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黄河景区擅自设站收费遭质疑 称限行防车辆出事--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  昨天,市民小刘和朋友出去玩,快到黄河风景区时,他们的车却被拦了下来,拦车者告知,“前方进入黄河风景区,车辆通过景区请交费。”交费后,小刘发现发票上盖的章竟是“济南百里黄河风景区开发有限公司停车场收费专用”…… 文/记者 王晓迪 图/记者 傅琪媛 yesterday,Citizens xiao liu and friend to go out to play,Come to the Yellow River scenic spot,Their car was stopped,Pulled told the,“Into the Yellow River scenic spot ahead,Vehicles through the scenic spot please pay。”After fee,Xiao liu found on the cover of the invoice was chapter“Jinan in the Yellow River scenic area development Co., LTD. The parking lot for fees”…… Wen/reporter WangXiaoDi figure/reporter FuQiYuan


The Yellow River pimple on the dam“toll”


This is a scenic spot,Said to“Limit line”

  发票却标着“停车费” 地税:“这票不能用”

Invoice is marked“parking” Land tax:“This ticket can't use”


Why limit traffic to charge?


The Yellow River scenic spot why charge,This fee is reasonable?These problems passers-by feel confused,So are not willing to pay it“injustice”。Scenic spot yesterday about staff at charged to respond,says“Had a car before it”、to“Reduce vehicle traffic,To charge”。


If the scenic spot is a living,To limit the passage,Everybody also is willing to understand and support,And in fact to the lot,Direct limit line,Or to set up warning signs warning l don't drive in this through……, etc,Why should use charge this recruit?


And on the invoice issued according to the opinion,The reasons for the charge“parking”。Clearly because passing the only pay fee,Get the invoice is parking,Which one of the owner will not doubt that the charge of legitimacy?besides,Land tax officials also said,This bill also cannot use……


This all let passers-by have a common experience:This toll some too come“strongholds”。


All vehicles scenic spot you will have to pay“parking”


Yesterday morning,Reporter by car came to the Yellow River scenic spot,A warning sign reading,“Into the Yellow River scenic spot ahead,Please go vehicles in a collection of ring,Vehicles through the scenic spot please pay。”Brand behind have a“toll”,One of the staff put out five fingers,Owners said to,“From this pay $5。”


The reporter asked why make money,answer,“This is the way of the flood,Don't allow vehicles in this way,But the car(The Lord)Don't listen to walk on,So we will charge。Charges have a week。”


Reporter in after 5 yuan,The other party opened a five yuan quota of invoice,Cover the chapter is“Jinan in the Yellow River scenic area development Co., LTD. The parking lot for fees”。


Then reporters take this piece of bill came to the tourism complaint center,When reporters asked about the pay of exactly is increasing or parking,Workers say“Parking fee is。”“But our car is not stopped in the scenic spot,Just sent me into the scenic spot,And then left,Don't stay。”According to the reporter's questions,Workers say,“The car through the scenic area will be charge。”

  交费就给开发票 可“这票不能用”

Fee for development ticket but“This ticket can't use”

  景区给记者的发票上标着,“济南税务票证印务中心2011年11月”。昨天下午,记者拨通12366纳税服务热线,记者将这张定额发票的代码和号码告诉济南地税工作人员后,证实该发票的登记单位是“济南百里黄河风景区开发有限公司” ,工作人员让记者提供发票上的纳税人识别号时,记者找遍了整张发票也没发现这个识别号码。

Scenic spot to reporters on the invoice marked,“Jinan tax printing center ticket in November 2011”。Yesterday afternoon,The reporter went to the 12366 tax service hotline,Reporters will this piece of code and number of fixed invoice tell jinan land tax staff,Confirm the invoice registration unit is“Jinan in the Yellow River scenic area development Co., LTD” ,Staff reporter on the invoice to provide the taxpayer identification number,Reporter searched the whole piece invoice also didn't find the identification number。


When the reporter told staff on the official seal of the invoice is special charge when parking lot,Staff said,“Of the(Parking charges special rule)Not the special invoice seal,And there is no taxpayer identification number,This bill is can't use。”
