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国羽金花备战时拒接家人电话 从小遭受魔鬼训练--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  于洋,这位来自鞍山的姑娘,自2008北京奥运会之后,就成了家喻户晓的人物,关于她身上的故事,人们再熟悉不过。 2012伦敦奥运会开幕在即,本报记者走访了她在鞍山的家。通过于妈妈和于爸爸的讲述,在于洋身上又破解了很多秘密。比如,于洋这个名字是谁起的?在她小的时候,于爸爸是如何训练她的?于妈妈孩子写的成长日记,都记录了哪些内容?

oceanic,The girl from anshan,Since the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games,Became household names,About her on the story,People familiar with the but again。 The 2012 Olympic Games in London,Our reporter interviewed her in anshan home。Through the mother and the father in to tell it,In your body and cracked a lot of secrets。For example,Your name is on the who?In her small of the time,For dad is how to train her?In the mother to the child the growth of write diary,All record which content?


妈妈拍板定名字 Mother clappers for name


In oceanic was born in 1986,Including her mom and dad,All is a native of anshan people。Now and in oceanic were born,Don't say the national,In liaoning province,name“oceanic”The man is a catch a big hand。On the home to this lovely little guys your name,There is also the many stories。

  于妈妈周丽告诉记者,“孩子刚出生不长时间,家里人张罗给她起名字。我有点记不清了,孩子的第一个名字好像是她的大姨给起的,但我们总觉得还差点什么。第二个名字是孩子爸爸起的。 ”这时,坐在旁边的于爸爸接过话,“我起的名字叫于秀萍,女孩子嘛,秀气点。 ”不过,这个名字也被于妈妈给否了。都不合适,最后于妈妈自己来,给孩子起名为“于洋”,就是妈妈的这个拍板决定,于洋这个奥运冠军的名字到现在叫得如此响亮!

In the mother ZhouLi told reporters,“Children born not long time,Raise the family to give her name。I'm a little can't remember,The child's first name as if her see.i really miss start to give,But we always feel that is almost??????。The second name was a child of the father。 ”At this time,Sitting beside for dad took the words,“My name call YuXiuPing,Girl's son,Delicate point。 ”but,This name was in mom to no......。Is suitable,Finally in their mother,To the children“oceanic”,Is the decider mother decision,The Olympic champion oceanic name to now call so loud!

  为什么定下“于洋”这个名字?于妈妈说:“在我小的时候,有个演员叫于洋,他是个大人物,很有名,我希望我的女儿于洋长大后也能像这个演员一样出名。 ”稍微年长的人对于洋这个演员不会陌生,当时,他在电视里的形象深入人心。“他演的角色都比较正直,我喜欢这个形象。人家于洋这个演员是男的,我给孩子起名时,也没考虑这是男孩名还是女孩名。 ”

Why set“oceanic”The name?In mother said:“When I was a kid,One actor your call,He is a big man,Very famous,I hope my daughter in oceanic grew up like the actor can also known as。 ”A little older people the actor will not your strange,At that time,He in the TV image thorough popular feeling。“He plays the part are upright,I like the image。The actor is somebody else in oceanic man,I gave him a name,Also didn't consider this is a boy's name or a girl's name。 ”

  定下于洋,于妈妈说还有另外一层含义。“家里人都管孩子叫小鱼儿,于洋的洋,代表水,我们都希望她在海洋里自由地遨游。 ”

Set in oceanic,Mother said in another meanings。“His family has children called the little fish tube,The oceanic,Represents water,We all hope she in the oceans is free to roam。 ”


爸爸特殊训练法 Dad special training method


The name is mother's decision,Say to the movement of your talent,Are exclusively about for dad。In the student age,In my dad would love sports,On the run、jump、Playing basketball、Throwing and so on various ability,For dad in the school team。obvious,In oceanic is inherited from the father's past,Different is,When trapped in s influence,For dad did not engage in professional sports just。

  在于洋10岁左右,她开始学习打羽毛球。到现在,于家人还记得孩子启蒙教练张强的话,“家长帮孩子练好体能,技术上的事我们教练管。 ”对体育颇有心得的于爸爸开始了对孩子的“魔鬼训练”。每天于洋正常训练完,于爸爸都给她加量。具体方法是,于爸爸从鞍山市体校骑车回家,于洋在后面跑,到家里,于洋就像刚刚洗完澡,全身湿透。第二天早上四五点钟起来,于爸爸带着于洋爬山,做蛙跳,一年四季从来不间断。想想当年的狠劲,于爸爸说,“要想孩子出息,必须多付出。如果跟别人同样的练习方法,孩子不可能超过人家。我对羽毛球不太懂,但体育方面我还行。所以于洋爆发力好,就是小时候打的基础。”

