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赢了市场丢了利润 携程触及成长天花板--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  2012年11月6日,携程发布了第三季度财报:净营业收入同比增长20%;净利润1.94亿元人民币,同比下降40%;营业利润率为16%,而这个数字去年同期为31%,上季度为17%。携程的财报,一经面世就在近几个月OTA(在线旅游服务商)“价格战”所引发的喧嚣中,又泼进了一捧滚油;而在净利润及利润率这两个关键数据上,毫无疑问,投资者的信心受到了直接打击。 On November 6, 2012,Ctrip released third quarter earnings:Net operating income increased by 20% as compared;Net profit is 194 million yuan RMB,40% year-on-year drop;Operating profit rate is 16%,And this number for 31% from the same period last year,The last quarter was 17%.Ctrip of earnings,Once appeared in recent months OTA(Online travel service provider)"Price war"Caused uproar,And spilled into a handful of rolling oil;And in net profit margins and the two key data,There is no doubt that,Investor confidence by the direct attack.


 价格战的意义何在? What is the meaning of the price war?


"In the eyes of investors,Price war bottom line is to maintain good profitability,Can't damage their profitability.If the listed company determined to price war,Results damage their profitability,Apparently in the challenge of the bottom line of investors."Domestic famous tourism scholars PeiYu told reporters.Look from the earnings,Four consecutive quarter of decline in net profit of ctrip,It is so.


July ctrip high-profile claims,Pre authorization by $500 million in sales,Thus OTA"Price war"Began to hot up.Ctrip percentile results show,The hotel YuDingLiang over the same period increased by 40%,Netizens therefore calls"Ctrip living long a dragon out of art",It was also ctrip considered the most dazzling price war victory.But at the same time,Ctrip sales and marketing costs soar 74% year-on-year,Link growth of 39%,This is considered to be the cause of the lower its profit.


Citigroup analyst pointed out,Ctrip business foundation is very weak,Still face the fierce market competition this means ctrip profits may be more and more thin,And low price to bring customers,At any time may be low away.Price war does not embody the ctrip in service and technical innovation progress,It is the key.


"Investors in the eyes of price war,is"Price segmentation"strategy,Hold down costs,Using low price strategy to grab market share,Defeat away competitors,Popularly say"Price butcher"."PeiYu for reporters analysis way,"This strategy is will produce net income,But never can damage their profitability.Ctrip margins decline,Will certainly make investors feel confused."According to this logic,Investors would doubt the significance of the price war damage their profitability,The price war?


Of course,See the hotel YuDingLiang lift from the long-term bullish investors have also,Such as Morgan Stanley,But they maintain the ctrip shares"Shareholding wait-and-see"rating,And clearly pointed out that this is for ctrip short-term profitability uncertain consideration.In fact,Waiting for ctrip profit margins of stabilising institutions still has a lot of."Because listed years of ctrip has come to give returns stage."PeiYu pointed out that,"Investors hesitate very normal".


 对“创新”的质疑 to"innovation"questions


Earnings in the analysts conference,Ctrip management emphasizes the first two,Products are involved in innovation and technological innovation:Third quarter international air ticket booking quantity year-on-year growth of 50% and ctrip wireless download 15 million times/About 10% of the hotel trade from the wireless channel.This to a certain extent caused the investors' interest.

  “在海外旅游(出境游)市场这一块,出境游市场的价值主体区域依次是日本、欧洲和美国,这三大目的地市场最困难的是旅游签证,此为服务业贸易的非关税壁垒,携程是否具备令投资者信服的核心竞争力,能够有效突破这一壁垒?其次,进入出境游市场,中国国旅 (601888 股吧,行情,资讯,主力买卖)和港中旅两大央企占据核心市场资源,携程是否具备令投资者信服的核心资源,能够有效打败两大央企?这两个问题,需要携程给出清晰答案。”裴钰告诉《中国企业报》记者。

"In the overseas tourism(Outbound tourism)Market this one,Outbound tourism market value subject area in turn is Japan/Europe and the United States,These three destination market the most difficult a tourist visa,This is a service industry trade non-tariff barriers,Ctrip whether to have to convince investors the core competitiveness,Can effectively break through the barriers?secondly,Enter the outbound tourism market,CITS (601888 strands of it,market,information,Main business)And two CTSHK renmin occupy core market resources,Ctrip whether to have to convince investors the core resources,Can effectively beat two big renmin?These two problems,Need to clear the answer given ctrip."PeiYu tell[Chinese enterprises to]reporter.


