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陈晓丽:小学还没毕业破格进体院 婚纱照竟是PS--亲稳舆论引导监测室


Now the Chinese women's basketball team in the first team,If ChenNan is the core of the veteran inside,Insider top beam pillar,So another veteran ChenXiaoLi is undoubtedly the most powerful ChenNan side is valuable assistants,Two veteran common prop up inside,Will the Chinese women's basketball team is the most stable position。


ChenXiaoLi inside with a well,Style hale aggressive defense,Rebounds and block literacy。But she is not only reflected in the value of his good insider firepower,And at the same time as the core players create more opportunities to score。

  在今年联赛结束后刚刚到国家队集训时,有伤在身的陈晓丽几乎一直没有跟随全队进行训练,最初在国内的几场热身赛也没有参加,不过即便在这种情况下,她仍然是主教练孙凤武无法放弃的一名球员,由此可见她在如今女篮阵容中的重要性。“这孩子一直要强,现在能够再一次参加奥运会,我们都替她感到骄傲。 ”当母亲郑杰提起自己已经出征伦敦的女儿时,言语中透露着散不去的欣慰和喜悦。

In this year after the league just to the squad,Injured ChenXiaoLi almost never follow the team for training,First a few warm-up games in China also did not attend,But even in this case,She is still SunFengWu coach can't give up the players,This shows her in today's women's basketball team, the importance of the squad。“The child has always been searching,Now can again to take part in the Olympic Games,We are all for her proud。 ”When mother brought his team at the London has zheng jie's daughter,In the words that spread not to comfort and joy。


天生就是篮球苗子 Born basketball young plant


ChenXiaoLi can be said to be born in a basketball family,Father ChenXuMing height 193 cm,Mother zheng jie height 181 cm,Two people are equally is a basketball player。Can say ChenXiaoLi almost from the moment of birth,It reflects their on basketball talent。

  “她一出生就比别的孩子大,足足8斤半,而且长的特别快,每年都能长一大截,衣服裤子几乎一年就得一换。 ”一提起女儿的身高,郑杰有些开玩笑的说,因为个子太高从小就没能享受到多少儿童该有的优惠,“当时她才几岁啊,就到哪都得给她买票了,我跟人家说孩子还小,但人家一量,这身高已经过线了……”

“She was born and than other children,Fully 8 jin half,And long particularly fast,Every year long one big chunk,Almost a year clothes pants a change。 ”Mention the height of a daughter,Zheng jie some jokingly said,Because is too high since the childhood can't enjoy the preferential some how many children,“She was only a few years old,Just to which give her to buy a ticket,I'm with somebody else said the child still small,But the somebody else a quantity,This height has been line...”


Zheng jie recalls,When ChenXiaoLi in elementary school,She was of head is already and the students of grade 5 as high as,Because of this,Often in the school into was stopped,Ask her why don't wear red scarf。

  除了身高的优势以外,对于篮球的那种直觉也是让陈晓丽最终走上篮球之路的重要因素。“我们从来没有刻意引导过她去打篮球,但她大概3岁的时候,就开始对家里的篮球产生了兴趣,这孩子一天不摸球就难受。 ”

In addition to the advantage of height outside,The kind of intuition for basketball is also to let ChenXiaoLi eventually took to the road of basketball important factors。“We never deliberately lead her to play basketball,But she's three years old,Begin to home basketball have an interest,The child, one day does not touch the ball is uncomfortable。 ”


In speaking of it,Zheng jie analysis may be my husband and myself often go to the ball,The young daughters alone at home is certainly not rest assured,So will always hold daughter go together,Although at the time of ChenXiaoLi fundamental look not to understand??????,But it is in such an environment was enough influence。

  如此优异的身体天赋,再加上家庭渊源,让陈晓丽注定无法被埋没。“她上学头一天体校就来学校招人,想把她直接招去。 ”郑杰说,“我当时和孩子说,你要是爱好你就去,不爱好就不去,就好好学习。我也告诉孩子打篮球非常的辛苦,天天起早,睡得晚,上学还得写作业,我就让她自己考虑。 ”当时陈晓丽非常干脆的说了声“爱好”,郑杰便和丈夫下定了决心,让女儿正式走上了篮球这条路。

