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新西兰避暑之旅 从夏天跳进冬天(组图)--亲稳网络舆情监测室

南极中心看企鹅 See the penguins Antarctic centre
   不可错过 Must not miss


International Antarctic center is the landmark attractions Christchurch,Close to in Christchurch international airport。in,Visitors can experience“Antarctic storm”,Still have a chance to ride through the suvs、And penguins close contact、Watch 4 D movie。

老电车带你在市区中穿行 Old trolley take you through in the city

震后重建区 Reconstruction after the quake


Last February 23,,Christchurch encounter a magnitude 6.3 earthquake,Most of the buildings in the central business district badly damaged。later,The local government to build a 64 containers a provisional reconstruction shopping center,The appearance of pale green、XianHuang、Powder orange color such as,Present a lively、light、Fashionable style。You can take the 1960 s double sightseeing bus open Christchurch sight-seeing tour,That's a car nostalgic the tram,Tram is old,But such as ShiTuLaoMa,Lead you through in the city,In the sound of the whistle,Know how to preserve historical relics and Christchurch reconstruction architecture。

迷人的蒂卡波湖 Charming Wendy kapo lake

蒂卡波湖 Wendy kapo lake


Drive all the way from Christchurch southwesterly direction,Two or three hours will be encountered a beautiful charming Wendy kapo lake。New Zealand almost no beauty of the lake,But Wendy kapo lake but more enchanting and moving。New Zealand special geographical environment,One side is volcanic,One side is snow mountain,Melting snow mountain formed after the lake,Because contain rich in mineral,Present a strange color of the breasts of blue,Like in the blue water and cashed the milk,Present a milk blue。

特卡波小镇的“星空自然保护区” Special card wave of small town“The stars nature reserve”

特卡波小镇仰望最纯净星空 Kapo town, hope in the most pure sky


The Chinese say:A wise man le water,Leshan nature is the。


Of course,We should do a wise man,Also to do with。so,Admire the beautiful lake's card wave,No reason not to go to special card wave town,At an altitude of 1027 meters of John at the university the top of the mountain observatory,Look at the world's first“The stars nature reserve”。


New Zealand's south island kapo south east of the Alps,Is a famous tourist resort。The night sky of small town quiet and bright,Look up into the sky at night,stars,The galaxy and large group constellation clearly visible,Here visitors can see only in the southern hemisphere to observations of the southern cross,The lucky speech also can see a shooting star night sky。


The beauty of this is not entirely tiancheng,Kapo people, to make an immense effort。In addition to the tourists,More than 320 permanent residents only small town,In order to protect the scenery here the night sky,The local people to reduce use of lighting,And scientific management lamplight illume。They crowd place without trying to avoid using light,Precise design street lamp,Make beam accurately to need illume according to the place and not around to diffuse,After midnight,Advertising lights all closed。

风帆之都奥克兰 All sail Auckland

Take China southern airlines from guangzhou direct to Auckland flight to New Zealand,Out of the cabin,Immediately feel blew on the air。A few days ago here new-fallen snow,At 0 ℃ temperature to the left,Think of hot guangzhou,This silk cool meaning surprise。


Oakland in the world is one of the best places to live,Have harbor、Islands and the Polynesian culture,Half city,Half is water,Was used as a《Piano lessons》The black beach locations、The poet lived HeKe conceived "from cheng gu island(Waiheke)、Lava of lang's formation; island(Rangitoto)And so on all is will swim land。


Many Chinese Auckland,Local Chinese tell us,Live in Auckland is like in Asia,There is all yellow skin,The main is among the Chinese people,The New Zealand immigration will China's National People's Congress choose to live in Auckland。The Chinese are concentrated in central region is,Almost every five people one is Chinese,Can speak English in Auckland could live very moist。

基督城地标 Christchurch landmark

在基督城感受南极的魅力 Feel the charm of the South Pole in Christchurch


For a long time,Tourists to visit south island Christchurch is the first station,Quiet little town,More than 700 distribution garden。Here is the most British emotional appeal beyond the city。


Of the 19 th century 63 meters high gothic cathedral is the landmark in Christchurch。Anyone remember,Here is a song hye kyo pat mobile advertising to a background。impression,A blue eyes with a little girl violin and song hye kyo stand in front of the church,Then the little girl violin,Song hye-kyo dandelion HuaYu sailing under the dance……


Every year in March 2,Christchurch flowers quarter will be hold,The city of Canterbury museum、Christchurch art center、Christchurch art museum and so on all is well worth a visit。

飞向塔斯曼冰河 Fly to the tasman glaciers





冰川亲密接触 And glaciers close contact


The peak of mount cook is Oceania,More than 3700 metres above sea level,Located in the south island of New Zealand in the south of the Alps。Here is at the ice。The mountains in the many hidden valley glacier,The biggest ice tasman glaciers already exist in twenty million。


Sit into the hinterland of the helicopter is contact tasman glacier ice the best way to do that,Mount cook ski aircraft company can help you realize this dream。This is the only one in aulas base mount cook airport flight service company provide sightseeing,The company founded in 1955,Has the tasman glaciers in the fixed wing aircraft landing skiing。The helicopter took us on a direct flight to tasman glaciers,Flight level is not high,Only through canyon in the ice,The vast ice as if within easy reach。When the helicopter landing in a vast white space,Tasman ice as a glowing silver cord appeared in sight,Let a person produce not true feeling。That moment finally understand,All over the world to the fans why mount cook so crazy,They coming nearer to any difficulty,Is to use both hands to touch in twenty million of the simple sense of the ice sheets,In the eyes of the iceberg witnessed spectacular images into a deep sleep。


