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   北京市目前仅有两处“正牌”湿地公园,其中一处七年未开放 Beijing has just two place“card-carrying”Wetland park,One place are not yet open to seven years


June,The media has a capital city“First discovered chestwood wetland insectivorous plants ali algae”At present the news to the city's only national urban wetland park haidian chestwood wetland park attracted many people's attention。The reader is the daughter of Mr On the fourth grade,Just in the class to insectivorous plants of knowledge,Again and again with my mom and dad desired favour against chestwood go to the park,Look at what exactly is ali algae like。


From the edge of the rings north bay village oak,According to the GPS navigation positioning drove the hidden high speed、North clear road,More than 20 km drive less than 40 minutes,But Mr. Tian a but in the door of the gate of the wetland park chestwood slammed。This place in 2005, approved by the national ministry of construction, named after the only state this city approval of the urban wetland park,So far has seven years but has not officially open。


现状:正规湿地公园全市仅有两处 status:Regular wetland park only two places in the city


“A wise man le water,Leshan nature is the”,With landscape beauty of nature wetlands,Is undoubtedly urbanite love leisure tourism resort。And from the present situation in the city,The wetland park development is far from reflects should have social function,On the one hand excellent wetland resources“A chaste person did not know”,On the one hand you for the understanding of the wetland low degree,Also caused the wetland resources further shrinking degradation。


To Mr. Tian family for the experience,Although cui hu wetland park did not open but also regret it,Surrounding the villagers of chestwood park provide alternative service,Is facing chestwood wetland park for in the name of the visitors to business is hot。Mr. Tian in a park on the edge of the outside wall yi bang on the reservoir parking,Enjoy the villagers provide fishing、Barbecue and wash the car and all kinds of other services,A good fun for one day。Mr. Tian think,Such tourism is pretty good also,But on one hand service is not normal,And also reflects a wetland tourism and general leisure travel differences,The knowledge content and fresh degree to sell at a discount greatly。


Reporters to wetland legislation last month with the people's congress into the research group of chestwood beitou wetland park,Find holes of one wall lie between indeed。First from noise for degree,Park internal only allow electric cars driving route in accordance with the relevant provisions,Personnel density also dramatically reduced,The density of vegetation and how rich than the outside also much higher,Black and white swan、Crane gulls wild goose,Even the rare crane class quietly habitat,Immediately give a person a kind of pure and fresh and quiet of fine feeling。


Reporters from the management department chestwood wetland park haidian district gardens green bureau to understand,After the completion of the park continued large open to the society,Mainly for the need to protect the ecological environment。As the city's first national urban wetland park,How to orderly open need to research and exploration of the many problems haven't settled。For instance in not currently open cases,Also happen from time someone over the wall in the park to steal fishing poaching。Park a wetland area is lesser of only 70 hectares,And the position and city is located in the suburban convenient transportation,Once the mass open may give wetland ecological environment bring about irreparable damage to the deadly。


And the wetland of chestwood cautious closed protect different,Downtown area about 80 kilometers of yanqing YeYaHu wetland park is approved by the state forestry administration in the only country wetland park,Now Beijing has become the most ideal bird lovers to visit one of the place。Built in the city zone is the first wetland park museum,As to the tourists knowledge of popularizing wetland science places outstanding,Conservation area strictly limited in motor vehicles,Clearly draw visitors activities line,The most important still is located in the suburb of remote areas,Daily total tourists is limited,Therefore realize the protection and open perfect balance。


In addition to the two place national wetland park outside,The most recent period of excellent reputation shunyi han stone bridge wetlands,Belong to wetland nature reserves in part of the opening of the wetland park。And the Olympic forest park of wetland and a splash in daxing NaHaiZi country park,Is deeply welcomed by the citizen of artificial wetland landscape。


问题:缺乏规划湿地主题不突出 question:Lack of planning the wetlands theme not outstanding


Under the influence of construction of wetland park heat,From 2002 to in construction in Beijing the wetland park。These so-called wetland park is more according to local existing natural conditions,Simple arrangement of the neighboring wetland,Match with some infrastructure to named after。Due to lack of regional ecological and environmental whole consideration,The lack of the residents of the research field experience demand,Most of the wetland park after the completion of the more less,Construction input and output of proportion,No full of wetland ecological service function,Cause waste of resources。From layout to see,The existing wetland park in northwest plain area most construction,The lack of the unified layout。


Wetland research experts CuiLiJuan said,Wetland is not simple is a land types of concept,The wetland is the land、Water and life in which animals and plants、A natural ecological system of microorganisms,This is also wetland park and general city park、The essence of the paddle paradise differences。The city of many wetlands were already in ecological environment is very weak in the real conditions,The wetland park construction design must be based on the ecological function,Establish wetland conservation areas and effective restoration project,And not blindly pursuing economic benefits excessive development。


规划:2020年湿地公园新增40处 planning:2020 wetland park in new 40


According to the city botanical garden greening bureau and criwi) of Chinese academy of wetland institute jointly drafting《Beijing wetland park development planning(2011-2020)》,The city wetland park is divided into the construction control development zones、Moderate development zones、Key development zones and optimize the development zones four parts:


The control development zone is northern Beijing southwest and transportation inconvenient remote mountain area,Including huairou mountains to the north,Miyun central、Southern and eastern mountainous area and northwestern fang shan magmatic mountainous area,This area is a remote location,And basic belong to nature reserve and drinking water protected category,In addition to the extremely individual wetland area outside,Basic unfavorable development wetland park project。


