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王娇上体校担心被拐跑 女奥运冠军在家被喊儿子--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  北京奥运会到伦敦奥运会,四年过去了,时间在变,但王家一直没变。沈阳市苏家屯区十里河镇五里街村,一个三间房的院落,跟王娇成名前没有任何改变。午后的村子里,显得非常安静,但再有二十多天,王娇现身伦敦奥运会赛场,王家就会重现四年前满院子人山人海的场景,王娇的妈妈现在都记得,“北京奥运会女子摔跤决赛那天,我家大门都被挤坏了! ”

The Beijing Olympic Games to the London Olympics,Four years on,Time is changing,But the wang has not changed。Li river town in sujiatun district five miles village street,A three rooms of the courtyard,J before the king with no change to fame。The afternoon in the village,Appear very quiet,But have more than 20 days,The king charming appeared the Olympics for London,The wangs will reappear four years ago a yard full of people mountain people sea scene,The king jiao of mother now remember,“Beijing Olympic women's wrestling final day,Our door is crowded broken! ”


上体校担心被拐跑 Who worry about being turned on the run

  王娇的父母非常淳朴,这是每一个到她家采访的记者共同感受。来王家之前,王娇的父亲王维强在电话里专门嘱咐记者:“沈阳这两天一直都有大雨,你们开车来可要注意啊。 ”等赶到王家时,王娇父母早把水果摆好,还拿出了王娇出国打比赛时带回的糖果。

The king of the parents are very simple j,It is each to her home to the reporter interviewed common feelings。Come before the,The king of the WangWeiJiang j father on the phone special charged reporter:“Shenyang this two days have been the heavy rain,You can drive to pay attention to it。 ”Etc WangGuShi to,Jiao parents early fruit king set,Also took out the king charming go abroad was playing back to candy。

  不用过多铺垫,话题自然而然地提到了王娇。提到女儿的成长经历,王娇爸爸如数家珍,“孩子最开始练的不是摔跤,而是柔道。差不多练了一个学期吧,她11岁的时候,改行练摔跤。 ”王娇从小个头大,力量足,进入苏家屯区体校后,她开始接受正规训练。说到上体校,王娇妈妈还讲了一个故事。“王娇小时候长得非常可爱,谁见了都喜欢,孩子去体校的时候,我还有点不放心,万一要是冒牌体校,可别把王娇给拐跑了。 ”王妈妈笑着说。

Don't have too much matting,Topic naturally mentioned the king charming。The growth of the daughter that experience,The king charming father, as he sees them,“The children began to practice is not the wrestling,But judo。Almost a semester practice it,She was 11 years old,Rerouted to practice wrestling。 ”The king from a j,Full power,Into the existent after the who,She began to accept regular training。Said who on,The king charming mother also told a story。“The king was very cute little time,Who met with like,Children who go to,I have some trepidation,One thousand if who counterfeit,Don't put the king to run the turn j。 ”WangMaMa said with a laugh。

  王娇从小爱好体育,蹦、跳都比同龄孩子好,淘气的王娇喜欢皮球,爸爸就给她买了一个篮球,“她小时候什么都玩,像弹玻璃球,男孩子喜欢的,她也爱玩。 ”王娇身体条件好,在上小学的时候就体现出来了,小学校开运动会,王娇报了三个项目,一百米、二百米和接力赛。前两项,她都拿了第一,“孩子爆发力好。 ”王妈妈说。可接力赛,王娇所在的组拿了倒数第二,还原当时的情景,王妈妈说:“她跑接力就像玩似的,用脚尖颠地跑,那能跑第一吗?结果,孩子跑下来我问她,‘你怎么不使劲’,王娇说,‘妈妈中午你没给我吃饱饭啊’! ”

The king charming from love sports,jumping、Jump than children of the same age,The king of the naughty jiao like a ball,My father bought her a basketball,“She was a child what all play,Like the glass ball,The boys like,She also love to play。 ”The king body condition good j,In elementary school will show up,School sports meeting,The king charming called the three projects,One hundred m、Two hundred meters and relays。First two,She took the first,“The explosive force good children。 ”WangMaMa said。But the relay race,The king charming group took the second,Restore the scene at the time,WangMaMa said:“She ran the relay is like playing like,In Britain the toes ran,That can run the first?The results,The child ran down I asked her,‘Why don't you put out strength’,The king jiao said,‘Mother noon you didn't have enough to eat it’! ”


为啥叫王娇“儿子”? Is what name is wang charming“son”?


The king charming is the only child in the family,After 2008 Beijing Olympic Games,King WangWeiJiang accept TV jiao dad,Manager called king charming“son”,Until now,The king charming to call home,WangWeiJiang or a one“son”,Why so call?Given the king dad answers。

  王娇性格就像个男孩! ”王维强说。比如,王娇没上小学那会,家里种水稻,王妈妈插秧的时候,都要穿上靴子,免得被水田里的蚂蝗叮上。可王娇天不怕地不怕,光脚就下去,毫无畏惧。再有,等到收割的时候,王妈妈去地里割稻子,小王娇也拿着刀帮妈妈干活,妈妈担心她用刀伤到手,就不让她干。可女儿说啥都不同意,一个不注意,把手割破了。“她从来不哭,即使感冒发烧打针打点滴,也不哭一声。这孩子,干活麻利痛快,她现在从事摔跤这个行业,如果她干别的,也是一把好手。 ”王妈妈幸福地说。

