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  中新社伦敦8月4日电 奥运颁奖台上的胜者收获奖牌,荣誉,鲜花,他们的奥运之旅在不断刷新的奖牌榜上被铭记。而赛场中,一些“最后”“最慢”选手,尽管赛绩平平,却值得拥有最响亮的掌声,对于他们来说,参与就胜利。

Arriving on August 4-London Olympic podium harvest the winner of the MEDALS,honor,flowers,Their Olympic trip continuously break in the medal table remembered。And in the field,some“finally”“The slowest”player,Although the performance is gone,But the loudest applause is worth having,For them,Participation has victory。


最后抵达的赛艇“英雄”:你能做到 Finally reached the rowing“hero”:You can do it


In London Eaton?Abidan the rowing lake competitions,More than twenty thousand viewers on the field of radio with crowd cheered in chorus,Get this privilege is not the winners,Also not sports star,But a dark skin、Unremarkable player。He called isa card,Niger history to take part in the Olympic Games first the rowing player。


In the local time is 3 days of single sculls man rowing race into,Isa card involved in the lowest level of group F match。The group for the player,Seize the Olympic MEDALS too far away,Game pursuit goal is just a better place。

  自比赛的后半程开始,伊萨卡显得很吃力。在多数人都已比完后,只有他还在朝着终点默默划着。全场2万多名观众在现场播音员的带领下高喊:“You can do it(你能做到)!”最终,伊萨卡以F组决赛最后一名结束比赛,成绩比多数对手,慢了一分多钟。

Since the start of the second game,Isa card is very difficult。In most people are already after than,Only he was still in toward the end struck silent。A more than 20000 audiences in the announcer under the guide of Shouting:“You can do it(You can do it)!”finally,Isa card group F with a final ended the game,Grades than most rivals,Slow less than a minute。


London Olympic rowing games,Isa card to every match of the scores are bottom。But for a received only 3 months professional training,Only six or seven times a complete 2000 meters race of rowing player,His performance is enough to win the applause。He won on the stick to the end and a bowl-off courage。

  赛后,伊萨卡评价说,因为是第一次参加奥运会,所以“谈不上什么技术”。但观众的关注给予他十足的动力,他很享受这个过程,他笑言 “已习惯落在后面了,很庆幸在比赛中没有翻船,以后要学习更多的技术”。

After the game,Isa card evaluation said,Because is the first time to take part in the Olympic Games,so“Do not talk to go up what technology”。But the attention of the audience gave him a power,He is enjoying the process,He said laughing “Already used to fall behind,Glad didn't play capsized,Later learn more technology”。


“When crossed the finish line of the moment,I'm very glad to,It's not easy for me。”Isa card exclamation,“To stand in the Olympics,I realized his dream,I will never forget this period of special life experience。”


Despite the lack of professional training conditions,But isa card to rowing in Niger prospects of optimism,He believes that,“Slowly to,Everything will be developed。”


泳坛“最慢”黑珍珠:享受比赛 能来就是胜利 pit“The slowest”Black pearl:Enjoy the game can come is victory


In the 50 m freestyle event,Group of achievement lowest African girl MeiSenPu-mention families became the star on the spot,Won the most applause。


She come from Africa in the southeastern part of the kingdom of lesotho,The first to take part in the Olympic Games, the mention goal is clear:“Only hope to feel the atmosphere。”


“Can come here,I already feel is the winner。”The lesotho girl said,“Because I know the whole country in support of my compatriots are。”As for her,This and win the gold medal as worth excited。


Mention families their country,Only a line with the Olympic standard 50 meters of the pool,Although 14 began to learn how to swim,Mention families is typical amateurs。Until a year ago,Mention families in the world championship success,Her life track changes,In the organizers of the invitation,Mention families started this“incredible”Olympic trip。


“I will never forget this experience,This week,I'm really excited。”Mention secco said when he saw Saul's idol when cut,Excited and nervous,but“Too shy to take a photo with him。”With this small regret,Mention families over her Olympic season。


