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    By Chinese equestrian association、Inner Mongolia autonomous region tourism bureau、By the Inner Mongolia autonomous region、XiLinGuoLeMeng administrative agency host,XiLinGuoLeMeng tourism bureau、The people's government of the condition、Beijing kyushu golden horse international cultural development co, LTD, the 5 th ride horses a prairie tourism festival activities and the third China•Being the equestrian endurance in on August 4, 2012-6, in Inner Mongolia XiLinGuoLeMeng jiuqu bay anti easy-restoration degree start of the scenic spot。“China•International equestrian demonstrated the endurance”Is XiLinGuoLeMeng relying on rich ma resources and long MaWenHua basis,For the construction of Chinese horses and lean strength to make brand equestrian events,At present has successfully hosted the two terms。The third China•Being the horse riding endurance is the international union officials and judges send technical field guide to hold,According to international equestrian federation certain FEI international equestrian endurance and rules of the star class an international event,Is also the second heaven being grassland•The festival is one of the most important activities,Grades will be credited to 2012 Chinese equestrian congress FEI star equestrian endurance and integral system。The previous two endurance in the basis of the event to further improve the specification,Game from the original 80 km line increased to 100 kilometers,Center starting point and finishing in the river being cylinder jiuqu bay area,All five competition from the track。The endurance and attracted Russia、British、Argentina、Chile、Malaysia、Austria、Hungary、Singapore、Hong Kong 17 countries(area)And the domestic riding clubs were 80 excellent rider join to compete,Game take individual awards top three top 10 and groups,Prize awarded、trophy。According to the rules of the game finish all the horse and rider,All can win the FEI star class endurance of the authentication certificate and basic rider bonus。


锡林郭勒盟概况 XiLinGuoLeMeng situation

  锡林郭勒盟位于中国正北方,内蒙古自治区中部,辖9旗2市1县和1个管理区,面积20.3万平方公里,占内蒙古自治区总面积的17.2%;人口103.6万,其中蒙古族人口占30%。锡林郭勒盟南邻河北省张家口、承德地区,北与蒙古国接壤,边境线长1098公里。有二连浩特和珠恩嘎达布其两个国家一类陆路口岸,是我国通往蒙古、俄罗斯及东欧各国的重要大陆桥。与首都北京直线距离460公里,与呼和浩特市直线距离470公里,与沈阳直线距离620公里,南部草原距首都北京最近距离仅180公里。盟府所在地锡林浩特市是中国优秀旅游城市、全国卫生城市和全国双拥模范城。境内由公路、铁路、航空运输组成了便捷的交通网络,11条国省干道贯通东西南北;有集二、集通和锡蓝3条铁路,直通东北、京津地区的三条铁路通道正在加紧建设。锡林浩特4C级机场和二连浩特机场可起降大型客机,锡林浩特机场除开通每天2 班至北京和每天6班至呼和浩特的固定旅游航线外,旅游季节还开通上海、广州等部分城市的旅游航线和包机业务。锡林郭勒草原是内蒙古草原的主体部分,是距北京最近的草原牧区,年出栏牲畜800万头只左右,是国家重要的绿色畜产品生产加工基地。

XiLinGuoLeMeng is located in China is the north,Central Inner Mongolia autonomous region,9 2 city flag over 1 county and a zone,Area of 20.3 square kilometers,Inner Mongolia autonomous region accounts for 17.2% of the total area;Population 1.036 million,Among them the Mongolian population 30%。XiLinGuoLeMeng south adjacent zhangjiakou in hebei province、Chengde regions,North and bordering on Mongolia,Border is 1098 kilometers long。A bead grace and erlianhot of its two cloth honk state a land crossings-but,Is our country to Mongolia、Russian and east European countries land bridge the important。And the capital Beijing straight distance of 460 km,And huhhot city 470 kilometers straight distance,And shenyang straight distance of 620 km,The capital Beijing south grassland recently only 180 km distance。Unita's condition is located excellent tourist city in China、The national sanitary city and model cities of supporting the。By the highway within the territory of the、railway、Air transport formed the convenient transportation network,Article 11 provincial roads in the country be the thing north and south;Have set two、Set the and tin blue 3 railway,Ended at the northeast、The beijing-tianjin region of the three railway corridors are stepping up their construction。LinHao tin, 4 C level airport and erlianhot airport can be landing large passenger aircraft,LinHao zion's airport every day except on 2 class to Beijing and 6 class every day to the fixed tourist line outside Hohhot,The tourist season also opened Shanghai、Guangzhou and other parts of the city's tourist line and charter flights。Being the grassland is the main part of the Inner Mongolia steppe,Is is apart from the Beijing recent prairie areas,Year 8 million cattle market only head to the left,Is the important national green livestock products production and processing bases。


 丰富的旅游资源 Rich tourism resources

  锡盟是距京津冀最近的内蒙古天然草原生态和蒙古族民俗风情旅游区,它保持了草原种类的多样性和自然景观与人文景观的和谐统一,享有 “天堂草原” 和 “蒙元文化发祥地”、“游牧文化之源、摔跤健将摇篮、蒙古长调之乡、民族服饰之都” 的美誉,被命名为“中国马都” 和 “中国优秀文化休闲旅游目的地”。

