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  经常出门旅行的人都会发现,在全国主要旅游城市的景点周围,遍布着各种散发小广告、让游客参加价格低得离谱的旅游团、或者自称是导游可以提供讲解的人。每到多部门联合执法整顿旅游市场秩序时,这些人马上销声匿迹;联合执法行动结束,他们又全回来了。 Often travel will find,In the main tourist city around the scenic spots,Spread all over the various send out small advertising、Let people take the price low well wide of the tour group、Or claiming to be a tour guide can provide interpretation。Each to more law enforcement departments jointly the tourism market order,These people immediately extinguished;Joint law enforcement operations to an end,And they all come back。


China youth daily tourism has for many years report weekly of the Beijing area“Illegal day tour”phenomenon,Beijing also intensify efforts to overhaul the market every year,But the problem is still not get radical。


Zhejiang province tourism bureau chief ZhaoJinYong said,Hangzhou is the national market order the better city,but“YeDao”Still exist。“The offices of the provincial tourism bureau in on the west lake,I go to work every day,See almost every day"YeDao"In the west lake soliciting edge。Tourism department want to tube,But the less than,Only with other functional departments common law enforcement,And this combination of law enforcement can't normal。”


The xinjiang uygur autonomous region tourism bureau chief Iraq that wood · is, ding said,,In the form of joint law enforcement is in place,But other department sent the working personnel of the tourism with law enforcement,Number one is less,Sometimes a department only send a two people;2 it is not the real power,Meet the problem can only be a communication effect,“so,We did a lot of work after,Problems or not solved”。


Deputy director of the national tourism administration dujiang said:“In recent years,With the sustained and rapid development of tourism,Our country's tourism market continues to expand the scale,The visitors to the tourist market standard and service quality demand more and more。In tourism market order gradually to good at the same time,We should also see,The current tourism market order was not basic turn for the better,Influence of market order some fundamental tourism has not been solved,Tourism service quality can't meet the need of the tourists,The tourists、Tourism practitioners and all levels of leaders for the tourism service quality and market order still exists many unsatisfactory。”


“At present,The market has many illegal engaged in tourism management activity phenomenon。Some did not obtain the business qualification"Black club"、"Black car"、"picked"、"Black guide"KengPian、Fraud of long-standing visitors behavior,Especially surrounding the cities and the QiKe ZaiKe one-day tour was common,Serious interference of the normal tourism market order。”Dujiang said,“Some enterprise through tourism publishing false advertising,Spreading false information,Business beyond tourism and related business,And take illegal means consumers misleading,Deceive tourists,To give visitors cause irreparable damage。”


旅游市场监管职能有限 Tourism market supervision limited function


At present,From the state council to the provinces(area、city)、Cities and most county government,Has travel administrative management department,For the classification of the tourism market regulatory responsibilities。After years of construction and development,A dedicated team of tourism supervision has certain scale,Initially formed countries、province(area、city)、cities、County level tourism qualitative inspect law enforcement system。Dujiang said,In general,At present our country tourism market supervision subject mainly face the question:


One is the function of supervision and means travel is limited。Now the tourism administrative regulations issued by the state council《Travel agency regulations》、《Guide's personnel management regulations》and《Chinese citizens to travel abroad management approach》,Tourism department supervision according to limit the scope of the travel agency、The guide and team tourism,Other travel related services to provide party is still no regulatory basis and method。Tourism supervision legal authorization the insufficiency and the absence of the single market rules,The tourism department“Big market duties”and“Small market access”The contradiction between the outstanding。In recent years,Although governments around the world through the form of National People's Congress legislation on the local tourism management regulations,But for tourism development each related factors market regulation,Tourism management departments at all levels to the regulatory function is very limited,Tourism means of supervision and less likely。


2 it is not enough attention to tourism supervision。For many years,Many parts of the tourism development of heavy construction,Light management;Heavy denotative scale expansion,Authors of the quality improvement and growth of light;Pay attention to make big projects、Big activities,And despise the tourist market regulation。Some places to attract tourism investment、Construction project issued a series of big tourism industry encourage and guide the policy,And for tourism development of the soft environment construction,Tourism market order to regulation、Tourism service quality of ascension is not enough attention,On the less encouraging policies,Effective measures and way to much。