The king charming personality is like a boy! ”WangWeiJiang said。For example,The king didn't elementary school that j,Home rice,WangMaMa rice seedlings,All want to put on the boots,So that was the leeches ding in the paddy fields。But the king charming is fearless,Light foot will go down,Without fear。more,Wait until the time of harvest,WangMaMa cutting rice to the ground,Wang charming also take knife to help my mother do the work,My mum was worried that she had with hand,Do not let her do。But her daughter said what all don't agree,A do not pay attention to,Put his hand cut。“She never cries,Even if a cold fever an injection was put on a drip,Also don't cry with a。The child,Work a hemp the,She now engaged in wrestling the industry,If she does other,Is also a player。 ”WangMaMa said happily。

  王维强口中的“儿子”非常孝顺,没成名的时候,王娇总和家里说,打出成绩改善家里的生活。 2005年十运会,王娇拿到金牌,她用奖金,帮助父母盖成了现在的三间房子;有一次爸爸骑摩托车摔伤了膝盖,心疼的王娇“埋怨”爸爸,随后她就给爸爸买了一辆私家车。“穷人的孩子早当家,王娇有这个劲头。 ”王娇的父母非常欣慰。

WangWeiJiang mouth“son”Very filial piety,When not famous,The king charming sum home said,Results improve life at home hit。 10 in 2005,The king charming than gold,She pay,Help parents cover became three rooms now;Have a dad ride a motorcycle broke his knee,Love of king charming“blame”dad,Then she would tell dad bought a car。“The poor children early charge,The king has the momentum j。 ”The king jiao of parents very gratified。


一辈子感谢路海教练 Thank you for a lifetime road sea coach


From the normal rural children to the present an Olympic champion,The king and her parents j mentioned most a person is the way the sea king-jiao of teacher。From the existent who to who,The king is the way the coach of the j,Always take her to the present。Just to city who,The wang family is poor,In order to offer the child,The wangs or even give up to two foetuses。At that time,WangWeiJiang also bought a three-wheeled,Sell some food for the king the cost of j。There was a time,WangGuRen think can't keep up,At that time the cost of 400 yuan per month,For the ordinary rural family is a heavy burden。

  王妈妈找到路海,表达了想把孩子领回去的想法。路海问明情况后,当即决定,每个月为王娇承担一半的费用。王妈妈还清晰地记得,“当时路海教练问王娇还想不想练时,王娇流着眼泪说‘练’。那一刻,我就觉得对不起孩子。多亏了路海教练啊,我们感谢他一辈子。 ”

WangMaMa find the way,Expressed the idea of the children brought back。The road after inquire,Immediately decided to,Each month for the king charming paid half of the costs。WangMaMa also remember clearly,“At that time the manager asked the king road jiao also want to practice,The king charming tears said‘practice’。At that moment,I feel sorry for children。Thanks to the way the coaches,We thank him for a lifetime。 ”


Although home of shenyang and not far from who,But the king jiao of parents or don't want to go to see the children,“We also know that the king charming training bitter,But my eyes have seen her suffer the appearance of involvement,We can't stand。”so,Every time the king charming home,WangMaMa will do children favorite of several courses:Pot bag meat,Ribs bean stew,Fried potato silk......


曾拒绝外省优厚条件 Had refused to provincial favourable conditions

  1988年出生的王娇,在2008奥运会和更早的时间,她成绩一直都比较稳定。这样的选手,难免会被其他省份盯上,一旦被相中,高薪、住房等相关问题都会开出优越条件。王娇也曾接到过包括广东在内省份的邀请,别看当时王娇小,但她十分注重“辽宁情结”,王妈妈说,“王娇总是强调一句话,不能让教练白培养我。 ”

Born in 1988, the king of the charming,In 2008 the Olympic Games and the earlier time,She scores have been more stable。This player,Hard to avoid can be targeting other provinces,Once the phase,High pay、Housing problems related to superior conditions will open。The king has got a j, including guangdong province invitation,Don't look at that time king petite,But she pay attention to“Liaoning complex”,WangMaMa said,“The king is always emphasized a word j,Can't let coach white training I。 ”

  提到当年的这段经历,王妈妈回忆说,“当时八一、广东都想要王娇,一些地方还给我们承诺,给买房子,还给我和王娇她爸安排工作,但我们坚决不能去!”王娇的父母都是极为明事理的人,“现在的人,一般都是‘利’字当头,教练培养孩子,要出息的时候突然就走了,拽也拽不回来,你走了,留给教练的就是冷水盆子,这样的事情,我们不能做。”王妈妈说了一个浅显的道理,“如果王娇去广东,说到底也是给中国争光,但站在自己的角度,我们要先给辽宁人争光,这不是钱的事。小鸟翅膀硬了就走了,这能对得起教练吗,能对得起培养我们的人吗!路海教练长年跟着队员,不照顾家,哪个队员不是一把手一把手教出来的,多不容易啊! ” 首席记者 姚国繁

Mention that year of this experience,WangMaMa recalls,“At the time of bayi、Guangdong all want king charming,Some place back to our commitments,To buy a house,Back to my king and her dad's work arrangements j,But we will not go!”The king of the parents are extremely j grown men,“Now the people,Are generally‘the’Character overhead,Coach cultivate children,To beat it suddenly went away,Ye also ye not to come back,You go to the,For coach is cold water basin,Such things,We can't do。”WangMaMa said a simple truth,“If the king to guangdong j,In the final analysis, the honor of China,But stood in their point of view,We need to give people the honor in liaoning,This is not about money。The bird wings hard and went away,This can get coach,Can we get training!The elder follow players coach road,Don't take care of the house,Which player is not a hand a teach out,Much not easy! ” Chief reporter YaoGuo numerous
