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行在伦敦:上千万游客造访 伦敦地铁面临考验--亲稳网络舆情监测室
伦敦的地铁站都有红圆圈+蓝横线的标志,上面写着 地下一词,好像在说伦敦的地下没有别的东西,全部布满地铁。如果你在伦敦市区内旅游观光,步行五分钟范围之内肯定会有地铁站,也肯定可以到达你想要去的地方。进入地铁站,乘客可以购买纸质的地铁票或者使用伦敦的交通一卡通牡蛎卡乘坐地铁。伦敦公共交通的购票系统比较复杂,按照地区、时间和年龄有多种票价。对于前来伦敦观光的游客来说,购买一张牡蛎卡无疑是最简单和经济的一种选择。
The London subway station have red circle + blue line mark,It says underground one word,As in the London underground said no other things,All be full of subway。If you're in London in the tourism industry,Five minutes on foot range surely will be a subway station,Also can be sure where you want to go。Into the subway station,Passengers can buy the ticket of paper or use of the London traffic card oyster card subway。London's public transportation system is relatively complicated tickets,According to the regions、Time and age have a variety of ticket prices。For to come to London for visitors,Buy a oyster card is undoubtedly the most simple and economic a choice。
The oyster card is a kind of stored value card,Want to get it,You will need to pay a deposit of $5,The deposit in return card will be returned to the passengers。In addition to apply to the London subway,bus、Light rail and tram away,The oyster card is the biggest benefit,It has a day and ceiling。The day after the limitation to ride again won't buckle money,On that day the more times the more cost-effective。The London underground is the world the ancestor of the subway,Was founded in 1863,Even in ordinary days,2 million people of every day on the London underground has let the pressure,Let alone at the Olympic Games,London also will have 10500 athletes、More than 9000 officials、20000 journalists and 11 million tourists。For this,London transit authority took out 6.5 billion pounds in modern rebuilding project,Used to improve transport capacity。These include transformation of the world's oldest subway system、Build 48 kilometers Olympic special line and the new terminal building heathrow airport。This will greatly shorten the spectators and athletes on the road of time。In the period of the Olympic Games,The British government encourage everyone in the audience choose public transportation and issued a corresponding measures,For example each tickets for the Olympics will be on that day with effective a transportation card,With this card,The audience can free bus、Metro in London district 1 to 9 of the area range shuttle,It is enough to satisfy all travel requirements。Face during the Olympic Games of the London transit system may be facing the peak,London transit authority officials say,They were ready。
伦敦交通局官员大卫·罗 A表示,挑战是肯定有的。每天乘客数量增加数百万,乘客数量的大幅增加会给交通出行带来压力。每一天的奥运安排都不相同,他们设立了控制中心,控制中心涵盖了交通部门,安保部门,警察,铁路部门以及各类的人员以确保伦敦的交通出行。
London transit authority officials David ROM A said,Challenge is sure some。Every day millions of passenger Numbers increase,The number of passengers will increase to transportation bring pressure。Every day the Olympic arrangements are not all the same,They set up a control center,The control center covers the transportation department,security,The police,The railway departments and all kinds of personnel to ensure the London traffic to travel。
In general,Take the subway from downtown to the Olympic stadium, the time should be 35 minutes。But London transit authority said,Once the crowd control and implementation of security measures,The trip will need more than two hours。So I want to travel in China during the games smoothly,Plan ahead good travel route is very necessary。During the games in,London underground、Railway operation of the time also will see a specific conditions make the necessary adjustments。
伦敦交通局官员大卫·罗 A表示,他们的两项交通服务会延长至夜间,地铁服务也会延长至夜间。交通部门了解了比赛的结束时间,交通服务将延长到比赛结束,大概一小时之后。通常情况下,交通服务会在凌晨1:30结束,这样人们有足够的时间返回目的地。
London transit authority officials David ROM A said,Their two traffic service will be extended to the night,MTR services will also extended to the night。Traffic department know after the game time,Traffic service will extend to the end of the match,About an hour later。usually,Traffic service will be at about 1:Over 30,So people have enough time to return to the destination。
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