Three is the tourist regulatory force is weak。By the end of 2011,The national tourism law enforcement agencies were 769、Law enforcement personnel 4664。overall,At present our country tourism regulatory enforcement team,Whether scale、number,Or quality、ability、means,Are far from meeting the need of increase tourism fast and people's increasing service requirements,Also greatly lower than the supervision of the relevant industry。Face the tourism market order lack long-term problems,Many travel regulators are subjective“The fear of”thought,In practical work there“Can't tube、Don't let the、Can't tube、with”phenomenon。


Four is the tourist regulatory overlapping functions。As the tourism industry is emerging industry,And involve the section is more,In the process of the industry regulator,Inevitably, and traditional industry departments have overlapping functions,And the traditional industry department of management for natural market,Has been formed comparatively perfect legal laws and regulations system and power strong law enforcement team,Tourism department as“newcomers”The identity and status of the disadvantaged,Difficulty in related departments enough attention,Cause by the tourism department of law enforcement action led joint poor effect,And produced cross areas responsibility and mutual shuffle wait for a phenomenon,Some areas there is even regulatory vacuum。


旅游市场监管体制机制不健全 Tourism market supervision system and mechanism is not sound


Dujiang said,Regulate tourism market order,Improve tourism service quality,The state council is to travel the important functions of the administrative agencies,China's tourism industry is also realize the strategic goals of the two big needs,But at present, the tourism market supervision system of mechanism still is not perfect。


first,Tourism market supervision basis there is not sufficient。As mentioned,Tourism supervision department at all levels in addition to travel agency、Guide and the supervision of the team travel outside,Involved in the development of tourism industry in the food、live、line、swim、purchase、The entertainment six factors market supervision,Also the lack of adequate legal regulations and rules。


second,Enter and exit mechanism still is not perfected。Involved in the development of tourism industry in the elements of the main body of the industry into,Tourism industry department also lacks the more effective discourse。At present,Can only travel agency and regulation of tour guide,The tourist hotel and tourism scenic area is in accordance with the standard management。In the operation of the main body and employees market exit,Also the lack of strong long-term mechanism and perfect means measures。


The third,The law enforcement main body strength supervision tourism weak。Regulate the market order of the main body of the tourism power is tourism qualitative inspect law enforcement agencies at all levels。As previously mentioned,In recent years China's tour qualitative inspect law enforcement agencies and personnel development,Far behind the development of China's tourism industry scale and speed。Not only the power of tourism supervision weak,Staff are not stable,Funds without security,And tourism qualitative inspect the nature of law enforcement agencies is not clear,Greatly influences the effect of law enforcement。


The fourth,Many departments of comprehensive linkage mechanism。Tourism department limited function、Means of a single、Supervision are relatively weak,Coordinate the management department in other difficulty is large,Still not a systemic coordination mechanism,Also not form the tourist market of comprehensive management pattern。


The fifth,Tourism industry association of self-discipline mechanism is not perfect。Because many of the local tourism industry association organization construction lag、Operation,,Industry association of self-discipline and restricted means insufficiency,Industry association's prestige has not been set up,Industry association operating subject to market management behavior of the standard and guide of incompetence,Industry association of self-discipline function and a well-functioning bridge is not effectively play。


旅游市场需齐抓共管 Tourism market management in need


The national tourism administration bureau chief ShaoQiWei said:“Tourism is a comprehensive industry,Tourism market supervision involves many department。Tourism department to do:The tube to be under control,The mind to be managed properly,Earnestly solve"Can't tube、Don't let the、Can't tube"problems。Tourism market order is out of the tube,In the standardization of tourism market order,Management is the hard truth。Of course the strength of the departments of travel alone is not enough,To give full play to the government at all levels and departments the important role,Form tourism、Industry and commerce、Public security、business、health、Quality inspection、Price departments and residents、Tourists and the media and the broad participation of mechanisms,So as to form the mechanism and management situation。”
