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普华高盛看低中国奥运前景 称美国仍第一大热门--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
Who wouldn't want higher、faster、stronger?In the Olympics, and look at the national flag rises,Is the dream of every athlete,China's Olympic athletes in the hard for this goal sweat profusely,You have a group of also hold the same target player。In yesterday's Russian Olympic delegation on departure ceremony,President vladimir putin for all of the Russian players is on drums,As a sports traditional power,They will, like the United States,For the Beijing Olympic Games“revenge”In the world--many economic organization predicted,The United States will return to the gold medal。In addition,Asia's South Korea Shouting soccer gold soaring,Japan is sent the second mass group in history,Sword refers to the first five gold,“The enemy”Became strong enough,And PWC,Goldman sachs and other international famous accounting firm and financial institutions,Recently in forecast in China are turned down,They think that London's Olympic old assembly is the United States。
动态 dynamic
俄奥运代表团兵发伦敦 Russian Olympic delegation soldiers hair London
总统普京亲自设宴送行 President vladimir putin himself off to a banquet
Yesterday morning,Russian Olympic teams departure ceremony held in Moscow's red square,Russian President vladimir putin in the kremlin to a banquet in person for the names of the Olympic athletes off,With 140 athletes competing in off the feast。
In off party,Mr Putin praised the Russian athletes in recent years in the sports field of success,He hope athletes can in the London games create splendid future:“I want to wish you all,In your effort,In London the stadium may often be able to rise the Russian flag,We played the national anthem。I hope you can believe in yourself,You have several times proved you can do this,Would you show us once again!”The London Olympic Games of Russia sent the 436 athletes 37 project competition。Russia's top stars、Men's basketball team captain kirilenko departure ceremony in the said:“I feel very good。All of our athletes are ready。Everyone wants to succeed in London。”
Since the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games won 32 gold since Russia,They in the 2004 Athens Olympic Games and the 2008 Beijing Olympics have two consecutive decline of gold MEDALS。Beijing Olympic Games,They 23 gold MEDALS grades but also created record lows。The London Olympics in Russian hope can play a season-to-season turnaround。
威胁 threat
普华高盛看低中国 Pricewaterhousecoopers Goldman sachs short China
美国仍第一大热门 The United States is still the first big popular
Compared with Russia,Chinese legion biggest competitor is still the United States。With the benefit of the last Olympics at home,China's first beat the United States in the number of gold,Sit on the first position,But London Olympic Games all the wind that people for American confidence。
Even in the United States a strong project in track and field,China's liu xiang won the most hope yesterday was also the American players, held the merry-in the day before yesterday diamond league Monaco,Merry in 12 seconds, 93 won the men's 110 m hurdles title,Just 20 days,He ran three consecutive 12 seconds. 93,Merry, had become in the men's 110 m hurdles top favourites。Several famous gaming company in the latest odds,Merry, had more than the previous chart-topping liu xiang。And in Canada some specialists,Liu xiang won only thirty percent of the opportunity。Because in addition, merry,The American legion and kieran Richardson、Oliver and power players。
Like the American players to XiangFei people surrounded,In PWC accounting firms and the U.S. financial giant Goldman sachs did the Olympic medal tally in the forecast,The United States is still the medal table,And the last Olympics gold medal number will transcend,Will China from the first down。
诸强 ZhuJiang
日韩用钱开路虎视眈眈 South Korea open dorigo with money
中国优势项目面临阻击 China advantage projects face third
The traditional gold medal for a small country,But it is worth noting that,And China has some advantage items overlapping country will also Chinese legion form to third。
Men's gymnastics and not in the least China Japan,Just hope can reappear the Athens 2004 Olympic Games brilliant。Olympic Japan sent the 518 Olympic team,Including 293 athletes,The delegation to the scale of history。As the head of the delegation of the Japanese on village chunshu said,Japan's London Olympic Games is the goal of the fifth gold。
The Beijing Olympic Games comprehensive ranked seventh South Korea,Hope this year“For more than 10 pieces of gold MEDALS,Comprehensive and into the top ten”This goal。South Korea, though a lot of project failed to obtain the participative qualifications,But in the archery、badminton、judo、taekwondo、shooting、swimming、weightlifting、Fencing etc traditional project,Has the very strong strength,The impact of China is not small。The south Korean government in order to encourage the morale of soldiers,Publicly announced that will give get London Olympic gold medal athlete 60 million won(340000 yuan)bonus,More than 4 years ago of the Beijing Olympic Games raised 10 million won。(YuYanShu)
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