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凤凰吊桥事故初步查明 已排除人为破坏可能--亲稳舆论引导监测室
“凤凰一跨河吊桥倾斜游客落水”追踪 "Phoenix a suspension bridge across a river tilt tourists fell down"tracking
综合新华社电 记者从湖南凤凰县政府昨日下午召开的新闻发布会上获悉,钢绞线拉索的拉钩、受力立柱断裂是导致凤凰古城篝火晚会吊桥倾斜事故的主要原因。截至1日22时,共有24名落水游客到医院检查,2人轻伤留院观察,其余22人登记后均回宾馆休息。搜救队未发现有人溺水死亡,搜救目前仍在进行之中。出事篝火晚会负责人已被控制。
综合新华社电 记者从湖南凤凰县政府昨日下午召开的新闻发布会上获悉,Steel strand cable retractor/Force column fracture is the ancient city of phoenix bonfire party suspension tilting the main reason for the accident.As of 1, 22 when,A total of 24 water visitors to go to the hospital inspection,Two people slightly injured hospital,The remaining 22 people are back to the hotel to rest after registration.Search and rescue team did not find someone drowning deaths,Search and rescue is still in progress.Accident, head of the bonfire party was under control.
通报一 Notify the
已排除人为破坏可能 已排除人为破坏可能
凤凰县委常委/Deputy county magistrate Cai Long said,Peach blossom island bonfire party full name in the direction of the accident"Peach blossom island scenic zone rain bonfire party",Economic types as the sole proprietorship business,Scope of business for"Chinese show",In September, 2011, issued by fenghuang county culture bureau[The commercial performance license],Legal and valid for 2 years.423 tourists on the night of the accident received.Could do the right people(Commonly known as the"Suspension bridge")In May 2010 by private owners built by themselves,In August 2012,Structure for steel cord of wood bridge.
蔡龙还介绍说,And Suggestions for safety in fenghuang county/Traffic and live to build multiple departments to conduct field survey after the preliminary determination is the cause of the accident:A hook is at the south side of the bridge abutment steel strand cable rupture/Steel strand cable partial rupture,Cause the load displacement;2 it is to the east of the abutment steel strand cable force column fracture;3 it is the pedestrian could daily management/Maintenance does not reach the designated position.At present,Has ruled out that damage caused by accident.
5月1日21时10分许,Cotton jiantuo river town village village 3 kilometers away from the peach blossom island fire when the party was over,When tourists after nearly water suspension bridge deck tilt,Lead to 37 tourists fell down.
通报二 On two
凤凰叫停全县篝火晚会 凤凰叫停全县篝火晚会
蔡龙称,As a bonfire party together 1 night happened across a river suspension bridge tilt drowning accidents caused by tourists,Fenghuang county government asked the county bonfire party/Rural tourism sites out of business for security check,And be strong city fire and road traffic safety problems,Ensure the security of the tourism,Involved at the same time and how to carry out comprehensive travel industry safety in production during the special operation.
蔡龙还介绍,Accident, head of the bonfire party was under control,Tilt for suspension bridge accidents,Fenghuang county will continue to carry out rescue work,An overall, screen until all the water clear,Will give the injured tourists the best treatment,To reassure visitors drowning,To compensate for lost property,At the same time, in accordance with the law in accordance with the rules for the cause of the accident and the responsibility investigation.
- 游客讲述 - visitors about
桥头无警示牌现场无人值勤 桥头无警示牌现场无人值勤
据新华社电 “桥上人挤人,晃得特别厉害,突然右边拉索断掉了,桥面都立起来了,我头朝下掉进水里。”落水游客台伟强在凤凰县人民医院三楼病房向记者讲述了吊桥倾斜事故现场情况。
据新华社电 "Bridge people crowded people,Shakes so badly,All of a sudden severed cable on the right,Bridge deck are set up,I upside down into the water."Tourists to Taiwan wei drowning is strong on the third floor in fenghuang county people's hospital ward told reporters the drawbridge tilt the scene of the accident.
三天前,Taiwan wei and his wife Chen came to the ancient city of phoenix travel from Inner Mongolia.On the evening of May 1st,Two people in the peach blossom island for a bonfire party,"A car I regret it,The road is not good,You feeling very dangerous on a suspension bridge."Taiwan wei said,On the way back and forth on-site staff channel/Guidance and to maintain order.
大约晚9点左右,Tourists returning from bonfire party scene."It is too dark,Bridge plate high one low one,rough,It is very difficult,"Chen said.
为了尽快坐上大巴,Tourists often hurried back."All people to pile on the bridge,We in the dial the person behind the most.I heard someone said‘Can't here any more,Bridge is broken’,The people behind will dare not go up."
台伟强和陈丽走至桥面中间时,Suddenly broken lasso upstream direction,"The bridge deck stand up immediately,I feel like I'm upside down,Suddenly plunge into the water."
落水之后,Can't swim Chen holding her husband's neck,Strong and wei together swim ashore,"Shore scene isn't as messy as it was,Most visitors are not too scared,A lot of people are not injured."
陈丽告诉记者,Suspension bridge at both ends are no warning signs,"Everyone don't know whether the bridge is on many people."Site also does not have staff on duty,"When we come back,There is a lamp to the end of the bridge,On the other side not,People all go back,But the front is too dark,So in front of the person walk slowly,Are crowded together."
受轻伤的游客中,Some people in the bridge deck tilt on the cable,So the skin was cut injury."There is a man climbs the lasso,Bridge plate put the belly scratches."

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