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CITS in hand,Since the world swimming。Summer time after,CITS carefully introduced more features a complete freedom line line,Take you experience never had the jungle walk,Feel comfortable and warm freedom party,Diving to,Experience quiet submarine,Line in hand,Taste beach romantic。


去马来西亚沙捞越“森呼吸” Remove the sand to Malaysia“Sen breathing”


Remove the sand with the world's rich variety of ecological system and best preserved intact tropical rainforest。Here to hide the world's largest raffles flowers,Here are the human DNA98 % of orangutans are all the same,Here can see can eat insects and even small mammals pig cage grass……Clean rivers,Thick jungle,Under the stars shining,And friends meet,To search for in tropical forests《All of o》The shine of mushrooms,Looks like the nephilim spider,And that day small blue crabs,Forget all the troubles,Left empty,here,Leisure relaxed,Comfortable and comfortable。

  线路推荐:【森呼吸】马来西亚●沙捞越4晚6天舒压探奇半自由行(2晚海边酒店+2晚市区四星),国旅总社暑期精心安排沙捞越相关产品,行程充分体验沙捞越的特色:参观猫博物馆感受猫儿的可爱与个性;参观野生动物保育中心,近距离了解濒临绝种的婆罗洲红毛猩猩的丛林生活、观赏到生长在雨林中的热带食虫植物猪笼草、幸运的话还能看到沙捞越的形象大师—大眼睛、粗长睫毛、俏丽的“犀鸟”;在【热带水果园】品尝汁多美味的热带水果; 游览【巴哥国家公园】,这里是一本了解热带雨林最好的百科全书,能观看到稀有长鼻猴, 长尾猴, 叶猴, 犀鸟, 野猪, 红树林等和超过150种鸟类的公园;享受海滩休闲,观赏南中国海的日落美景……带上您的小宝贝,一起亲近大自然,爬树、远足、追逐波浪、在小溪边玩耍、游览一个国家公园、在沙滩上队城堡、做一个泥馅饼….一个个实现童年要做的事情。

Line recommend:【Sen breathing】"Out of the sand Malaysia 4 6 days later massage's free agent and a half done(2 nights the beach hotel + 2 late four-star downtown),CITS summer carefully planned out of sand is suing the related products,Trip out of the sand fully experience the characteristics:Visit the museum's lovely cat feeling and personality;Visit wildlife conservation center,Distance how endangered Borneo orangutans jungle life、See growth in the tropical rainforests in the carnivorous plant pig cage grass、The lucky speech also can see out of the sand image master-big eyes、Thick long eyelash、pretty“casque”;in【Tropical orchard】The juice taste delicious tropical fruit; visit【Blackbirds national park】,This is a book about the best encyclopedia tropical rainforest,Can watch the rare proboscis monkey, Long tail monkey, langur, casque, Wild boar, Mangrove etc and more than 150 species of birds of the park;Enjoy beaches leisure,Watch of south China sea sunset scenes……Take your little baby,Close to nature together,Climb a tree、hiking、Chasing waves、By the brook play、To visit a national park、The team on the beach in the castle、Do a mud pies…. A realize childhood of things to do。


去天使之城曼谷,来一场随心的狂欢 Go to city of angels Bangkok,To a convenient carnival


Luxury gorgeous the grand palace、Simple busy water market、Well-known seaside resort pattaya、, fragrant and slow SPA、Stimulation of the laugh the water activities、Natural mixed Thai delicious……Thailand's charm lies in wonderful + close to people。

  线路推荐:“【泰自由】泰国曼谷+芭提雅5晚7天半自由行(四星酒店)”,8、9月每周五出发,行程涵盖泰国经典景点,更有自由时间体验神奇泰国;“曼谷5晚7天自由行”,您可自由在唐人街寻找耀华力老排挡、爬到楼顶SIROCO享受高空曼谷夜 、认识泰国最好的Greyhound(泰国本土最有创意的名牌)、午后在Thonglong逛设计街、周末到香格里拉参加一场周末舞会…网络中风靡的曼谷攻略等你一一实现,成为自己独特的回忆。

Line recommend:“【Thai free】Bangkok, Thailand + pattaya late seven and a half day 5 free line(Four-star hotel)”,8、September on Friday,Thai trip covers classic attractions,More free time to experience the magic Thailand;“Bangkok late seven days free line 5”,You be free in Chinatown looking for yao hua force old buddies、Climb to the top SIROCO enjoy high altitude Bangkok night 、Know the best Greyhound Thailand(Thailand most creative famous brand)、In the afternoon Thonglong around design street、The weekend to shangri-la in for a weekend party…Network popular Bangkok strategy you them in order,Become their own unique memories。


去迷人普吉岛,实现各种自由想法 To charming island of phuket,Implementation of free ideas


Water lubricious pure,It was blue,Is the andaman sea island of phuket, one of the pearl,Is your holiday travel is the perfect destination。CITS after suing summer time,Elaborate design more summer island of phuket lines,On the same date,More than ten many products can choose,Involving free line、Half free line category,Family huan、Thai will play、Since the addition and subtraction swim、CLUBMED and so on many kinds of themes,We can be in more for you based on the match for replacement、Upgrade, service,Since the world swimming,Let your trip to phuket more freedom。


线路推荐: Line recommend:


The Thai island of phuket 4 late five days trip to parents(Thai airways,,Including PP island,The millennium hotel)


The Thai island of phuket 5 7 days later family travel(PP island + Kings island,WESTIN senior sea viem room)


The Thai island of phuket four nights free line 6 days(Beauty to the hotel)


The Thai island of phuket CLUBMED4 late free line 5 days


The Thai island of phuket banyan tree zhuang 5 late 7 free line(Hna's direct to)


Passion to seychelles,Hand in hand with romantic trip


If the seychelles,Is still a relatively unfamiliar name,So mentioned that prince William and Kate's honeymoon destination、David Beckham and Victoria married couples the tenth anniversary of retreat,Did you feel familiar?The seychelles,Located in the Indian Ocean island,A total of 110 islands as a jade scattered in the Indian Ocean。She is in search for surprise jump with quiet place,Through the exploration steps to people、The mind the feeling to discover,Like an unconquerable mystery woman,Ready to appreciate her unique you,Want to choose friends or enough like enough love partner together,To fully feel her charm in at the same time in the strange exotic chase forget and fatigue。

  线路推荐: Line recommend:


The seychelles 5 7 days late free line(The horse has island + oprah's LAN island,Ask hud aviation o)


The seychelles 5 7 days late free line(The horse ella north island +,Ask hud aviation o business class)


The seychelles 5 7 days late free line(Banyan tree zhuang,Ask hud aviation o)


The seychelles 5 late 8 days free line(KangSiDan ivy leah hotel,Emirates airline dubai turnaround)