Oceanic in 10 years of age,She began to learn to play badminton。To now,In the family still remember children enlightenment coach b: mr.zhang qiang words,“Parents help their physical practice,Technical things we coach tube。 ”For sports's experience in the father of the child began“The devil training”。Your normal after training every day,To give her father added amount。Specific means is,For dad who from anshan ride home,In oceanic was running behind,To home,Your love is just a bath,All wet。The second day morning four up at five o 'clock,For dad took in oceanic mountain climbing,Therefore do,Throughout the year, never stopped。Think that year of HenJin,For dad said,“To children ambition,Must give more。If the same way to practice with others,The child can't be more than somebody else。I don't quite understand what to badminton,But sports I'm ok。So in oceanic explosive,Be the childhood fundamentals。”

  让一个10岁的孩子接受这般残酷训练,于洋能坚持下来吗,于爸爸和于妈妈动摇过吗?“孩子一点都没叫苦,好像练上瘾了,从来不反驳。我女儿上小学时成绩就好,即便她不打羽毛球,上学也会非常优秀。 ”对孩子的韧劲,于妈妈很是骄傲。但背后,她可没少掉泪,“我不敢当孩子面哭,怕她受不了。她爸骑车带孩子训练,孩子后面跑,她爸前面边骑边流泪,心疼啊! ”

Let a 10 years old children to accept this cruel training,In oceanic can persist,For dad and mom to shake?“The child didn't complain,As practice addicted,Never argue。My daughter is in elementary school result to be good,Even if she didn't play badminton,Go to school and will be very good。 ”To the child continues,In the mother is is proud。But behind,She didn't shed less,“I do not deserve the child crying face,Afraid she can't stand。Her dad rides child training,Children running behind,Her dad's front edge on edge tears,Love dearly ah! ”


Foundation played prison,Your MaoJian soon......。1998 years,She was a fancy province who,and,In the team,She can always play with small,A new star is rising。


饱含深情的日记本 The diary with deep feeling


now,Let for dad and mom to say exactly what specific children get what honor,They can't remember。but,The house is a drawer,There are two diary particularly heavy,These are in the room with a mother to write down your acquiring,With deep feeling inside、tears,Even blood。


Took the diary,In the mother specifically on a provincial oceanic who in life。From anshan to shenyang,This is your first time travel far from home,It is the first time away from their parents。Your parents are of wage earners are expected,Weeks of normal work,Only to Sunday to rest,As long as the day of rest this day,Even if again at home there is a very important thing、Then the busy,Mother is always in the morning to go out,8 o 'clock to shenyang。

  每次来到大院,于妈妈的多半天时间都是在重复劳动:给于洋洗衣服,刷鞋——当时于洋在队里属于小字辈,队友们有时候把鞋和衣服让于洋帮忙清理,所以,一上午,于妈妈都是在洗水池里给于洋和她的队友清洗日常物品。到了中午,于妈妈还要出去给于洋买一些水果和个人物品。下午,于妈妈还要抽空探望一下于洋的教练,这一圈下来,于妈妈就要回鞍山了。“我离开沈阳回鞍山,每次于洋都挺坚强。但我听她队友说,我一走,她就到宿舍的床上哭。我坐火车回鞍山,心里想孩子,想着想着就流眼泪了,我还不敢明目张胆地哭,要不然别人还认为是不是有病啊。 ”于妈妈说到这段往事时,泪水已经打湿了她的眼眶。

Every time came to the courtyard,In the mother's more in half a day to duplicate work:To wash your clothes,Polish the shoes in the team, then your belongs to the final,His teammates sometimes put shoes and clothes let your help clean up,so,morning,In the mother is in the wash in the pool of oceanic and her teammates for cleaning everyday objects。By noon the,Mother will go out in your to buy some fruits and personal belongings。afternoon,Mother will take time to visit your coach,This a lap down,In mom going back to anshan......。“I left back to shenyang in anshan,Every time your all pretty strong。But I heard her teammates said,I a walk,She went to the bed of the dormitory cry on。I take the train back to anshan,Thought children,Always I think will flow tear,I also dare not blatant cry,Or others also believe that be sick ah。 ”In mom said this period of the past,The tears have wet her eyes。

  让于爸爸和于妈妈欣慰的是,于洋成长的每个经历,都有贵人。她的启蒙教练,和于妈妈的关系就像亲姐妹一样。在大院,于洋的教练叫白丽华,怀揣感恩的心,于妈妈告诉记者:“白指导没少费心,于洋去国家队之后,我每年都去看她。但前些年她去新加坡了,她的孩子在那里发展。我真想和白指导再聚聚啊。 ”

