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The dongguan five-star hotel was“Gold star”,One is because of the old hotel hardware appear aging;Second because the dongguan star hotel excessive number,The hotel has slipped down the quality,Prices generally are in a low price。The dongguan star hotel in what is the root cause of the low price competition?In the current economic environment,The dongguan star hotel is are moving in the transition period?


 东莞银城酒店因硬件老化被“摘星” The dongguan silver city hotel for hardware is aging“Gold star”


The dongguan star hotel and bad“Gold star”。Not long ago,The national tourism administration announcement,Beijing world house international hotel、Tianjin tianbao international hotel、Changchun hna redbud hotel、Dalian in liaoning seaview hotel、Sichuan grand hotel California garden hotel、Guangdong dongguan silver city hotel six hotels were cancelled five-star tourist hotel qualification。Reporters from guangdong tourism administration and following enterprise aspects learned,After review,Guangdong dongguan silver city hotel for hardware facilities too aging causes,Did not reach the new star hotel evaluation standard,So was“Gold star”。According to understand,Silver city hotel is the first five-star hotel in dongguan,It opened in 1996,The early days of the start carrying many historical significance,Become the dongguan“The door five-star hotel”,The dongguan their five-star hotel。Silver city hotel is“Gold star”,By the industry and social strong reaction。


In fact,It is not the dongguan first star hotel is“Gold star”case。The reporter understands,In 2008 there were 99 home dongguan hotel,So far this year June,The dongguan hotel number has dropped to 93。But the dongguan five-star hotel number is still as high as 20 home,In the domestic,This number is second only to Beijing、Shanghai。


So many of the star hotel,Guest room occupancy rate exactly have much higher?The market can digest got so many hotel?Reporters from the latest in the first quarter of 2012 50 key tourist city star hotel management on statistics to see,Participate in the evaluation for 13 home the dongguan five-star hotel,Average house prices is 567.01 yuan/night,Guest room ChuZuLv 44.31% on average。Five-star hotels in guangdong province and average house prices is 703.3 yuan/night,ChuZuLv for 54.48%。


On the one hand,The dongguan five-star hotels, average house prices and ChuZuLv below the provincial level,On the other hand,The dongguan hotel average ChuZuLv year-on-year in the first quarter also fell nearly 4%。


陷入低价竞争的根源何在? In what the root of the low price competition?


 中国旅游研究院院长戴斌:酒店产业结构不合理 China's tourism research institute President dai bin:The hotel industry structure is not reasonable


The hotel's business situation is by both to decide,One is the consumption demand,One is the supply。From consumer demand for people,Generally divided into male、Business travel and leisure sightseeing,Will the dongguan in,Tourism and leisure guest is not much,Mainly depending on the business、Business travel guest to impress hotel consumption。But because of the negative impact of the financial crisis are not completely disappear,Business travelers are down from the number,Limit consumption budget or business travelers are more criticism。so,Decline in consumption in the,Is star hotels, low level of consumer spending one reason。


On the other hand from supply to see,As the industry said,The dongguan hotel industry development is not normal,Hotel rooms in the low income,Other income ratio is higher。It is easy to see that has the effect of the policy。


From two angles,Dongguan hotel industry's development of adverse,To product structure and industrial structure are affected。In fact is too centralized high star hotel development of the dongguan speaking,Economy in good may not have too big operating pressure,But when the economic recession,If no other cheap hotel do support,It is difficult to have high star hotel is an ideal occupancy rate。To form a pyramid of industrial structure,For a city of the hotel industry development it more appropriate。


And because the structure is not reasonable,Business conditions in the ideal situation,Will eventually lead to the decline in the quality。So in the future the transformation of dongguan hotel industry,I think that we should focus on three aspects,One is the need to adjust the industrial structure,Formation of ecosystem health hotel,High middle-and-low grade hotel should form a pyramid structures;Second is the product structure have to be adjusted,The operation of the hotel industry should return to nature,In the guest room、Business meeting、Entertainment return to a normal proportion;Three is to do a good job in the pearl river delta market article,Attract of the neighboring cities to the business travelers are to consumption,Let the dongguan become true meeting,And the hotel can thus play to its normal and the most primitive functions。


“东莞现象”的弊病在哪? “The dongguan phenomenon”Where the problems within the?


