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英国大美乡村 开幕式上的明珠--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  伦敦2012奥运会开幕式的艺术总监Danny Boyle称,在7月27日,奥运会的舞台将变身为英式田园,开幕式第一幕的主题是“绿色和愉悦”,届时舞台上会出现真的动物在真的草地上漫步,而参加开幕式的8万名幸运观众都能闻到田园的清香。

The London 2012 Olympic Games opening ceremony of the art director Danny Boyle says,On July 27,,The stage of the Olympic Games will change as British rural,The opening ceremony is the theme of the first act“Green and pleasant”,Will appear on the stage in the grass animals really really walk,And attend the opening ceremony of the 80000 lucky viewers can smell the fragrance field。


Introduced in Britain,Perhaps most people thinks of above all is the city of Britain,Especially busy busy capital, London,But the is unusual,The country became Boyle-after all Britain's green space MUSES and natural environment more representative of the country。Can say,The opening ceremony of the spotlight will encourage more people to discover the beauty of Britain。


How many beautiful scenery in waiting for them to find?For those who don't know much about the British Isles of the people,See here are so many mountains、forest、river、Beach and lakes unavoidably surprised。Although the UK area is not large,But wins in rich landscape。The following is the search for the English countryside each big reason:

  它的破纪录。威尔士沿海栈道(Wales Coastal Path)已于5月开放,并拥有一项世界第一,即全球首个能让人徒步整个国家海岸线的栈道;加上贯穿盎格鲁—威尔士边界的Offa's Dyke Path,整条栈道全长1030英里,徒步者可沿此栈道绕威尔士一周。 http://www.walescoastpath.gov.uk/default.aspx?lang=en

Its record。Wales coastal road(Wales Coastal Path)Already in the may open,And has a world first,That is the world's first can let person walking the whole country coastlines of the road;And throughout the Anglo-Saxon-the boundary of wales Offa 's Dyke Path,Article the plank road 1030 miles,Hikers along this road can be around wales a week。 http://www.walescoastpath.gov.uk/default.aspx?Lang = en

  它的神秘。英国上下散落着许多富有神话传说和精神意义的古老遗址,从最著名的巨石阵(坐落在威尔特郡(Wiltshire))到环绕苏格兰已上千年的各个巨石圈,都令人神往。在周五开幕式上展现风采的还有格拉斯顿伯里岩山(Glastonbury Tor),山顶上坐落着15世纪的教堂塔,从这里可以看到三个郡,分别是多塞特(Dorset)、威尔特(Wiltshire)和萨默赛特(Somerset)。这座神秘的岩山具有非凡的精神意义——它时常被迷雾包围,远远望去蔚为壮观。这座岩山将出现在开幕式的奥运舞台上,届时山底会有舞蹈演员跳快舞,代表着久负盛名的格拉斯顿伯里音乐节(Glastonbury)。http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/glastonbury-tor/

The mystery of it。England were up and down many rich myths and legends and spiritual significance of ancient sites,From the most famous Stonehenge(Located in Wiltshire(Wiltshire))To around Scotland already for thousands of years each stone circle,Are a little。In the opening ceremony on Friday to show the elegant demeanour of and glastonbury rocky(Glastonbury Tor),The top of the hill stands a 15 th century church tower,Here you can see three county,Respectively is much Seth(Dorset)、Will's(Wiltshire)And summers, set(Somerset)。The mysterious rocky has special spiritual significance, it is often surrounded by fog,From the long distance spectacular。The rocky will appear in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games on stage,Once when there will be a dancer jumping faster dance,Represents the prestigious glastonbury music festival(Glastonbury)。http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/glastonbury-tor/

  它的美食。除了很棒的酒吧,您也可以在英国乡村享受野餐和寻找属于您的美食。觅食假期非常流行,并且仅针对最上乘的食材,例如采挖松露就很盛行。您可以在英格兰的多塞特郡(Dorset)展开觅食之旅,本月晚些时候这里还将举行奥运帆船比赛。此外,这里也是联合国教科文组织认定的世界遗产侏罗纪海岸(Jurassic Coast)所在地。http://www.englishtruffles.co.uk/about-us.html

Its food。In addition to great bar,You can also enjoy a picnic in the English countryside and look for the food for you。Foraging holiday very popular,And in the most excellent only ingredients,For example excavation of truffle is very popular。You can be in the Dorset, England(Dorset)Spread foraging trip,Later this month here will also hold the Olympic sailing competition。In addition,Here is also the UNESCO recognition of the Jurassic coast world heritage(Jurassic Coast)seat。http://www.englishtruffles.co.uk/about-us.html