Key development zone is mainly distributed in the men-tou vallely eastern mountainous area、Plain area of changping district、Tongzhou western、Daxing northeast、North-central shunyi、Pinggu southern、Huairou southeast and east miyun, etc,The regional human activities on the natural effect is strong,Wetland have been influenced by a certain degree of human disturbance,Dipping unit area with larger area、Space expandability、Traffic developed,Suitable to development of all kinds of wetland park at all levels,To promote the development of regional tourism。


Optimization of the development is city 6 all basic area and southern changping、A relatively small part of northern boom,The area suitable for construction of the wetland park area basic have built forest park、City parks or urban green space,Generally do not need to new wetland park,But in other types of park in development of maintenance to improve the ecological environment,Increasing biological diversity,To give full play to the ecological function of wetland should have。


According to this plan,In addition to the existing YeYaHu、Cui hu wetland park outside,By 2020 the city will depend on the existing wetland resources,New construction wetland park at 40,And at that time the wetland park from now will have a total of two places increased to 42 place,The total planned area of 15576 hectares,The total area of wetland of about 30%。


建湿地公园,水从哪里来? Built wetland park,Water come from??


In the wetland protection regulations deliberations,Many committee members and representatives are questioned,Wetland must have water,Beijing is a serious shortage of water resources of the city,Construction so many wetland park,Water come from??


CuiLiJuan researchers and her team in the planning,Has according to“Quantity water development”The wetland park construction need a serious ecological water estimated,Each place is not without foundation to dig a wetland park、Water pumping the artificial potted landscape,But the harmony of nature and unity of the ecological balance of the body。According to estimation,Wetland mainly surface water evaporation is water、Vegetation evaporation、The dry land of evaporation and water leakage four parts,According to this city with an average annual precipitation and wetland park area accounts,By 2020 the wetland parks in all 42,Thirty-nine place can through the natural hydrating self-sufficiency,The rest of the Taiwan lake、WangXinZhuang and Yang GeZhuang three place through the surrounding neighboring reclaimed water supply realize ecological balance。


CuiLiJuan said,From higher level for example,The wetland of construction also can further promote the improvement of the ecological environment quality。Current built for wetland chestwood,The residents living water straight into chestwood after wetlands,After the plant ecological purification,The outlet water quality can reach the standard,At the same time for the effective underground water sources of supply,“The earth's kidney”The more powerful the function,To the capital to improve the function of the environmental quality is bigger also。


其中到2015年规划建设的15处湿地公园 Among them to 2015 planning and construction of 15 place wetland park

  区县 名称 位置 面积(公顷) 建设主题

Area county name position of an area(ha) Construction theme

  昌平 温榆河与沙河水库交汇湿地公园 沙河镇和百善镇 26 展示水质净化能力和休闲旅游

Changping lukewarm yu river and sha river reservoir intersection wetland park and the shahe town and good show water purification ability and leisure travel

  大兴 三海子湿地公园 瀛海镇、亦庄镇和旧宫镇 1165 展示生物多样性、科普宣教

Daxing three haizi wetland park YingHai town、The town and the town of 1165, well JiuGong show biological diversity、Popular science mission

  长子营湿地公园 长子营镇 60 水质净化与科普宣教

The firstborn camp wetland park town 60 water purification the camp and popular science mission

  房山 长沟湿地公园 长沟镇西甘池村 249 涵养水源、科普宣教和维持生物多样性

Fang shan magmatic long groove wetland park long groove town village of 249 XiGan pool water conservation、The popular science and education and maintain biodiversity

  琉璃河古桥湿地公园 琉璃河镇 233 仿古建筑,湿地文化雕塑

Coloured glaze river wetland park, the ancient bridge colored glaze river town 233 antique buildings,Wetland culture sculpture

  怀柔 白河湾湿地公园 汤河口镇和琉璃庙镇 290 湿地文化、民俗风情、科普宣教

Huairou white river wetland park HeKouZhen soup and coloured glaze temple town 290 wetland culture、Folk customs、Popular science mission

  密云 古北口湿地公园 古北口镇 220 湿地文化和民俗风情

Miyun gubeikou wetland park GuBeiKouZhen 220 wetland culture and folk customs

  洪门川湿地公园 大城子镇 390 展示河流湿地、科普宣教

Flood gate sichuan wetland park in the town of 390, show the qingshankou river wetland、Popular science mission

  丰台 园博园湿地公园 园博园内 184 展示生物多样性、科普宣教、休闲旅游

Fengtai garden show park wetland park in the garden show park 184 show biological diversity、Popular science mission、Leisure tourism

  通州 五河交汇湿地公园 通州城区 200 休闲旅游和湿地功能体验

The five tongzhou intersection wetland park tongzhou city 200 leisure tourism and wetland function experience

  台湖湿地公园 台湖镇 400 水质净化、旅游休闲、湿地生产功能

A lake wetland park a lake in the town of 400, water purification、Leisure travel、Wetland production function

  门头沟 九河湿地公园 永定镇 500 调水蓄洪与科普宣教

Men-tou vallely JiuHe wetland park, some well-know water and popular science mission 500 flood

  顺义 潮白河减河交汇湿地公园 仁和镇 310 展示湿地净化污染功能

Shunyi JianHe chaobai river intersection wetland park RenHeZhen 310 show wetland purification pollution function

  汉石桥湿地公园 杨镇 477 生态休闲旅游、科普宣教

Han stone bridge wetland park YangZhen 477 ecological leisure tourism、Popular science mission

  平谷 王辛庄湿地公园 王辛庄镇和大兴镇 120 湿地净化功能与科普宣教

Pinggu WangXinZhuang wetland park XinZhuangZhen king and building 120 wetland purification function and the popular science mission

  合计 15处

Total 15 place