So excellent physical talent,Plus family origin,Let ChenXiaoLi doomed not to be recognized。“Her first day school to school recruit people who,Want to put her directly to recruit。 ”Zheng jie said,“I was and the boy said,If you love you will go,Don't love will not go,Good study。I also told the children to play basketball very hard,Up early every day,Sleep late,School also do homework,I let her own consideration。 ”At that time ChenXiaoLi very flat said a voice“hobby”,Zheng jie and and her husband had made up his mind,Let daughter official on the basketball this way。


楼道写下的一生梦想 Write down the corridor to the life dream


Remember when I was a kid ChenXiaoLi practice experience,Zheng jie is always very gratified。“The child is very save worry,The morning up their training,I was at home to make breakfast for her,That time go to school at 7:30 requirements must be to school,The morning of the home in four local training to such,Come back time special tight,I have to take the temperature of the air to moderate dinner,Let her into the house and eat,Shoes off himself to change clothes,Not to be late to school...”

  事实上,那个时候的郑杰并没有对女儿打篮球抱着太大的期望,“这个事不是家长逼着的,我一开始也和她讲过,你如果爱好就能打出好成绩,不爱好就收收心,好好学习。”但郑杰显然低估了女儿对于篮球的执着,直到她一次无意中在自己家的楼道里看到了女儿用稚嫩的笔迹写下的梦想。“那时候我家住在六楼,她就在楼梯侧面的墙上一层一层的写,第一层写上的是进入区体校了,然后往上是进入市体校,就这样一步步的都写在了上面,就一直写到六楼,她的目标是进国家队。 ”

In fact,That time and no daughter of zheng jie playing basketball holding the too big expectations,“This thing is not to parents force,I was and she said,If you love to play good grades,Don't hobby is Galileo,Good good study。”But zheng jie clearly undervalued daughter of persistent for basketball,Until she a accidentally in their own home in the corridor of see the daughter to use childish handwriting wrote dream。“When my family lives in the sixth floor,She is in the stairs on the wall of the side of a layer of the writing,The first layer is written into the area who......,And then into the city who is up,So the step by step are written in the above,Has been wrote six floor,Her goal is the national team。 ”


Because of this,Later in ChenXiaoLi faces into the provinces who go professional road when the choice,Zheng jie couple no hesitation,The firm support of his daughter's professional basketball team road。


小学没毕业被破格抢进体院 Primary school didn't graduate was granted special rob into physical culture institute


Excellent talent and trained hard,ChenXiaoLi early and early of became the focus of by the key,But several teams battling for the goal。

  当她才8岁的时候,沈部女篮要招一批队员,知道了这件事的陈晓丽就非要父母送她去,不过考虑到她的年龄还太小,母亲郑杰就没同意,“我合计一个小女孩那么早出去,家里不能跟着不行,不像男孩,不放心,说啥也没让去。 ”为这事儿,母女俩还闹了一阵的别扭。

When she was 8 years old,Shen's women's basketball team will recruit a group of players,To know the ChenXiaoLi have parents send her to go to,But considering her age is too young,Mother zheng jie is didn't agree,“I combined a little girl out so early,Home can't follow not,Don't like the boy,Don't trust,Say what also didn't let go。 ”For this thing,Mother and daughter two still make a distorted。


later,As the daughter of the mind more and more absorbed in basketball,Zheng jie in 5 grade to,To transfer to the daughter who city,The major energy transfer from learning to basketball。And in the city who is less than a year's time,Liaoning province team coach to descend a basic level selection players,Results the ChenXiaoLi at phase。


so,Only 12 years old ChenXiaoLi in elementary school haven't graduation,Fuxin left,Came to the courtyard of the shenyang。At the time,She is definitely belongs to a special case,For the selection of the courtyard are usually the players about the age of 14,Has the junior high school,But for ChenXiaoLi but abnormality。


Zheng jie said,In fact at that time in addition to the province beyond who,There are a few teams ChenXiaoLi the professional leagues phase,Want to let she'll be right there,Including the August。It was also in this case,Save to ChenXiaoLi who is impatient to the past。


Before joining“courtyard”after,Because the age is too young,ChenXiaoLi can only and 14、15 years old age paragraph the echelon together train,But her performance but are by no means the fellow apprentice inferior,Until the first squad list。At that time ChenXiaoLi just turned sixteen。


用学车散心走出低谷 Trip with her went out of whack


About began in 1999,ChenXiaoLi has started to become a regular for the national side。But in a 2003 injuries,Make her into the downturn,Also miss the 2004 Athens Olympic Games,The time ChenXiaoLi even TuiYi initiation。After that,She again through unremitting efforts,Finally in 2005 to return to the national team,Become the main field of starting。