And in the progress of the mobile Internet on,Ctrip also does not have the advantage of ditching opponents.PeiYu pointed out that:"For enterprise,Technology innovation does not mean that in a crowded market mature achieve commercial success.In the investors see,First the patented innovation technology,Can get"into"qualifications,secondly,The correct implementation of the strategy to profit.Ctrip have to ensure that enter the patent technology,And will use what kind of profit strategy,These two problems also need ctrip clear answer."In fact,Ctrip in mobile Internet layout already down to"Defensive position",Its massive call center also often have noticed for the competition.Ctrip in mobile Internet field works,Is not so much the initiative innovation,But rather a pursued.


"For companies to,Innovation is the only standard produced net income."PeiYu think.To standard,Ctrip do still far from enough.


“开放平台”迷雾陡升 "Open platform"Mists high


Most investors attracted the eyes,Or electronic"Open platform"Long-term strategy.Ctrip CEO FanMin analysts conference on Wednesday,Open platform will introduce more provider,To provide more services,And also provides various services for business cooperation.In PeiYu seems,The direction is ctrip can really boost investor confidence place.


"The traditional OTA mode have entered into the cold winter,This value chain innovation brings the profitability of the basic touch the ceiling."PeiYu said,"If there is no new business model innovation,In the competition more and more cases,Ctrip margins lower is inevitable."He also think,Ctrip do"The third party open platform"Is a good will,because"Platform mode"Means that the expansion of the commercial scale is big and fast,This will completely broken imprison ctrip development the key chains.


But on November 11,,Ctrip in taobao travel,It makes the"Open platform"Strategic become complicated and confusing.

  分析师会议期间,摩根士丹利分析师季卫东曾就“开放平台”提出以下问题:服务提供商的反馈如何?现在进展如何了?但携程管理层当时并没有给予明确解释,只是强调携程有做开放平台的良好基础。花旗分析师也曾对携程 “开放平台”的战略产生质疑:他们认为,打造开放平台的携程网会面临与去哪儿和淘宝网的激烈竞争。

Analysts during the meeting,Morgan Stanley analyst JiWeiDong had"Open platform"Put forward the following problems:Service providers feedback?Now how progress?But electronic management was not given clear explanations,Only emphasis on ctrip do open platform of the good foundation.Citigroup analysts also have those who hold "Open platform"The strategy, being questioned:They think,Build open platform of ctrip will face and where to go and taobao fierce competition.


Ctrip in taobao travel,Obviously and investors expected vary widely,But it is already established facts.PeiYu think,The core of ctrip next problem has become:How to effectively safeguard their own consumption tourists and merchants will not be taobao travel both"Spirit away"?"If lack of security,Will face into taobao travel platform on a shop dangerous trend of the seller."PeiYu said.


"After so many years,OTA mode innovation ability of the basic touch the ceiling."PeiYu said,"For example,Ctrip and financial institutions of cooperation,Always stay in product innovation of low level.If there is no business model innovation,Play products,Is't win play mode."


"OTA commercial myth end,Does not mean ctrip, etc the enterprise did not turn over of the day."PeiYu said,"They are such large dimension/Brand high quality enterprise,Internet companies should revive tradition of innovation,Give up"One hundred years old mason"Such labor-intensive old routines."PeiYu think,As long as the OTA to start business model innovation,More innovative Wolf sex,Is worth investors continue to focus on.