百米最慢姑娘:要为自己颁金牌 The m most slow girl:For his gold medal awarded

  在短衣短裤的选手中间, 伦敦奥运会田径百米的跑道上,一个身穿长衣长裤,裹着头巾的女选手很是显眼。这位名叫塔米娜?克西斯塔尼的选手是伦敦奥运会阿富汗代表团中唯一的女选手。

In DuanYi shorts among players,London Olympic track and field meters on the runway,A robe trousers,Wrapped towels women players is very conspicuous。The name was tower mitag?G XiSiDaNi player is London Olympic Games Afghanistan the only female athletes delegation。


The race started after a shot,Her last run out,Also the last to arrive,The final results for 14 seconds 42。This results in 10 seconds of the 49 metres world record is slow too much,But for her 15 seconds before the best result of it,G XiSiDaNi this "won himself,Also for the crowd to the London games run the slowest players warm applause。

  克西斯塔尼来自一个几乎每天都有恐怖炸弹爆炸,女性体育运动受到严格限制的国家。“虽然奔跑很简单,但对我却很难。我已经跑了8年,成绩很差,根本没有希望拿到奖牌,但奥运会上,重要的是参与而不是获胜” ,她说。

G XiSiDaNi from a almost every day terrorist bomb exploded,Women sport is restricted country。“Although run very simple,But for me is very difficult。I have been running for eight years,Poor grades,No hope to get a medal,But the Olympic Games,The important thing is participate, not win” ,She said。

  “这是我的第一次奥运会,我的感觉非常好。在爆满的体育场上我几乎忘记了我是谁,” 克西斯塔尼赛感言,“作为阿富汗唯一的田径女选手,我十分骄傲地站在跑道上,虽然我跑了倒数第一名,但我提高了自己的成绩,我要为自己颁发一枚金牌。”

“This is my first Olympic Games,I feel very good。In the house on the sports ground, I almost forget who I was,” G XiSiDaNi "speech,“As the only female athletes track and field in Afghanistan,I'm proud to stand on the runway,Although I ran the bottom in the first,But I have improved their grades,I want for oneself issued a gold medal。”


硝烟中跑来的双人代表团:告诉世界 我们也能来这里 And the smoke of the double delegation:Tell the world we will also be able to come here

  在穆罕默德和法拉赫心里,走上赛场便是对过往付出最好的回报。“我只是希望向世界展示,我们也能来到这里。”“只希望跑出索马里人的志气,‘请世界不要放弃索马里和她的人民。’” 穆罕默德和法拉赫的奥运之旅被赋予了超越奖牌的另一层意义。

Mohammed and method in pilar heart,The green light is the best return to past pay。“I just want to show the world,We will also be able to come here。”“Only hope that ran out of the ambition of somalia,‘Please don't give up the world somalia and her people。’” Mohammed and method of pilar Olympic trip was given the beyond the medal of another layer of meaning。


Mohammed and pilar method from somalia,A long war and natural disaster by suffering of the horn of Africa country。In this one for all life safety concerns the fighting in the country,The risk of physical training and difficulty cans be imagined。


Due to years of civil war and street frequent armed conflict,Somalia provide professional sports obviously can't training ground。Law and Mohammed can only be pilar the relative safety of the time,The top from rushing the bullet,Facing his insurgents kidnapped or shot in the gravel road dangerous training。In April this year,Somalia Olympic committee President and fa chairman was in somalia's capital mogadishu national theatre in suicide bombings,Killed on the spot。


If they say:“We come from the world's most unlikely places。But we still have to struggle。”


somalia“Double delegation”The result is not ideal,The women's track and field at pilar method 400 meters trials,Finished bottom,No semi-final。Mohammed in the men's 1500 m in the poor grades。

  然而他们对奥林匹克的憧憬,对体育梦想的坚持既已超越“生死 ,也必将超越奖牌,正如法拉赫所言:“对索马里来说,能参赛就是胜利。”

However they to the Olympic longings,The persistence of the sports dream of being beyond“Life and death ,Will surpass the MEDALS,As law pilar said:“To somalia to,Can the is victory。”
