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昆明拟向游客征收10元滇池保护费 引网友炮轰--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  自己把水弄脏了,却向别人要钱来治理。乍听起来以为是笑话,可这事儿偏偏就发生了。近日,昆明拟出台法规要求“向酒店入住者,每人每天征收10元滇池生态资源补偿费”…[我来说两句] His dirty water,But to others want money to management。At first glance it sounds thought was a joke,But this thing happened happened。recently,Kunming is issued regulations“The to the hotel,On 10 yuan per person a day in dianchi lake ecological resource compensation”…[me 2]

  中新网昆明8月5日电(记者 史广林)自己把水弄脏了,却向别人要钱来治理。乍听起来以为是笑话,可这事儿偏偏就发生了。近日,昆明拟出台法规要求“向酒店入住者,每人每天征收10元滇池生态资源补偿费”。消息一出,舆论哗然。

On August 5, kunming local fars news agency reported(Reporter ShiGuangLin)His dirty water,But to others want money to management。At first glance it sounds thought was a joke,But this thing happened happened。recently,Kunming is issued regulations“The to the hotel,On 10 yuan per person a day in dianchi lake ecological resource compensation”。News a,Public outcry。


July 27,,Yunnan province of National People's Congress standing committee《Regulations on the protection of dianchi lake in yunnan province(draft)》And so on many regulations review。The most attractive is the draft,The people's government of kunming dianchi lake protection to set up a special fund,Capital source in a may ask to yunnan tourists collection。


According to a don't wish to be named, said participants,Meeting the day,Kunming government a leadership KenWang the efficiently“Pay more attention of the dianchi lake pollution treatment,The form of legislation to solve many problems, such as insufficient overhead expenses。”


The officers say,Kunming dianchi lake watershed is to 2920 square km range of five China、panlong、guandu、xishan、ChengGong、6 counties including jinning hotel、Hotel check-in the,According to the standard of 10 yuan per person a day,Collecting the collection ecological resource compensation dianchi lake。Yunnan people's congress enacted the kunming will as soon as possible《Regulations on the protection of dianchi lake in yunnan province》,Support the kunming dianchi lake ecological resource compensation collecting,Will the provincial development and reform commission with the related to support the formalities for examination and approval。


In fact,As early as in November 2009,《Regulations on the protection of dianchi lake in yunnan province(draft)》(Public drafts)The legislative kunming dianchi lake in yunnan province and the administration announced joint on the Internet。At that time in the drafts,Dispatch unit to be a very attentively the statement:“In order to work in the local legislation to promote democracy,Understand the public opinion,Focus on intelligence,According to《The legislative law of the People's Republic of China》、《Yunnan people's congress and its standing committee legislative regulations》Provisions of the,Now the《Regulations on the protection of dianchi lake in yunnan province(draft)》(Public drafts)Released on the Internet,Widely listen to opinions from all sectors of society。Please give my opinion unit and individual,In November of 2009, a 25 by E-mail、fax、Letter of feedback form of yunnan province people's government legal office of kunming dianchi lake and administration。”


This has seven big chapter the provisions of article 69 of the act(draft)Hung on the Internet now,Also did not cause public opinion and the public attention。“Management is good, dianchi lake,Who will not support?”


But control and protect the cost of dianchi lake to“Dear guests”The statement from the meeting on once broke,The city is home to more than the media here sit still,have“Do it for someone else”,to“news”Form represents“The board of the legislative and yunnan”And even the whole country to kunming citizens advice from Internet users。


online“Representatives of”Opinion some one-sided。Netizens poking fun way,“Kunming people you really good ah,But dianchi lake pollution is not tourists dry。”“Later will not have kunming air compensation,And in kunming administrative areas of breathing in money?”the“Yanjing saatchi”said,“Kunming it is advisable。If the regulations,Follow the,All the tourists in the future will air fee collection、Sunshine fee。”


“Negotiations PanLi communication experts”says,“The typical predecessors pollution pay later generations!Why do we not to charge in creative use on pollution?Why do we need to use administrative fees for performance?After charging can solve the problem of pollution?Capture expends the guests are entitled to know and monitor expenses flow, and welcomed the dianchi lake watershed。We would rather donated one thousand yuan RMB to frequent dianchi lake,Also don't want to be charged performance!”


