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安东尼两年婚姻亮红灯 被曝与19岁少女有染(图)--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  中新网7月13日电 据外电报道,纽约尼克斯小前锋安东尼前天刚与太太拉拉庆祝了两周年结婚纪念日。翌日,马上就有媒体曝出了安东尼的艳史,传言称,安东尼与19岁的少女亚细亚-梦露有染。

Beijing, July 13 (Reuters) as dispatches from foreign news agencies report,The New York knicks small forward carmelo Anthony and the day before yesterday just two years after Mrs. Celebrate labradors wedding anniversary。The following day,Right away, of the media to expose the Anthony today,rumors,Anthony and 19 year old girl-Marilyn Monroe Asia had an affair。


Asia-Monroe is in a media interviews disclosure of the news,She think that anyone would have interest to listen to her and carmelo Anthony with sleeping in a bed of what happened。


Asia-not what Monroe inferior girl,She is a 19 year old graceful girl。Can let the seeks and Anthony young woman is very excited,She very anxious to let the world know that this thing。For this,She revealed some details at:Such as Anthony like her“Legs hang it on yourself”。

  亚细亚-梦露还披露了她与安东尼的来往邮件。安东尼在邮件中这样写道:“想念你的吻,送你的礼物感觉怎么样?” 亚细亚-梦露回复了这份邮件:“感谢你送的鞋子。”安东尼在邮件中说:“如果你保持沉默不把这件事往外说的话,你会得到更多的礼物。比赛热身之前,我会去找你的。”看来,为了堵住情妇的嘴,安东尼花了不少钱。

Asia-Monroe has revealed she and Anthony with E-mail。Anthony in the mail wrote:“Miss you kiss,Send your gift feel?” Asia-Monroe reply to this message:“Thank you for the shoes。”Anthony in the mail said:“If you keep silence is not put the matter to the said,You will get more gifts。Warm-up game before,I will find you。”look,To silence the lips of the mistress,Anthony spent a lot of money。


With the news,Anthony in Atlanta and a mistress。
