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阿尔滨恐惧感冀望凯塔扫除 升班马心系最后王牌--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  “我们第一个失球,是出于对对手的恐惧。 ”这是大连阿尔滨主帅斯塔诺在大连德比赛后对己队的评价。阿尔滨打到现在,防守与场上注意力的问题没有解决,现在又出现了信心的问题,如何才能解决一系列问题?阿尔滨一直在想办法,换主帅换外援换体能教练,可都不见效。眼看着保级形势日益严峻,阿尔滨还有什么牌可出,眼下,只剩下一张“凯塔”。凯塔将于本周三抵达大连,希望他能像德罗巴一样,马上就为新东家带来一场胜利。

“Our first goal,From the opponent's fear。 ”This is dalian coast's coach in dalian, after the game's skating history of self evaluation。Play to shore's now,On the defensive and attention problems unresolved,Now there are confidence,How to solve a series of problems?Al has been trying to shore,For coach in foreign aid for fitness coach,Not with the effective。See the relegation is serious,What's your shore out,For now,Only next“KaiDa”。KaiDa Wednesday arrived in dalian,Hope he can like didier drogba,For a new club immediately brought about a victory。

  凯塔可以做精神上与道德上的标杆与典范。 ”——瓜迪奥拉点评:阿尔滨现在缺乏一个战术上的与精神上的双重核心。

KaiDa can do mental and moral benchmarking and model。 ”-josep guardiola comment:Shore's lack of a now tactical and spirit of the dual core。


Barcelona KaiDa leave the club announced the news,Barcelona fans response was very strong。There is a Barcelona fans in push on, said:“I won't KaiDa,Not only because his skill,But also because he on the sidelines in the dressing room and personality。”This push forward comments by article, more than 500 times。


KaiDa is a very professional players,He think playing time is a player's life,If playing time can't guarantee,So he or leave,Either retired。That's also when he signed with Barcelona can play time more than 50% as the cause of a free transfer conditions。

  但是如此看重出场时间的凯塔,在上个赛季出场时间无法得到保证时,没有发过一句牢骚,没有对媒体进行过任何一次抱怨。用巴塞罗那媒体评价:“凯塔是瓜迪奥拉上任后签下的第一个外援,也是瓜迪奥拉最喜欢的球员。他一直都是俱乐部最遵守规则的球员,最看中团队精神的球员。 ”

But so value of KaiDa playing time,In the last season playing time cannot be guaranteed,Didn't have a grievance,No on the media any a complain。With Barcelona media evaluation:“KaiDa is josep guardiola signed after taking office of the first foreign aid,Also is the most like player josep guardiola。He has been the most abide by rules of the players club,The most saw team player。 ”

  去年10月31日,巴塞罗那5:0狂胜马洛卡的赛后,凯塔参加了发布会,当时巴萨的中场竞争异常激烈,凯塔的出场时间已经无法得到保证,但被问到有没有压力时,凯塔说:“巴萨有很多世界顶级球员,竞争很激烈,但我感觉很棒,在这里每个球员都有机会踢球。最重要的是,球队让每个人都感到自己很重要,因此所有人只要还在这个团队,就会积极地去为这个团队做点事情。 ”

Last October 31,,Barcelona 5:0 stomp the real mallorca after the game,KaiDa attended the conference,At the time of the Barcelona midfielder is extremely competitive,KaiDa playing time has not guaranteed,But asked if pressure,KaiDa said:“Barcelona have many of the world's top players,Competition is intense,But I feel great,Here every player has a chance to play football。The most important is,The team make everyone feel important,So all the people as long as there was in this team,Will actively to do something for the team。 ”


As a new army tr's coast,Need a big enough of foreign aid as the team's core,So early in the season,The team big reinforcements。But foreign aid personality can bear spiritual leader,Lee arden too casual;The concern is easy-going,But the lack of a leader,And his fame was powerless to bear leader;Originally are expected to do that is LuoShen buck,But LuoShen too big,And his teammates communication is a problem;As for fabio rice,Because playing time not guarantee,Ask to leave。

  凯塔到队后,无论是名气还是实力,都无疑将作为球队核心。他能否担得起大任呢?我们相信瓜迪奥拉对凯塔的评价:“无论场内场外,凯塔都可以做精神上和道德上的标杆。 ”

KaiDa to team after,Whether fame or strengths,As the team are no doubt will core。He can afford to bear responsibility?We believe that the evaluation of KaiDa josep guardiola:“Whether both inside and outside the field,KaiDa can be done the spiritual and moral benchmarks。 ”

  凯塔没有梅西、哈维、伊涅斯塔等队友们那样耀眼,但他是世界级的。 ”——法新社点评:德罗巴光在包厢里站一站,就以强大的气场激励申花完胜北京,希望凯塔的世界级气场,也能扭转阿尔滨的颓势。

KaiDa no Lionel messi、Harvey、Iniesta teammates that such as bright,But he is world class。 ”-AFP comment:Didier drogba in the box stood a light station,In the event of strong incentive shenhua victory over Beijing,Hope KaiDa noted the world class,Also can reverse the coast's flagging。


As a new army tr's coast,Never short of competitive spirit。Dalian Derby in the second half,Sun platinum blood still insists on playing shopping scene,Let us see the staying power of this team。In fact is not only the dalian Derby,A game,Shore's in down,Can goal pursued。But winning percentage is so low,Let a new army in psychological hard to bear。At present,The team to a lack of confidence。