May expect Internet users will be questioned,The legislative QiXiYuan, director of the provincial government on the day of the meeting said,Life in the dianchi lake watershed to everyone,Is the dianchi lake polluters,And the victims of the dianchi lake pollution,The governance of dianchi lake is understood and the beneficiaries。Through collecting the legislation this fee,To strengthen the protection consciousness of dianchi lake,Guide enterprises to strictly abide by environment protection laws and regulations,With a minimum of environment cost for maximum economic benefits,To establish a stable long-term investment mechanism。


For the provincial government that concerned,Yunnan university professor JinZiJiang hold different opinions。He thinks,“Ecological resource compensation for the management of dianchi lake ideas,Have new idea but impractical。”He said,First of all if the dianchi lake dianchi lake pollution around the hotel,Should be hotel move,Residents not to charge。second,The pollution control is the function of the government,But now the function to apportion public burden,It's not reasonable。JinZiJiang says,“I BianZhaoFa forcing visitors to the so-called ancient city maintenance fee、Ecological resource compensation of practice,Very to disagree!”


Debate continues,Tourists have been concerned about when to charge。August 3,,Kunming dianchi lake administration officials zheng reporters call our response,This is the law by the provincial government to lead the legislative,province、The city more than 10 departments jointly participate in the draft,Just draft,Not yet implemented。The next step is to review by yunnan province people's congress will develop through relevant work。


Someone calculate on a bill,Kunming tourism administration figures show,Kunming 2011 tourists super 40 million passengers。According to the calculation,Each tourists in the kunming for a day,For management and protection“Ecological resources dianchi lake”Contribute 400 million yuan。(finish)


The survey:Who should be dianchi lake pollution“pay”?


1. How do you evaluate kunming dianchi lake charge to the tourists“Protection money”?

  • 合理,有助于提升游客环保意识
  • reasonable,Help to improve tourist environmental protection consciousness
  • 不合理,治污不力不应由游客买单
  • Not reasonable,Poor performance should not pay by tourists


2. Who do you think should be in dianchi lake pollution“pay”?

  • 附近的居住者、生产者
  • Nearby residents、producers
  • 政府相关部门
  • The relevant government departments
  • 游客
  • tourists
View the results>>


comments:The most should give visitors dianchi lake pollution compensation

  来源:《半岛都市报》 近日,"昆明拟对滇池游客征收每人每天10元生态保护费"的消息引发网民关注,不少网民认为让游客为滇池治理污染埋单"太离谱"。记者采访获悉,上述收费计划目前正在报请有关方面审核通过。(本报8月5日A28版报道)

source:《Peninsula metropolis daily》 recently,"Kunming dianchi lake tourist draw on each person every day on 10 yuan ecological protection money"The news triggered attention Internet users,Many Internet users think that let visitors for pollution control dianchi lake bill"Is going too far"。Reporters learned that,The above rate plan at present are submitted to the audit through。(This August 5 A28 version of the report)


Visitors to the lake,Is rush the"Plateau pearl"Reputation of、To enjoy ShuiTianYiSe。But now,Lake water is bad five categories,Peculiar smell flooding people,Pearl blank,Name dianchi lake。From the economic point of view,Here visitors,Spent a fortune but have not get due to enjoy,This is a bid to take the faulty goods,Should be economic compensation。Which have in turn compensation undesirable businessman of reason?


Related to the tourists are stretched out his hand,If not the mind fever want to money to crazy words,That may be considering the arrival of tourists,Increase the pollution of dianchi lake。I'm afraid that this is a fact。Now many scenic spot of pollution,Not only have industrial pollution,Life is pollution;Not only have the locals pollution,And the outsiders pollution。The tourists don't behave need to correct,Visitors also should set up the consciousness of travel civilization。But for this possibility,Related aspects should be considered in advance,In advance,Rather than directly out his hand to money。


If travel damage,Far more than the ecological endurance,Tourism income was enough to support pollution treatment costs,Why not compressed reception,Even temporarily shut down scenic spot?Scenic spot can't ignore the ecological constraint,"Our door is always open",Even if pollution can't bear,Also shouted in bending over"Please don't mention it"。


Dianchi lake polluted,Really need management;Over the lack of money,Does need to raise,Related aspects at least four options。The first is"You pollution I management",Take out more financial funds for performance;The second is"Who pollution who draw out money",To those on the ecological environment of a direct effect on the organization and individual performance fees charged;The third is"Who benefit who draw out money",To those who travel beneficiaries collect fees,Such as extraction for more travel income used for performance;If there is no people pay,That is the fourth choice"Don't benefit not pollution",closed,The pollution stay outside。How can hands to tourists?


Dianchi lake pollution,If talk about compensation words,Most should compensate is tourists。

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