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中新网福州5月6日电 (龙敏 谢汉杰)存有130多通墓碑的涉台文物东山戍守台湾将士墓群,近日入选大陆第七批全国重点文物保护单位。福建省东山县6日对外透露,将以此为契机,投入专项资金,进一步促进海峡文化旅游名城建设。
中新网福州5月6日电 (Long Min Xie Hanjie)Has more than 130 members tombs on taiwan-related dongshan defended Taiwan cultural relics of the tomb,Mainland recently elected the seventh batch of national key cultural relics protection units.6, revealed in dongshan county, fujian province,将In order to此为契机,Put into special funds,To further promote the channel construction of cultural and tourism city.
据介绍,Is located in tongling town dongshan county second middle school nearby"Dongshan defended Taiwan soldiers tombs",Covers an area of about 240 square meters,There is more than 130 gravestones,Most of the tombstone engraved with the name,There are 2 links, tombstone engraved, respectively"Eight law"/"Nineteen people lost name"With the words such as.In 2008,,The tombs by fujian provincial government named"National defense education base",By the provincial government announced in December 2009 as the seventh batch of provincial-level cultural relics protection unit.
史料记载,Dongshan island close to the island,Closely related to.When the qing dynasty,Decided to go to Taiwan and ruling class every 3 years,In the quotation(Dongshan island today)A total of more than 40000 officers and soldiers to our Taiwan respectively/peng.Round of note and sign quotation of Taiwan,All previous stroke civil disturbance suppression in Taiwan/Sacrifice a lot against outside invasion.In 1847,,Dongshan people to mark out our Taiwan and martyrdom,Acquire in south gate bay cui cloud palace by the sea"His temple",For the 2nd defensibly machine-team undead memorial tablet.
东山县文体局长郑江辉介绍认为,Dongshan defensibly Taiwan soldiers tombs in China key cultural relics protection units,Taiwan will further promote dongshan county cultural relics protection and development.
据了解,The new 55 of fujian province national key cultural relics protection units(Containing three consolidation project),One such Taiwan related artifacts.At this point,Fujian province has"The bartender"Relics involving an increase in the number to 80,For the largest number.
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