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German man decathlon player BeiLun bloom in Helsinki, Finland, was just finished with a final euro track and field on 8558 points for the champion,The second good grades in the world this year also allow the German in track and field to the Olympics this year a breakthrough full of confidence。But in an interview with German media has accepted,The hope star have publicly accused from eastern Europe competitors using the drug,Caused uproar。

  在日前接受《图片报》采访的时候,现年27岁的贝伦布鲁施说道:“我一直都感觉俄罗斯、白俄罗斯以及乌克兰的选手在服用禁药。我现在的教练此前也在俄罗斯执教过,他和我说东欧的人也认为我们一直在服药。 ”贝伦布鲁施确信来自东欧的选手们一直都在服用禁药:“我十分确信,他们一直都在服药,但是即使这样我也有信心和他们竞争。 ”

Before the accept《bild》Interview with the,The 27-year-old BeiLun bloom shi said:“I've been feeling Russia、Belarus and Ukraine player in using the drug。Now I coach before coached in Russia,He and I said eastern Europe also say that we have been in the medicine。 ”BeiLun bloom was sure from eastern Europe players have been using the drug:“I am sure that,They have been the medicine,But even so I also have confidence and their competition。 ”

  在贝伦布鲁施看来,这些来自东欧的运动员服药的原因是为了尽快脱离贫困:“即使一个德国运动员最终在奥运会只获得第7名的成绩,他也能买得起漂亮的房子和车子,但是同样情况的乌克兰人可能还和父母挤在一个屋子里。在这种情况下,他们选择铤而走险服用兴奋剂的动力更大。 ”

In BeiLun bloom was opinion,These athletes from eastern Europe reason was to take medicine as soon as possible out of poverty:“Even if a German athletes eventually in the Olympic Games only get the seventh grades,He also can afford beautiful house and car,But the same Ukrainian may and parents crowded in one room。In this case,They choose desperate doping power more。 ”

  在两周前结束的欧洲田径锦标赛上,贝伦布鲁施以8558分的个人最好成绩拿到最后的冠军。尽管在他看来,不少竞争对手可能都服用过兴奋剂,但是贝伦布鲁施对于即将开始的奥运会依然充满了信心:“我一定要拿到一枚奖牌,在我看来拿到银牌和铜牌是绝对有可能的,金牌的要求对我还是太高了,伊顿如果不犯错误的话,还是比我要强一些。 ”美国十项全能选手伊顿在此前的美国国内田径选拔赛上刚刚以9039分的成绩打破了尘封10年之久的世界纪录。不过在2008年北京奥运会上获得十项全能冠军的美国选手克莱由于在选拔赛中失误最终无缘伦敦奥运。

Two weeks ago at the end of the European athletics championships,BeiLun bloom with 8558 points of personal best time get the final champion。Although in his view,Many competitors may be taking performance-enhancing drugs,But BeiLun bloom to start of the Olympic Games was still full of confidence:“I'm going to get a medal,It seems to me to get the silver and bronze MEDALS are absolutely possible,The requirements of the gold medal for me is still too high,Eaton to make mistakes if words,Or better than me some。 ”The United States decathlon player Eaton in previous American domestic track and field trials with 9039 points in just the result broke the dusty 10 years of world record。But in the 2008 Beijing Olympics was the decathlon champions of the American players clay in trials because of errors in the London games out eventually。
