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林丹:3届奥运会无上光荣 伦敦只是“改变”的一站--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
Lin Dan career can take into a perfect documentary,In the past ten years,What had some growing road test,The second team countries spent the basement,The first Olympic Games out of the first round,Has TaoFeiKe、LiZongWei rival of waiting forever。What may be an active seek to change,This not only reflected in his sensitive changeful style,Also reflected in his entire career consistent positive change。In pursuit of the dream of the roads,Lin Dan gradually become the Chinese sports in the world a few sports a piece of calling card。Now Lin has no longer content to do a“Slam the”player,He wants to take on more responsibilities:An example,A part of ordinary life。
逆境成就改变的因子 Adversity of achievement change factor
LinJianBin、GaoXiuYu fujian is a family of ordinary people longyan,And a lot of these families,They also hope for what son upon him。Small when,Lin Dan is often mother GaoXiuYu when a girl to dress up,His first leisure activities are also extremely has the temperament of literature and art electronic organ。But naturally active、Unrestrained Lin Dan ultimately the badminton。
That year,Lin Dan 5 years old,The team is one of the youngest,YaTui every day after pain will shed a tear。After complete the training,Even in the big players with Lin running behind。In the runner-up bayi narrowly into before class amateur,Lin Dan was the only one of the children play with his left hand,Although young、Technology weak,But the body quality is very good,The results of the competition is always up at the front。
And many different peers,In that most children are naughty time,Lin Dan leave only sweat。The age of 9,Lin Dan came to fujian province alone badminton team。After that,What is with the constant training and competition。Lin Dan's mother GaoXiuYu said,The runner-up bayi narrowly son into after seeing very little。Since the ShaoTiJiao fujian from home,Lin Dan began to like to call home。At that moment not adapt to the dormitory life,Every evening cry for a field,Sometimes after training will also tears。He started to miss home,He often write home。Later the phone with the team,Lin Dan had been hit home of soldiers,This habit keep until now。
成长过程并不那么顺利 Growth process is not so good
1995 years,Lin Dan got the national youth men's singles title,He has been liberation army singled out。That year,Lin Dan 12 years old。
From ShaoTiJiao runner-up bayi narrowly to,Then later liberation army,Lin Dan is always the best one of the team,All coaches like this have a strong body of the quality of the explosive force and players。Three years later,The national youth DiaoJin Lin,But the naughty personality and in terms of the negative performance let him have a rough time,Lin Dan be returned ShengDui。A year later,Lin Dan to kill back to national teams。When there is a traditional national team,Didn't team players can only live in the basement,Into the first team rear can arrange his squad dormitory,Lin Dan for this no less in the basement of the life。The day that boil for two years。
2002年,林丹在汤姆斯杯以及随后几站公开赛中皆是首轮出局,“林一轮”的外号就此被叫开。一番坎坷后,林丹晚上时常加练,在随后6站公开赛中拿到5个冠军和1个亚军,并有了自己取胜后的招牌庆祝动作——行军礼。2002年8月22日,林丹首次登顶世界第一。2004年全英锦标赛,林丹战胜偶像皮特·盖德夺冠,世界排名进一步巩固。也正是在那场比赛后,林丹被国外媒体称为“Super Dan”(超级丹)。
2002 years,In Thomas cup and Lin next few standing open all is the first round out,“Skilling round”This was called the nickname open。After a rough,At night JiaLian often,In the next 6 stood open get five titles and 1 second,And after the win the celebrations-signs military-like salute。22 aug. 2002,The first time the world top Lin。In 2004 the all England championships,Peter Kenyon, Lin Dan win over idol title gerd,To further consolidate the world ranking。It was also in after that game,Lin Dan by foreign media called“Super Dan”(Super Dan)。
“I grow up and not so well,I think is actually a good thing。When you overcome difficulties of the time to themselves to improve process,So I feel fine。”After many years the,Lin Dan wu arrived the way,“I believe the future has many athletes in dreams in this,It will have a lot of difficulties,But I believe that they can stick to come over。”
坚持做自己成就全满贯 Hold on to their full all achievements
Before the Athens Olympic Games,Lin Dan for the world have been your first,A second show no。But wait for what is a can't bad ending,excessive“ambition”Let him completely lose myself。After the defeat of the Athens,He even hear“The Olympic Games”Three words could have some scalp pins and needles。After a period of time,Lin Dan realized how others see yourself doesn't matter,The real change is up to you,“I want to do myself,Someone said I madness,But this is not my heart's desire。”The coach and the help of my family,Lin Dan to go out,In preparation for the Beijing Olympic Games cycle。
2007 years,At the age of 65 has returned to initiate any ShangXianHu coach Lin Dan,A year later,Lin Dan in Beijing Olympic Games LiZongWei victory over to win the gold medal。2010 years,Lin Dan in guangzhou Asian again win over LiZongWei,Born from the unprecedented grand slam。“No change in the attitude of life sensitive,There is no back on sensitive technology。No matter how other people see Lin Dan,I am full of gold,I won!”
“If take part in three consecutive Olympic Games,For a player is an honor,This means that you in this decade always kept a good state。”Lin Dan eager to trip to London,That will be his third Olympic Games。But to have all the achievements in full Lin,London is“change”A station。
9 years old up into the professional leagues,What the whole career badminton twenty years,As li ning“Let the change occur”slogan,Lin Dan persistence and hard with for grades and respect。“In fact‘Let the change occur’The slogan for all the athletes are more than,More on all the common people is,All the ordinary person。Whether they are engaged in sports or engaged in another job,All hope that through the efforts to change their ordinary life,I think the meaning of the words were to this。”Lin Dan always adhere to the“Sensitive change to be himself”Attitude of life,He is also keen to take that attitude to influence the people around,Especially young people,Hope they can be like him,In ordinary life to every bit of change。For the sake of the own dream,matured、Become strong、Become brave。(ShenYou)
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