔37万 With tourist group drowned,Maintaining 370000 visitors
法官提醒:旅游最好细签合同交保险 The judge reminded:Travel is best fine sign a contract to pay insurance
Shenyang citizens Li Yan and her husband go out to travel with travel agency,Travel insurance for them the casualty,Husband the sea swim drowned by the sea flooded in misfortune.On April 27,Shenyang evening news reporter learned from I to the people's court,Li Yan company not only won the accident risk compensation of 50000 yuan,Also received the travel agency for failing to do security duty and compensation of 370000 yuan.
案发:游客溺水身亡 The crime:Tourists drowned
On July 11, 2011,Li Yan TieXi in shenyang one travel agency office to sign up for the gold sand beach swim 2,Li Yan and her husband and five people sign the travel with the travel agency contract,Travel agencies responsible for transport/Room and board/Tour guide and travel liability insurance and so on.On July 16,,Li Yan and her husband and five people came to the golden sand beach with travel agency.The guide to remind,Be sure to pay attention to safety.Li Yan husband and others then the sea to swim,Guide to leave the scene.
I didn't think,When the water of the sea at high tide.A huge waves,Li Yan husband was involved in deep water,died.
法院:旅行社有疏忽 The court:Travel agencies have a negligence
Due to the travel agency to deal with the travel accident insurance for its,Li Yan got the insurance compensation from insurance company 50000 yuan,But didn't fulfill the duty security Li Yan think the travel agency,Is the cause of her husband died unexpectedly,Li Yan default to travel to and the insurance company to court,Demand compensation for death compensation/Funeral expenses/Emotional distress, such as 420000 yuan.
Travel agency said,He has fulfilled tell obligation according to the safety and carefully select obligations,No fault,Not bear the liability for compensation.
I think a trial of the people's court of the people,Travel agencies in subjective have omission to perform the contract/Objective there are mistakes,In violation of the statutory safeguards obligations.About Li Yan put forward the spirit of the $50000 as damages,The court said the case for the default proceeding,No legal basis.Due to the travel agency for the deceased covered by insurance against liability for tourism,In the end,Court sentenced death insurance compensation/Funeral expenses and more than 370000 yuan.
提醒:发生意外可诉讼 remind:An accident can suit
I judge Wang Yujue said,Tourist group to travel,And travel agencies have to conclude a contract for the travel,Detailed agreement tourist attractions/Cost and other relevant issues,When a dispute can be used as evidence of human rights.
In addition,Travel there are many unforeseen safe hidden trouble,Under normal circumstances,Travel agency will charge the corresponding insurance premiums for tourists,Tourists had better ask the insured insurance categories/How much coverage.
Tourists travel accidents in the process of a group,Personal or property damage or loss,In consultation with travel agencies failed cases,To court filed a lawsuit rights.
游客按侵权进行诉讼的话,可以向旅行社方面提出精神损害赔偿。法院在审理此类案件时,会酌情予以支持。而如果按旅游合同违约,法院对精神损害赔偿的请求是不予支持的。 沈阳晚报主任记者 王立军
Visitors according to tort litigation,You can ask the travel agency has put forward the mental damage compensation.The court in such courts,Will take into consideration the support.If according to the tourism contract breach of contract,The request of the court for mental damage compensation is not supported. Shenyang evening news reporter, director of Mr. Wang
丽江6日半自助游 最高每单减800元
Lijiang 6 and a half self-help swim every single highest minus 800 yuan
RMB4385 4385起
【携程旅游】牟尼沟/黄龙+九寨沟4日半自助游 - [Ctrip travel]MouNi jiuzhaigou huanglong ditch / + 4 and a half self-help tour
RMB3600 3600起
【携程旅游】西藏4地10日经济团队游 - [Ctrip travel]4 to 10, Tibet's economic team
RMB3580 3580起
【携程旅游】漓江阳朔龙脊梯田 5日半自助游 - [Ctrip travel]The lijiang river yangshuo Tours dragon ridge terrace 5 and a half
RMB3080 3080起
【捷达旅游】韩国全景深度6日游 - [Jet travel]South Korea panoramic depth 6, swim
RMB3699 3699起
【携程旅游】香港中转 台湾环岛8日团队游 - [Ctrip travel]Hong Kong transit Taiwan Tours around the island 8
RMB5199 5199起
【携程旅游】香港往返 巴厘岛5日豪华半自助游 - [Ctrip travel]Hong Kong luxury Bali 5 half self-help swim back and forth
RMB2899 2899起
【凤凰国旅】韩国首尔周末2日自由行 - [Phoenix CITS]Seoul, South Korea 2 day free at the weekend
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Woman bikini island
Emergency trip how to deal with
The Netherlands not only sex
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