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韩国海云台海水浴场突现激流 143名游客被卷走--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  8月4日当天,韩国的高温天气吸引了80万游客来到韩国最有名的休养地——海云台海水浴场。海云台的海事警察表示,当天上午10点45分,在第5和第7瞭望台之间出现一股巨大的离岸流,143名游客水流卷走。[我来说两句] August 4, on that day,South Korea's hot weather attracted 800000 visitors come to South Korea's most famous XiuYangDe-sea yuntai sea beach。The sea of maritime police yuntai said,At 10 in the morning of 45 points,In the fifth and seventh tower appear between a huge offshore flow,143 visitors swept away by water。[me 2]


离岸流 Offshore flow又被称为回卷流。水回流海中,速度很快,流速可高达每秒2米以上,每股的持续时间为两三分钟甚至更长。离岸流常可将游泳者带离岸边。

Also called back to the volume flow。Water back the sea,quickly,Velocity can be as high as 2 meters per second or more,The duration of a share for two or three minutes or longer。Offshore flow can often will swimmers take away from the shore。


66 tourists by water volume to 70 to 80 meters outside of the territorial waters,In seeking the lifeguard after relief,Safety return to the beach。The rest of the 40 tourists in the noon time was saved。The day when evening,The lifeguard again saved last more than 30 of tourists。

  当地时间8月4日,一股巨大的水流冲向位于韩国釜山的海云台海水浴场(Haeundae Beach),卷走多达143人,目前所有被卷走游客都已获救。

Local time on August 4,A huge flow of water to the sea in busan yuntai sea beach(Haeundae Beach),As many as 143 people are gone,At present all twisted go visitors were rescued。


Reports say,August 4, on that day,South Korea's hot weather attracted 800000 visitors come to South Korea's most famous XiuYangDe-sea yuntai sea beach。The sea of maritime police yuntai said,At 10 in the morning of 45 points,In the fifth and seventh tower appear between a huge flow of water,143 visitors swept away by water。66 tourists by water volume to 70 to 80 meters outside of the territorial waters,In seeking the lifeguard after relief,Safety return to the beach。The rest of the 40 tourists in the noon time was saved。The day when evening,The lifeguard again saved last more than 30 of tourists。


Local maritime police at 12 at noon on that day is 15 points blocked the sea beach,Until 3 PM 30 points to open new recovery。The reasons for the produce is not clear,The police speculated that is under the water and the steep slope of the distortion caused by irregular。


A maritime police said,Since June 1, this year,The sea is no torrent yuntai appear,This state of peace until the end of July。South Korea meteorological administration department warned,The stream of more may have appeared in the southern coast。(Picture source:CFP)


Summer summer:Busan beach"Sun umbrellas over"Into landscape



釜山海滩"连绵太阳伞"成风景(图) Busan beach"Sun umbrellas over"Into landscape(figure)

  晨报综合报道 当地时间7月29日,随着暑期的到来,市民与游客纷纷涌到韩国釜山海云台海水浴场消暑纳凉(如图)。海云台浴场以其净如白玉的沙滩和宽广而美丽的海岸线而闻名于天下,而连绵不绝的沙滩太阳伞也成了当地一道风景线。这里一年四季游客络绎不绝,尤其逢暑期,甚至曾吸引超过百万游客聚集于此,其中很多是外国游客。来源:新闻晨报

The morning paper comprehensive report local time on July 29,With the arrival of the summer,Citizens and tourists into the sea of busan yuntai sea beach cultivated the heat(As shown in figure)。The sea to the net if yuntai bathing beaches and broad white and beautiful coastline is famous in the world,And the sun continues just beach umbrella also became a local a scenery line。Here all the year round a continuous stream of visitors,Especially every summer,Even once attracted more than visitors gathered for the,Many of them foreign tourists。source:News the morning paper


