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凯特父母遭奥组委调查 “皇亲国戚”受轻罚优待--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  中新网7月20日电 据外电报道,以举止优雅,大方得体而获评完美的英王妃凯特?米德尔顿20日在伦敦亮相由皇室成员参与的奥运主题活动,积极为奥运宣传推广。然而,凯特的父母却因涉嫌侵权受到伦敦奥组委调查,但最终因其“皇亲”的特殊身份而免受重罚。

Beijing, July 20 (Reuters) as dispatches from foreign news agencies report,With elegant,Easy and decent and HuoPing perfect the princess Kate?Middleton 20,, in London by members of the royal family at participate in the Olympic theme activities,Positive promotion for the Olympics。however,Kate parents is accused of infringement by the London organising committee investigation,But in the end because of the“royalty”Special status but from heavy fines。

  凯特的父亲麦可?法兰西斯?米德尔顿和母亲卡洛儿共同经营一家名为Party Pieces的派对用品公司。米德尔顿家族当年正是靠这家运营了25年的公司发家致富的。为了利用即将开幕的伦敦奥运做应景宣传,凯特父母的公司在网页上盗用了伦敦奥运主题标志做宣传。该网页上的奥运盛事庆典”一栏使用了带有奥运五环颜色的彩色链接。另外还在网页和公司博客中使用了体育场标志,并打了皮帕?米德尔顿授权的标志。

Kate's father Michael?Francis?Middleton and mother carol jointly operate a son called Party Pieces Party supplies company。Middleton family that year by this operation is the 25 years of company of fortune to get rich。In order to use the imminent opening of the London games do engage propaganda,Kate parents company on the web embezzled the London Olympic theme do propaganda。The web site of the Olympic creed celebration”A column used with the five Olympic rings of color links。Also in the web and use the stadium to blog in company logo,And played pippa?Middleton authorized sign。

  调查结束后,米德尔顿家迅速清除了此前被致的涉嫌侵犯版权的内容,但仍被要求继续对Party Pieces的网站进行修改。这将意味网站上的奥运火炬、标枪等标识都将被删除。

After the investigation,Middleton home quickly remove the had previously been suspected of infringing the copyright of the content,But still were asked to continue to Party Pieces website modified。This will mean that the web site of the Olympic torch relay、Javelin, such as identification will be removed。

  据悉,这并不是米德尔顿家族第一次因企业宣传而“玩火”。米德尔顿的Party Pieces公司在凯特大婚前,就曾提前销售“王妃派对用品。”然而此次的后果恐最为严重,根据奥组委规定,违规使用一个奥运商标的罚款就高达3万美元。

It is reported,This is not the first time Middleton family because of the enterprise and propaganda“Play with fire”。Middleton's Party Pieces company in Kate big before marriage,Had sales in advance“Princess party supplies。”However the most serious consequences of fear,According to the organizing committee rules,Illegal use of a trademark of the fine is as high as 30000 dollars。


Middleton couples the was accused of violating the terms of the trademark protection has been criticized as too much“tough”。however,“The 2006 Olympic bill”Relevant clause expressly endowed with the London organising committee of the Olympic brand trademark protection and broad powers。


Because of the special identity,Middleton couples the had been just relatively slight punishment。
