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会展旅游——来柏林吧! Mice tourism-to Berlin it!


In the capital is Germany's political center had already is self-evident。As a city of exhibition,Its image has also wants to add, clear。

  近十年来,柏林旅游局下属的柏林会展部致力于将柏林打造成一个方便、舒适且形式丰富多样的会展与大型活动之城。自2011年年初开始,专门以会展旅游为主题的网站 convention.visitberlin.de 正式开通,以德英两种语言为展会的组织者和参加者提供大量实用信息,其中包括:精选出的诸多酒店和会议设施的名单及详细描述;柏林具有会展组织业务的公司名单,以及关于柏林交通、机票和火车票预订等方面的链接。活动的组织者可从中获得新的思路,方便找到合作伙伴,而参加者则可通过这个网站更方便地安排在柏林的商务旅行。

Nearly 10 years,Berlin tourism administration of the exhibition department devoted to subordinate Berlin will Berlin to create a convenient、Comfortable and various exhibition and the city of large-scale activities。Since starting in early 2011,Special exhibition to travel as the theme of the website convention. Visitberlin. DE opened to the public,Of the two languages by the exhibition organizers and participants to provide a practical information,including:Select the many hotel and conference facilities list and describe in detail;Berlin has exhibition organization business company list,And about Berlin traffic、Ticket and train ticket reservation, and other aspects of the link。The organizers of the activity to gain new ideas,Convenient to find a partner,The participant may be through the web site is easier to arrange in Berlin in the business trip。

  根据统计数据,仅2011 年上半年,在柏林就举办了5 万3 千多项会议,参加人数达430 万人次。其中在医学和贸易领域的会议所占比重最大,均达11%。

According to the statistical data,Only the first half of 2011,In Berlin is held more than 53000 meeting,To participate in number to 4.3 million people。Among them in medicine and trade fields of the proportion of the conference is the largest,Reached 11%。

  柏林会展业的成功发展得益于柏林完善的硬件条件和良好的社会环境。柏林酒店设施质量好,而价格却相对低廉,在170 多家会议酒店中有53% 的酒店可以提供会议场所,这些都成为活动组织者选址柏林的一个重要因素。而便捷的交通、发达的餐饮业和丰富的文化及娱乐设施则可充分满足活动参与者业余生活的需求。

The success of the exhibition industry development benefits from Berlin Berlin improve the hardware conditions and a good social environment。Berlin hotel facilities are of good quality,And the price is relatively cheap,In more than 170 convention hotel in 53% of the hotel can accommodate conferences,These have all become organizers location Berlin an important factor。And convenient transportation、Developed with the catering industry and rich cultural and entertainment facilities can be fully meet the needs of the participants amateur life。

  2013 年3 月,欧洲最现代代的国际机场——维利–勃兰特柏林勃兰登堡机场将投入使用,目前由北京直飞柏林的海南航空也将在这里降落。新机场的运营将为往来柏林的旅客提供更加舒适的旅行环境。

March 2013,Europe's most modern generation of international airport-wally-BoLanTe Berlin Brandenburg airport will be put into use,Now the Beijing direct to Berlin's hainan airlines will also landing here。The new airport operations for passengers with Berlin will provide more comfortable travel environment。

  到2013 年底,位于柏林会展中心的德国馆也将改建完成。届时,柏林最大的会展中心ICC 也将得到现代化的改造。目前,仅在柏林展览中心和会展中心,每年举办的大型活动就有530 多项,参加人数近24 万人次,其中包括柏林旅游交易会、柏林国际电子消费品展览会等大型国际盛事。

By the end of 2013,Located in Berlin exhibition center, the pavilion will also be rebuilt completed。when,Berlin's largest exhibition center ICC will also get modernization transformation。At present,Only in the Berlin exhibition center and convention center,The annual events have more than 530,To participate in number of nearly 240000 people,Including Berlin tourism trade fair、Berlin international consumer electronics exhibition and other large international event。