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由于三亚地处热带,一年四季都适合游泳,特别是夏季连续高温,许多市民、游客都爱到海中游泳,但因游泳引发的溺水死亡失踪悲剧也不断发生。据三亚海上搜救分中心有关负责人介绍,截至6月18日,今年他们共接到海上遇险报警人数达70余人,其中死亡失踪人数达14人。[详细]      Due to sanya is located in the tropics,Throughout the year all suitable for swimming,Especially for the summer heat,Many city residents、Visitors love to swim in the sea,But for swimming drowning death by missing tragedy often take place。According to sanya sea rescue sub-center concerns chief introduction,June 18,This year they were received maritime distress alarm number of more than 70 people,Death of missing people up to 14 people。[detailed]     中国游客马尔代夫下海溺亡 外交部提醒注意安全 Chinese tourists or Dead Sea maldives foreign ministry remind pay attention to safety       今年春节长假期间,连续发生两起中国游客在马尔代夫下海溺水身亡事件。外交部昨天提醒赴马尔代夫的中国游客注意水上活动安全。     近年来,在马尔代夫已多次发生中国游客因游泳或潜泳溺水身亡事件。鉴于此,中国驻马尔代夫使馆提醒赴马旅游的中国游客在赴马旅游期间,特别是参加水上活动时,务必提高自我保护意识,事先了解当地水文状况和注意事项,尽可能结伴而行,并佩戴救生器具,以免发生意外。如遇紧急情况,请及时报警,并可向中国驻马尔代夫使馆寻求帮助。中国驻马尔代夫使馆紧急联系电话:00960-7458160,传真:00960-3307826。[详细]   This year Spring Festival holiday,Continuously happen up two Chinese tourists in the maldives sea drowned events。Foreign ministry to the maldives yesterday reminded Chinese tourists to the water activities attention to safety。   In recent years,In the maldives has repeatedly happen for Chinese tourists swimming or swim drowned events。In view of this,China's ambassador to the maldives embassy to remind of Chinese tourists horse tourism in travel time to the horse,Especially for water sports,Be sure to raise ego to protect consciousness,Understand the local hydrological conditions and the matters needing attention,Caravans and do as much as possible,And wear life saving appliances,Avoid the accident。In case of an emergency,Please timely alarm,And in the maldives embassy to China for help。China's ambassador to the maldives embassy emergency contact Numbers:00960-7458160,fax:00960-3307826。[detailed]  

夏季游泳 安全须知

Summer swimming safety instructions

   专家指出,夏季游泳是一项有益身心的活动,但是也存在着一定的危险,因此一定要注意以下几点:     下水前先试试水温,最理想的水温是27摄氏度,太凉的话就不要下水;     做好充分的准备工作,可以先跑跑步或做做操,把身体各关节舒展开再下水,以免在游泳过程中出现头晕、心慌、抽筋等现象;     选择合适的游泳场所,对场所的环境、水域深浅等情况要了解清楚,不要到不知水情的江河湖海去游泳,游泳池是最佳选择;不要独自一人外出游泳,尤其是儿童游泳时一定要在家长的陪同下,以免在发生危险时无法迅速获救;     身体过于疲劳,情绪过于激动或太饱太饿时都不宜游泳;     要了解自己的水性,千万不要逞能,不要贸然跳水或潜泳,尤其不要在急流和漩涡处游泳,更不要酒后游泳,以免发生溺水。
 Experts point out that,Swimming is a good summer of physical and mental activities,But there is also a danger,So must pay attention to the following points:   The water to test the water,The most ideal water temperature is 27 degrees Celsius,Too cool word don't dip;   Make full preparation,Can do some exercises or run a bit first,The body of each joint stretch open water again,In order to avoid swimming appeared in the process of dizziness、flustered、Cramps the phenomenon such as;   Choose the right swimming places,In place of the environment、Water depth, etc to understand clearly,Don't to know the rivers and the sea water to go swimming,The swimming pool is the best choice;Don't go swimming alone,Especially children swimming must be accompanied by long at home,In order to avoid danger can't quickly rescued;   Body too fatigue,Emotions too excited or too full too hungry all is unsuitable to swim;   To understand their own water,Don't be absurd,Don't cut diving or go scuba diving sometime,Especially not in the rapids and whirlpool place swimming,Never drink and swimming,In order to avoid has the drowning。