广东省酒店行业协会名誉创会会长杨小鹏:难以实现质与量的并举 The hotel industry association of guangdong province honorary President and YangXiaoPeng:To realize the quality and quantity of simultaneously


Silver city hotel is“Gold star”Unexpectedly,It not only hardware facilities aging,Design layout is not reasonable,More important is,The service level is very bad。Such as difference treat guests,Is the government or enterprise big customer for preferential treatment,And for the individual clients but relatively cool,The hotel industry is the most taboo for。


Throughout the whole star dongguan hotel,High star hotel has been in a saturated state,Supply exceeds demand leads to many of the five star hotel prices to sell only I yuan a night,This special phenomenon also once been known in the industry as“The dongguan phenomenon”。In my opinion,A city of five-star hotel number there should be a a percentage of,Consumption has class distinction,And five-star hotels, it shall provide appropriate service standards,But obviously,In the dongguan,Not all five-star hotel are to meet requirements,And to rely more on entertainment project profitability,And the hotel itself project to make money,In order to control costs,To reduce spending,Sustain business,The hotel itself provided by the guest room、catering、Meeting service quality will also fell。


This decline was not accidental。In the global financial crisis before,The dongguan five-star hotel has many business travelers are checked in,And these star hotel Shanghai is most bosses investment,They want to put money into assets,Enclosure cover hotel is one of the means of faster。But the hotel is not the way of internationalization path,The service level and the international five star hotel far。


From the financial tsunami that has erupted,Although the economy is undergoing a revival,But the dongguan hotel still keep consumption low level,Some hotels even cannot guarantee that a third of the high-end customers。In fact,The dongguan star hotel pattern formed on manufacturing,But it also seems to be conflicting,Residential areas can hold up these high-grade hotel?We know,High star hotel general appear in the high consumption of large business、Financial street,Or IT industry densely populated。


so,If not seen in economic environment improved obviously,The economic structure transformation cannot smooth background,To realize the dongguan hotel quality and quantity and I'm afraid is difficult。


 如何实现良性发展? How to achieve a virtuous development?


 东莞市旅游局副局长李亚鹏:星级酒店要提升服务促转型 Following tourism bureau deputy director li:Star hotel to enhance service promote transformation


Five-star hotel I yuan a night is not universally true,In the weekend and other holidays,Five-star hotel room price will be increased,This is the market decide。I estimated this year than last year the ChuZuLv will decline,But range is not too much,The reason is by the economic environment。


The dongguan hotel is most private capital,Star hotel number as high as 93,Is China's most star hotel level。The dongguan hotel also has its own development ecology,Along with the increase of business travelers are,The number of hotels has increased。But in recent years the dongguan hotel quality is in constant ascension,The national tourism administration does not conform to standards of stars、Poor management of、Quality is going to the hotel“Gold star”punishment,Such as the latest dongguan's most old five-star hotel silver city hotel for hardware aging、Can not reach the standard and not be star“Gold star”fate。In the dongguan so fierce competition environment,Ultimately the market to inspection。


Dongguan star hotel for the problem of transition,I think the future or to improve the service quality as to focus,We will be on the market investigation,The hotel service quality overall evaluation,On specific regulatory rules again。


微观点 Microscopic point


@ WeiXiaoAn:“The dongguan phenomenon”Is relying on manufacturing form giant hotel pattern。Las Vegas hotel many,But it is based on the entertainment industry and developed on gambling,But a factory in dongguan dominate the place that so many of the emerging hotel,This rare all over the world。


@ is king:The dongguan hotel industry's development benefit from the development of the manufacturing industry in dongguan,So talk about its future development,See to it that the future of dongguan, manufacturing the sustainable development down。On the other hand,The era of cheap land prices have in the past,From the city and the government's viewpoint,In the hardware and software to provide a better environment,To let those big international enterprise in dongguan。


@ MaYong:The dongguan hotel industry should be addressed first theme orientation,Should be in the whole area of guangdong, to build up the brand。The same is the meeting,Meeting facilities、Personnel services,Can be unique
