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"The May Day"near,The national development and reform commission announced on the domestic government guidance pricing and government pricing over 1200 scenic spots tickets preferential.but,In the specific fare discount measures,But some scenic spot play"issue",Either to delay our holidays,To avoid the"The May Day"The holiday;Either up before discount,Ticket prices barely move.This so-called reduction behavior of the lack of sincerity,Essence is the price when the stunt,Fool and deceive the public.
In the ancient city of phoenix/A lot of scenic spots on every day will get a much-maligned background,Scenic spot prices are laudable,To carefully scrutinize,Disappointed with.Price mostly unknown in scenic area scenic area of aaa and below,Some of the new attractions,Doubt is the opportunity to sell advertising.And the price of the scenic spot"nominal",Or people to avoid travel peak"The May Day"During the holiday;Such as huangshan/Like emei scenic spot of the preferential time is after May 2;Or jump before they are small,Even after the price is higher than before the price also.
Scenic spot tickets to rise not only,Exposure to accumulate wealth is thinking;Lack of sincerity of so-called price cut,Torture is the government's credibility.Good governance also needs to be good,If the lack of rigorous review,To put an end to scenic spot of muddling through false price,Let the public have a fool is the feeling of being deceived,Could eventually lead to good governance is difficult to end well,More than JiaoHaoSheng bawl.
Scenic spot price not USES stunt,The public questioned the sincerity to move,In the final analysis or hope to be able to establish reasonable and transparent pricing mechanism of the scenic spot,To avoid these originally belongs to the famous mountains and great rivers of public resources,To the benefit of a few companies and departments.The good news is,The latest proposals, have made it clear that in the future tourism scenic spot prices need to solicit opinions from the tourists,And ahead of the hearing.But how to further implement,Is subject to a specific implementation rules and methods.
名山大川,壮美风景,这是全民的宝贵财富,更是生态环境和历史文化教育的载体。景区降价是让公众更多分享公共资源和传承历史文化的有益尝试,但愿今后这样的尝试能多一些诚意少一些缺憾。(记者 杨玉华)
Famous mountains and great rivers,Magnificent scenery,This is the precious wealth of the whole nation,Is the carrier of the ecological environment and historical and cultural education.Scenic spot price is for a greater share of public resources and public inheritance history and culture of beneficial attempt,I hope in the future attempts to less sincerity more defects.(The reporter Yang Yuhua)

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Lijiang 6 and a half self-help swim every single highest minus 800 yuan
RMB4385 4385起
【携程旅游】牟尼沟/黄龙+九寨沟4日半自助游 - [Ctrip travel]MouNi jiuzhaigou huanglong ditch / + 4 and a half self-help tour
RMB3600 3600起
【携程旅游】西藏4地10日经济团队游 - [Ctrip travel]4 to 10, Tibet's economic team
RMB3580 3580起
【携程旅游】漓江阳朔龙脊梯田 5日半自助游 - [Ctrip travel]The lijiang river yangshuo Tours dragon ridge terrace 5 and a half
RMB3080 3080起
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RMB3699 3699起
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RMB5199 5199起
【携程旅游】香港往返 巴厘岛5日豪华半自助游 - [Ctrip travel]Hong Kong luxury Bali 5 half self-help swim back and forth
RMB2899 2899起
【凤凰国旅】韩国首尔周末2日自由行 - [Phoenix CITS]Seoul, South Korea 2 day free at the weekend
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