Let for dad and mom in relief,Each of the oceanic growth experience,Have noble。Her coach of the enlightenment,And in the mother's relationship was like a sister。In the courtyard,The oceanic coach call BaiLiHua,Carries grateful,In mother told reporters:“White guidance didn't care less,Go after your national team,Every year I have to see her。But in previous years for her to go to Singapore,Her children growing there。I really want to get together again and white guidance。 ”


小时常捡别人衣服穿 Often pick up others wear clothes hours

  现在的于洋功成名就,但她骨子里的性格没变,于妈妈说,“孩子看着像男孩性格,但她的心思很细腻,而且,对穿戴从来都不挑。 ”

Now of your success,But she nature character didn't change,In mother said,“The child looked at as boy character,But her mind is very delicate,and,To wear never pick。 ”

  于洋小时候总是捡姨家哥哥姐姐的衣服穿,因为当时她家的条件都一般,“孩子在穿方面没有任何要求,都习惯了。 ”于妈妈说,“在鞍山市体校,不少家长给于洋衣服,他们都知道我家困难,他们孩子不穿的衣服都给我们。 ”

When I was a child always pick up your aunt's brother elder sister to wear,Because at that time her conditions is average,“Children wear in no requirements,Are used to。 ”In mother said,“In anshan who,Many parents give your clothes,They all know my difficulties,Their children don't wear clothes are to us。 ”

  在大院的时候,于家依靠月工资供于洋已经很吃力了。迫于压力,于妈妈白天上班,晚上做起小排档生意。有一次,于洋去南宁比赛,家长们坐火车去。回想起当年,于妈妈说,“我们当时没有坐票,在火车上三天三宿,晚上就打地铺,我身上被蚊子咬得都没有好地方了。 ”南宁之行一个月,于洋父母连吃带住,把排挡挣来的钱都花掉了。

In the courtyard,On the home depend on your monthly salary is hard for。Are under pressure,In mother works during the day,Night small gear with business。once,In oceanic to nanning game,Parents go by train。Recall that year,In mother said,“We didn't sit ticket,On the train, the three days in a minute,Night on the floor,My body to be bitten by a mosquito will not have a good place。 ”Nanning trip a month,Even eat with your parents live,The shift to earn the money has been spent。

  也就是这次在南宁打比赛,于洋拿到了全国正式比赛的第一块奖牌。“于洋当时挺吃亏的,别人都比她高一头,以小打大,而且第一次参加这么大型比赛,她有点怯场。但她就有这股劲,像她爸,能吃苦、不服输、爱较真。 ”

It is the play in nanning,Get the national oceanic official competition first medal。“At the time of your frustration is,Others have a head taller than her,In a small,And the first time attending a big game,She is a little stage fright。But she will have the strength,Like her father,Can endure hardships、Don't agree、Love truer。 ”


备战时拒接家人电话 When preparing for the family rejected by telephone

  目前,中国羽毛球队在青岛集训,前段时间,通过电视报道,于洋父母得知球队去了一趟崂山,但大部队中,唯独没有于洋的镜头。于妈妈给于洋发了短信息后才知道,“她是在加练,体能教练跟着她。 ”其实,早在北京奥运会前,于洋就是如此。

At present,Chinese athletes in Qingdao intensive training,Some time ago,Through the TV coverage of the,Your parents know that the team a trip to laoshan,But a large force of,Except in oceanic lens。In the short YuYangFa mom to give information to know after,“She is in JiaLian,Fitness coach to follow her。 ”In fact,As early as in before the Beijing Olympics,Oceanic is so。

  于妈妈介绍说,“于洋不让我们打扰她,现在队伍在青岛集训,她总告诉我们,‘没啥事少联系,有特殊情况再打电话。’2008年奥运会,于洋给我们下令不要打电话,她连手机都关了。 ”当时于洋跟父母说,“你俩找不到我了,要是有事我给你们打电话,我一定要拿到这块金牌! ”最终,于洋终于圆梦,在不被看好的情况下,她和搭档杜婧在北京奥运会上站到了最高领奖台。于妈妈说,“我想都没敢想,那阵子合计于洋能参加奥运会就知足了。 ”

In mother introduced said,“In oceanic not let us bother her,Now the team training in Qingdao,She always told us,‘Nothing doing little contact,A special situation call again。’The 2008 Olympic Games,We ordered to your don't call,She even mobile phones were shut。 ”At that time with your parents said,“You two can't find me,If something I call you,I must get the gold medal! ”finally,Oceanic finally come true,In the underdog,She and her partner DuJing in Beijing Olympic Games stand to the highest podium。In mother said,“I want to have never dare to think,Total NaZhenZi oceanic can take part in the Olympic Games is complain。 ”

  首席记者 姚国繁

Chief reporter YaoGuo numerous