Berlin tourism administration

  Berlin Tourismus & Kongress GmbH

Berlin Tourismus & Kongress GmbH

  Am Karlsbad 11, 10785 Berlin | 德国

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  www.laibolin.com (中文)

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 会展旅游:科隆:日渐繁荣的会展中心 Mice tourism:cologne:The booming exhibition center


“2011 year cologne exhibition barometer”Statistical results have been released:Activities with the rapid growth in the number of the number,Cologne exhibition industry development in the international market and wide prospect of academic field。


According to“Cologne exhibition barometer”report,2011 years,With cologne held 42,923 a meeting project,The total number to 3.4 million;More than 2010 years,Number of meeting a year-on-year increase of 0.4%,The increased by 3.3%。The participants of the hotel for the night total turnover also rose to 16.6 billion euros(+ 6 m)。In 2011, mainly by 163 a cologne exhibition of enterprise unit,Respectively is 20 function meeting center,55 house hotel and a special meeting 88 meeting place。According to the survey,Special meetings of cologne place exhibition 40% market share,Is in the lead。

  “科隆已经成长为德国最受欢迎的会议与展览目的地之一。其中心区位、各具特色的会议举办场所、数目繁多的文化产品以及兼容并包的城市态度和友好的城市形象,都积极推动着科隆向更强的方向发展。”科隆旅游局总经理Josef Sommer这样评价道,“科隆会展局与科隆会议展览业的共同目标是使科隆作为欧洲领先的会议展览大都会具有长期性。”

“Cologne has grown to Germany's most popular meetings and destinations。The center location、Each characteristic of the meeting venue、Number of various cultural products and compatible and bag city attitude and friendly image of the city,Are actively promote the cologne more strong direction to develop。”General manager Josef Sommer such tourism cologne evaluation way,“Cologne exhibition bureau meeting together with cologne when the goal was to make the cologne as Europe's leading exhibition of the meeting with the mets long-term。”


Exhibition activity in industry with the unit


Cologne exhibition activities of the organization two-thirds(68%)Concentrated in trade field。From the perspective of industry,Banking again is in the lead,Second is the pharmaceutical industry。The IT industry as a new force,At the same time entertainment industry also had an increasing proportion。In the nonprofit department's 32% in weight,Industry association、Private activity organizations and social bodies before three respectively;The importance of science and culture fields has been increasing(Were up by 1%):More than half of the partner would see science and performances, the cooperation between departments。


Cologne have 12 university、Continue to education institutions and other research institutions,Overall, the,Here in science and technology and activities of the event planning,Huge potential。In order to improve the cooperation of here,For the first time, the exhibition barometer also applied science professor at the university of cologne and the trainer to conduct an investigation。


generally,In an average year cologne each professor will hold 2.6 activities,12% of these activities have more than 100 participants。Cologne university of applied science only 11 college about 770 serving science home,There is a 70% organization's activities in cologne they hold,It also shows in the field of science and technology exhibition in cologne great potential。


The tourist market of global opportunities and potential


Britain is still the mainstay of international tourists market,The Dutch and French market is growing strongly,The main market outside Europe for the United States and China。According to the investigation of activities,Cologne is positioned for“good”and“Very good”The exhibition between destination。And according to international activities organization survey,The city's potential is still bullish。

  科隆会展局经理Stephanie Franke认为,科隆需要建立长效机制,以有效利用国际市场的巨大潜力。“除了考虑到会议和参与者数量的增加,国际注意力也是我们决定在科隆建成新一个会展中心的重要原因——特别是考虑到其他目的地,如柏林和法兰克福,也在通过建立新的会展中心扩大其会展城市的竞争力。”

Cologne exhibition bureau manager Stephanie Franke think,Cologne need to set up a long term mechanism,In order to use the huge potential of international market。“In addition to consider that the meeting and the increase in the number of participants,International attention and we decided to build a new in cologne exhibition center important reasons-especially considering other destination,If Berlin and Frankfurt,Also in through the establishment of a new exhibition center to expand its exhibition the competitiveness of the city。”