  在这一次职业生涯最为重要的起伏转折之中,母亲的关怀可以说是陈晓丽走出低谷重新振作的一个重要原因。“那时候她心情不好,雅典奥运会也没打上,那个阶段非常低迷,我就劝她说,人都得摆正心态,状态都有好有坏,总这样不行,应该想办法把难关度过。 ”

A career in this most important turning point of the ups and downs,The mother's care can say is ChenXiaoLi went out of whack refreshed one important reason。“At that time she was in a bad mood,Athens Olympic Games are not playing,The stage is very low,I advised her to say,They had to put things right,State all have good and bad,Would not,Should try to spend the difficulties。 ”

  在郑杰看来,女儿还很年轻,只要能够战胜伤病,就一定还有机会重新入选国家队。后来在母亲的开导下,陈晓丽也渐渐振作起来,并且利用养伤的时间,通过学车来转移自己的注意力,分散了一些让她感到低落的情绪。“那时候队里打比赛她因为有伤上不去场,就做做力量,所以比较轻松,就利用业余时间去考个车票,当时提这个建议,也就是合计让她开开心,反正学完也是有用的。 ”结果陈晓丽的学车过程非常顺利,所有考试都是只用了一次就通过了,这一点不仅让她感到非常开心,同时也帮助她恢复了自信。

In zheng jie seems,Daughter is still very young,As long as can win over injuries,Will still have a chance to be in the national team。Later, in the mother's advice,ChenXiaoLi also grew up,By the time and injured,Through learning to transfer of my attention,Spread some make her feel depressed mood。“At that time the team play because she wound couldn't get on field,Will take power,So easy,By using the spare time to take an examination of a ticket,Make the suggestion at that time,Also is the total let her open happy,Anyway, learned also be useful。 ”The results ChenXiaoLi doctored learner process is very well,All the exams are used only once is through the......,This not only let her feel very happy,At the same time also help she regained confidence。


遗憾至今没有婚纱照 Sorry has not been photography

  事实上,在参加过2008年的北京奥运会之后,陈晓丽的人生几乎走到了一个高峰。这不仅是指她的职业生涯,还有她的爱情之路。 2009年6月2日,陈晓丽终于和自己相恋多年的男友罗浩正式走进了婚姻的殿堂。

In fact,In participated in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games,ChenXiaoLi life almost came to a peak。This is not only refers to her career,And her love of the road。 June 2, 2009,ChenXiaoLi finally and their long-term boyfriend LuoHao formal have got married。


ChenXiaoLi lover LuoHao was a basketball player,Retired department of education in liaoning province,Two people become attached to also is also“basketball”。That is have a year in shenyang liaoning women's basketball team training,Play amateur teams combined a communication ",Then also eat together,In fact at that time is to set another pair,But don't want to just to ChenXiaoLi and LuoHao accidentally took the red line。


After that,Careful LuoHao care to ChenXiaoLi content,Through a season,Two personal feelings increase。LuoHao sincere、Careful moved ChenXiaoLi,Thus established the relationship between two people。After the Olympic Games in Beijing,Two people with the registration,Then in 2009,Cast in June before the start of the Asian baseball championship,Your busy schedule to hold the wedding。


How to realize at the time when the wedding how soon?Zheng jie revealed,The wedding leave one of the biggest regret,Is this young couple so far have failed to have the time got together and making a good group photography。At that time, in the wedding photography for a group photo,Actually all is through the computer synthesis。

  也正是因为如此,在如今陈晓丽和罗浩二人的爱巢中,床头上并没有像大多数家庭那样悬挂着二人的婚纱合影。郑杰说,“当时我想把那张合影挂上,可是大丽说什么也不让挂,她说那个是假的,要挂也得挂以后真正一起拍的合影。 ”结果,因为陈晓丽繁忙的比赛和集训任务,这张期盼中的婚照合影至今也未能如愿拍成。

Also because of this,In today ChenXiaoLi and LuoHao two people in the love mew,Bed and not like most families that two people hanging the marriage gauze photo。Zheng jie said,“At that time I want to hang the zhang group photo,But big li say what also don't let hang,She said that is false,Hang also have to hang up later taken with the real group photo。 ”The results,Because ChenXiaoLi busy games and training mission,This piece of the wedding photos look forward has failed to get photo shoot。

  首席记者 高鹏 实习生 李钰

Chief reporter GaoPeng interns LiYu