不可错过 Must not miss


You must have tried salmon,But that you must not eat from the world the highest elevation of the mount cook salmon farms salmon。Farms is located at an altitude of 667 meters of the mountain,Is the world's first to use the electrolysis of water of the farms。Here you can not only help to understand how to raise out of such a special salmon,You can eat fresh salmon thorn and smoked salmon and dinner。


赫米蒂奇酒店 Hector's at the hotel


Hector's Yosemite from 1884 to and is famous tourist destination,And at the mount cook Hector's mount cook with the unique scenery,Became the various countries' fans of the XiaTaDe,called“With the world's most beautiful snow mountain hotel”。The hotel is surrounded by mountains,This time,After a heavy snow,The mountains will be heavy snow covered,As big as snow goose feather,But in the local is not new。

跳进皇后镇 Jumped into the queen

从四千米高空跳进皇后镇 From the four kilometers high altitude jumped into the queen


then,It is New Zealand charming winter scenery of height,Heavy snow mountains covered with overnight,Queenstown winter carnival pulled open heavy curtain。


The queen in watts's card at the shore of hubei province,Surrounded by southern Alps。By environment,And not completely calm come down,instead,The body of the active genes were awakened,Just want to find some exciting screaming。


Had to admit that,Apart from the ground from 15000 feet(The equivalent of 4572 meters)On the plane plunged into thin air,With speed per hour the speed of 200 kilometres free fall,Eardrum sting,Difficulty breathing,QuanShenXiang was squashed flat,His face was pierced the copy to be full of countless pinhole,A robot hand heel dull stiff,Still have to side to put aside from thin lens pose in the air to draw some oxygen this demand how big of courage。But with the experienced pilots step out of the door that moment,In the heart of fear is a whole new world replaced。


The New Zealand skydiving benefit from Queenstown NZONE company,1990 years,It is the company's bold attempt to make the sport be treasured。as“Limit parachuting”pronoun,NZONE company had initially glitzy ambition development in New Zealand become the two island is a professional company of mobile base,And is internationally recognized as one of New Zealand's top adventure travel service。


This is a let people life unforgettable experience:Work with your space materials personnel tie in with you on a parachute coach,Reach a certain level,Doors will open,moment,A cold air blew on,The howl of wind let people eyes immediately sent straight brain blank,Even the mouth all can't fold。but,Any fear into excited,You just want to jump down,Jump to a piece of blue sky。


The air time only 60 seconds,But thinking still awake,Heart contemplate coach said put his hands leaned back with both feet,Make a beautiful“banana”shape,Not scared to hold his knee,Get into a pineapple samples。


I want to,My attitude should not too ugly。


Return to the earth,I think of frank Herbert of a poem:“I will face the fear,Let it after I,Across my。When it dies from my body,I'll use my mind to would be,That fear disappear background,What traces also did not leave,Only I,Not standing。”

穿上雪地靴出发 Put on snow boots start

不可错过 Must not miss


New Zealand is worthy of the name ski resort,Every June to October ski season,The queen's town as beautiful as the fairyland scenery。Here are suitable for beginners open hollow ski resorts and gentle slope,Also have face keen visitors of the cross-country adventure park and helicopter slide,No matter be a choice single or double board,Whether a beginner or small have the result,Can find fun。


Queenstown has four each other not far apart of the resort,Respectively is outstanding mountain、Crown peak、Card at Barcelona and three cone mountain,All can enjoy skiing fun。


雪山上体验荒野之旅 Snow mountain experience wilderness journey


The queen has many around town“Remote areas”,Have for miles and miles“Snow boots walking”route。Put on snow boots can go to the deep and the waist of snow,As if through a wilderness journey。Complete nearly two hours after walking in the snow,The most pleasant way XiDeErZuo,Mountains look,Have a cup of coffee or tea,The snow mountain foot of pride make people excited。

卡瓦劳大桥上体验蹦极 Card watts bridge the experience bungee jumping

卡瓦劳大桥上体验蹦极 Card watts bridge the experience bungee jumping


Bungee jumping is zathura,The origin of the 1980 s,Queenstown card in the world is the bridge, the first commercial bungee jumping。now,All kinds of bungee jumping off throughout New Zealand all over the country,You can from all kinds of bridge、Special construction platform or stadium jumped off the top。The Chinese tennis star li na once the Auckland harbor bridge from spectacular leaping down on,Experience the excitement and joy of the infinite bungee jumping。


There are many ways you can let the bungee jumping more individual character,Such as part of the bungee jumping into the water、Double bungee jumping and nighttime bungee jumping。The New Zealand height of the highest bungee jumping from above the canyon jump off the cable car,As high as 134 meters,Free fall for eight seconds。

皇后镇风景如画 The queen's picturesque town

游玩提示 Play hints


traffic:In New Zealand, a China southern airlines guangzhou to Auckland non-stop flights,There are three flights a week,On Tuesday were、Friday、On Sunday,The air flight time 12 hours and 30 minutes。


time:New Zealand 4 hours earlier than China,Daylight saving time will dial the almost one hour。New Zealand from every October of daylight saving time first Sunday to march in the third Sunday。


In currency:The monetary unit of New Zealand is New Zealand yuan,So for a New Zealand yuan convertible 5 yuan。Tourists can in the bank of New Zealand exchange。


tip:New Zealand will carry passengers with animals and plants of the parasite to plants and food for a fine,If the above items with luggage,Especially fruit,Best before the pass away。In addition,With a lot of drugs and carry out the best tourists doctor of medicine,And drug best intact,Even opened the still on the package,To avoid possible when customs clearance to cause trouble。


New express LiCun reporters(Part of the image by tourism New Zealand provided)