Shanghai shenhua record during the first half of the season slump,But ZhuJun still Shouting title slogan,Because he believes didier drogba,Half of the season after wins out of a miracle can look forward to。At the time that ZhuJun and great in the media,But it is unexpected。Last weekend to didier drogba,His dressing room to see a face with his teammates,In hongkou stadium to fans waved,In the box see the game,The first half of the season, has been sluggish shenhua in 3:1 victory over Beijing national security。Some say:Is it a coincidence。Some say:Didier drogba is the gas is too strong,He is in the box station a station,Gas is radiation on his teammates,Incentive teammates victory over Beijing national security。


Coincidence or,Gas powerful or,In short didier drogba's arrival,Affect only the vision。His strength and charm,Does influence the teammates。


Compared with didier drogba,KaiDa charm will send ten percent,At least KaiDa grow not didier drogba handsome,Not the African Andy lau。But KaiDa strength is very strong,2011 years,KaiDa in African footballer of the year poll won second place,The first is the effect in Manchester city and the kolo toure。When media reports said“Barcelona midfielder lost Manchester city iron waist”。

  凯塔的个性不强,但却是自信心很强,地区荣誉感很强的。他曾在巴萨的一次发布会上说过:“我不是加泰罗尼亚人,但是置身于巴塞罗那队中,我感觉自己就是一个加泰罗尼亚人,必胜永远是流淌在我们血液中的信念,我为能保护这支球队而骄傲。 ”

KaiDa personality is not strong,But it is strong self-confidence,Areas of very strong sense of honor。He was in Barcelona a conference said:“I'm not the Catalan people,But staying in Barcelona,I feel is a the Catalan people,Win will always be in our belief in the blood flowing,I can protect the team and pride。 ”

  法新社曾这样评价凯塔:“他没有梅西、哈维、伊涅斯塔等队友们那样耀眼,但他是世界级的。 ”一名世界级球星到达阿尔滨,相信也会起到与德罗巴相同的效应,也许不打比赛,光在包厢里站一站,就能在信心上给队友以极大的鼓舞。

AFP had such KaiDa evaluation:“He has no Lionel messi、Harvey、Iniesta teammates that such as bright,But he is world class。 ”A world star's reach shore,Believe that also can have the same effect and didier drogba,May not play,The light in the box stood a station,Can in the faith to a teammate with great encouragement。

  凯塔一上场,我们就放心了。感觉中场平衡了,安全了,稳定了。 ”——《全巴萨》网站点评:阿尔滨缺乏的是一根定海神针。

KaiDa play a,We were at ease。Feel midfielder is balanced,safe,stable。 ”--《All the Barcelona》Website comment on:The lack of a shore's root dinghai an anchor back there。

  凯塔转会消息传出后,《全巴萨》网站发表长文向凯塔告别。文中说:“他不在场上,会全身心地支持队友,他在场上,会百分之一百地投入比赛,认真地做好自己的工作。上个赛季,他经常在60分钟以后出场,给我们的感觉是,只要他一出场,我们就放下心来,感觉中场平衡了,安全了,稳定了。 ”

KaiDa transfer on the news,《All the Barcelona》Web site to say goodbye to KaiDa deregulation plan published。This paper said:“He wasn't on the court,Will devote yourself to support his teammates,In the field,Will be one hundred percent into the game,Seriously do his work。Last season,He often played in 60 minutes later,To our feeling is,As long as he appearance,We took heart,Feel midfielder is balanced,safe,stable。 ”

  “凯塔会在禁区前果断地传球,也可以利用自己的高度给对手施加压力,头球得分;如果后腰布斯克茨冒险进攻,他会为其断后补漏。他在很多重要比赛中起到了关键性的作用。今年5月巴萨客场对贝蒂斯,是凯塔在第92分钟的头球帮助10人巴萨2:2扳平了比分。 ”“他来巴萨的第一年时还有些生疏,但他很快就找到了自己的位置,尽管他并不能场场首发。 ”“他很高效,很谦逊,敢于承担责任。上个赛季他的实力有所下降,但在我们的印象里,他似乎从来没有失误。 ”

“KaiDa will in the box before passing decisively,Also can use their own high pressure to his opponent,Heading home;If the quarter's booth g adventure attack,He will be the final for a leak。He in many important game play a key role。In may this year, Barcelona away in betis,Is KaiDa in the 92th minute header help 10 people Barcelona 2:2's leveller。 ”“He to Barcelona in the first years still have some rusty,But he soon found his position,Although he does not games start。 ”“He is very efficient,Very humble,Dares to undertake the responsibility。Last season he strength fell,But in our impression,He seems to have never mistake。 ”

  “为什么巴萨不能再留凯塔一个赛季?! ”

“Why can't leave Barcelona KaiDa a season?! ”

  “预祝凯塔在新的征程中一路顺风。 ”

“I wish KaiDa in the new campaign with a pleasant trip。 ”


At present's shore,The defence is the biggest weakness。Only by attacks to remedy defects,But the attack ability and not strong enough to completely pin down opponents,Another coast's header ability、The door to grasp the opportunity and defensive midfield ability all need to strengthen。if《All the Barcelona》The KaiDa no exaggeration to describe the ingredients,So KaiDa arrival,In the tactics will no doubt will shore's level raise the level of a large。

  当然,一支球队整体水平的提升,不能指望一个人。昨日记者采访阿尔滨俱乐部总经理李明时,后者坦言:“整体的问题不解决,个人再有能力也发挥不出来。 ”我们期待在凯塔的带动下,阿尔滨的整体问题能够得到缓解。

Of course,A team overall level of ascension,Can't count on a person。Reporters yesterday's general manager LiMingShi shore of the club,The latter said:“The whole problem is solved,Personal ability also play out there。 ”We look forward to KaiDa in driving,The overall problem to shore's eased。


Reporter WeiBoNing
