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凯塔加盟中超巴萨队友送祝福 皮克:在中国好运--亲稳网络舆情监测室


Although KaiDa lost in Barcelona last season in the side,But he in Barcelona teammate heart still a worthy of respect,In KaiDa sure from Barcelona,And the coast's after signing,Many of his team-mates on a blessing。KaiDa in Barcelona achieved many honors,The four seasons in Barcelona,KaiDa play 188 games,Scored 22 goals,11 assists contributions,Under the win-win 14 trophy。In addition,KaiDa also in Barcelona kept another honor,He is the only one in Lionel messi in Barcelona for the past three seasons hat-trick player,In October 2009 Barcelona to zaragoza in the game,Barcelona with 6:1 win,KaiDa on to get a hat-trick。

  在得知凯塔离开的消息后,很多巴萨队员都在自己的微博上表达了惋惜之情,同时也对他的中国之旅给予了祝福。刚刚在欧洲杯上跟随西班牙队夺得冠军的皮克说:“与凯塔共享一个更衣室4年是荣幸,他是一名好球员,并且是一个非常好的人。祝愿我的朋友在中国好运!”前两年加盟巴萨的阿根廷中场马斯切拉诺则说:“塞杜·凯塔,很高兴与你共事美好的两年。我祝福你,我的朋友。 ”

In the news of the KaiDa left after that,Many Barcelona players in their micro blog expressed regret of love,At the same time also on his trip to China gave a blessing。Just at euro title with Spain's peek said:“And KaiDa sharing a locker room is honored to four years,He is a good player,And is a very nice person。Wish my friend in China's good fortune!”Two years before joining the Barcelona Argentine midfielder javier mascherano is said:“Plug d · KaiDa,Very glad to work with you good two years。I wish you,My friend。 ”

  在凯塔确定离开之后,巴塞罗那也开始寻找他的替身,目前他们已经锁定了几个人选,但最终会是谁还没有定论。 首席记者范宏基

In KaiDa sure to leave,Barcelona have also started to look for his doubles,At present they have locked several candidate,But eventually it will is who has not yet been determined。 FanHongJi chief correspondent