  它是灵感源泉。David Hockney近期在皇家学院(Royal Academy)举办了轰动一时的展览《A Bigger Picture》(也是伦敦2012艺术节的一部分),展出的作品介绍了Yorkshire Wolds的静谧美景。这位生于约克郡的艺术家采用富有想象力的华丽色彩描绘了Wolds这个金三角(西接York,东接Bridlington,南接Hull)美丽的田园风光,这里空气清新,风景秀丽,更有古雅的市集村落,非常适合散步和骑行,而生活在这里的人们则是出了名的好客。http://www.visithullandeastyorkshire.com/places-to-visit/yorkshire-wolds.aspx

It is inspiration。David Hockney in recent Royal Academy(Royal Academy)The exhibition held a great sensation《A Bigger Picture》(London is also part of the 2012 art festival),The display of the work is about the Yorkshire Wolds quiet beauty。This was born in york by artists of the imaginative luxuriant colour described the Wolds the golden triangle(West meets York,On the Bridlington,South by Hull)The beauty of the countryside,Here the air fresh,Beautiful scenery,More quaint village market,Very for walking and riding,But life in the people here is a hospitable。http://www.visithullandeastyorkshire.com/places-to-visit/yorkshire-wolds.aspx

  奥斯丁笔下的女主角在田野里漫步,或《唐顿庄园》中的Lady Mary在乡间骑行,您能想象现实中这些地方还保留着当年的风貌吗?英国不乏美丽的建筑及花园,并且大部分都是可以参观的,例如《唐顿庄园》的拍摄地海克利尔城堡(Highclere Castle)。这些城堡和成千上百处房产都由国民信托、英国遗产和古建筑协会(Historic Houses Association)管理。在Chertwell House,您能看到丘吉尔的卧室,还可以探寻那些曾经在他画作上出现过的地方。您也可以在Cliveden House(目前已改造为酒店)入住Nancy Astor的卧房,站在卧房的窗边,眺望窗外一丝不苟地修剪过的花园,让自己过一天贵族生活。在去Eton Dorney观看奥运赛艇比赛前到这里小住几日将是不错的选择。?它的优雅。想象简 http://www.clivedenhouse.co.uk/

Austin heroine in the fields around,or《Don's manor》The Lady Mary ride in the country,Can you imagine reality these places to retain the style that year?Britain is beautiful buildings and garden,And most of them are can visit,For example《Don's manor》The spot, Clifford castle(Highclere Castle)。The castle and thousands of homes are made by the national trust、English heritage and ancient building society(Historic Houses Association)management。In Chertwell House,You can see the bedroom of Winston Churchill,Can also search for those who have seen in his paintings of the place。You can also in Cliveden House(At present already transform for the hotel)Check-in Nancy Astor bedroom,Standing in the bedroom window,Look out scrupulously trimmed garden,Let me live one day noble life。Eton Dorney in to watch the games before rowing race here a few days will be right choice。?Its elegant。Imagine http://www.clivedenhouse.co.uk/ Jane

  它令人振奋。如果说奥运会能激发您探寻自己身体极限的愿望,那么英国还有许多机会激发您的此类愿望。说起冒险运动,在苏格兰西海岸上从Loch Linnhe 乘坐皮划艇漂流到Sound of Arisaig就足够惊险刺激,这一旅行还当选了《国家地理》“终身难遇的旅游体验(tour of a lifetime)”。此旅程由Wilderness Scotland组织,详情访问 http://www.wildernessscotland.com/adventures.php?tripID=177

It is exciting。If you yourself can stimulate the Olympic Games for the desire of the physical limits,So there are many opportunities to stimulate your this kind of desire。Speaking of adventure sports,In Scotland on the west coast from Loch Linnhe take kayak drift to the Sound of Arisaig enough adventure,This also travel was elected《National geographic》“Life is difficult to meet travel experience(Tour of a lifetime)”。This journey Wilderness Scotland by the organization,Details http://www.wildernessscotland.com/adventures.php visit?TripID = 177


It is protected。Such as the national trust(And Scotland trust)And the British heritage and organization to protect the tireless special sites and buildings,And will these direction is open to the public。recent,Northern Ireland's giant dam cost 18.5 million pounds is opening a new a advanced visitors center,In order to let more people can enjoy this is in the world the most beautiful volcanic geology。Similar still to reconstruction of Stonehenge,English heritage will cost 27 million pounds to remove to traffic in the site,And make a new visitors center。http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/daysout/properties/stonehenge/our-plans/