XiMeng is apart from the Beijing, tianjin and hebei recently Inner Mongolia natural grassland ecological and Mongolian folk customs tourist area,It maintained the diversity of grassland and the natural landscape and humanistic landscape in harmony,enjoy “Heaven grassland” and “Mongolian yuan culture birthplace”、“The source of the nomadic culture、Wrestling athletes cradle、Mongolian long tone of the township、National costume” Reputation of,Was named“China's horses were” and “Chinese excellent culture and leisure travel destination”。


The beautiful scenery of the grasslands。Savannah, being in the original、simple、vast、Complete is famous in the world,Is the world ecological system to keep one of the most complete grassland,China is the only one with domestic simple for the ecosystem of the complete grassland national nature protection system。As early as in 1987,'s xilingol prairie was accepted as UNESCO international man and biosphere(MAB)Protection network members。Prairie grassland, being different types,Many plant and animal species,Has the very high scientific research value、Ecological value、Tourism value。From the east to the west as grassland of precipitation reduced,Presents the obvious zonal differences,From eastern WuZhu flowery meadows are central to the vast grassland MuQin lush tin LinHao special、O ba ga typical steppe,Gradually transition to boundless SuNi of primitive simplicity, desert grassland,Grassland in the belt carry secretly is worn the sand dredging Lin and river valleys、wetland,Formed a variety of grassland ecosystem。The sand dredging LinQiLi spectacular,Grassland as pearl lake,grass、Clear water、Blue sky、White clouds、sands、Cui liu hand in photograph reflect,That visitors can enjoy appreciate the nature of the interest。


Rich folk customs。Being the prairie nurtures splendid nomadic civilization and Mongolian yuan culture,simple、kind、Bold and unconstrained、The Mongolian people's enthusiasm, being in the grasslands endless,Still have the most traditional nomadic keep production way of life,Is today and yuan culture and nomadic civilization retain the most complete、Continue the most lasting areas。To the Mongolian tone、Chao er way、Suddenly will silk、Mongol stringed instrument、Clothing and the national dance performance mainly of national culture and art,To wrestling、Horse racing、The camel、Archery and Mongolian chess national sports competition mainly and entertainment activities,The festival of grassland、Aobao sacrifice、Go AoTeEr、Yurt take、The wedding、birthday、Fire worship of king diyi mainly production life custom,With sheep、Milk tea、NaiShi、CHC、NaiJiu、Acid horsemeat、Butter (、Meat in hand, the Mongolian flavor food mainly composed of the XiLinGuoLeMeng unique Mongolian folk customs tourism resources。At present,From this piece of the Mongolian grassland tone、To hoomei has set up a file in the world non-material cultural heritage list,Mongolia cardiac g、Mongolian dress、Mongolian chess、Chao er way in national intangible cultural heritage list。

  深厚的草原文化。锡林郭勒大草原曾经是契丹、突厥、蒙古族等诸多北方民族繁衍生息之地,也是蒙古帝国和大元朝的龙兴之地。一代天骄成吉思汗曾在这片草原上跃马扬鞭,驰骋疆场,威振四海;元世祖忽必烈在这里登基称帝,开创了锡林郭勒草原的蒙元文化辉煌;漫长的历史长河给这片大草原留下了辉煌的记忆。有原始人类的印记洪格尔岩画和神秘遗迹突厥石人;有横贯草原中部的秦、燕、金古长城;有随《马可•波罗游记》名扬世界的元上都遗址;有明代的历史遗迹玄石坡、立马峰;有内蒙古四大黄教庙宇之一贝子庙和满清商业历史见证山西会馆等等众多古迹遗存。特别是位于锡林郭勒盟正蓝旗境内,始建于公元1256 年的元上都遗址,是元朝重要的政治、军事、经济和文化中心,与元大都(现代的北京)并称元代两大都城,是当时世界瞩目的国际性大都会。这座饱经沧桑的元代都城遗址,在今年6月29日经联合国教科文组织第36届世界遗产委员会在世界遗产大会投票表决通过列入《世界遗产名录》,成为中国第42处世界遗产,实现了内蒙古自治区世界文化遗产零的突破,也使这座蒙元帝国时期闻名于世的草原都城再度获得全世界的关注。

The deep grassland culture。's xilingol prairie was qidan、turkic、The Mongolian and so on many northern nationalities lived and multiplied land,Also is the Mongol empire of the yuan dynasty and big longxing land。Tianjiao genghis khan had a generation in this piece of grassland on horseback will spur horse on since then,Ruiner gallop,Universal's vibration;Here was YuanShiZu Kublai Khan proclaims oneself emperor,Create a demonstrated the grassland and yuan cultural brilliance;Long history to this piece of prairie left a splendid memory。Have the marks of the original human HongGeEr rock paintings and the mystery remains, a survey of the turks;Across the central prairie have qin dynasty、yan、Gold the ancient Great Wall;we《mark•Polo travel》The yuan is famous in the world on the site;A history of the Ming dynasty XuanShiPo remains、Made MaFeng;Inner Mongolia has four situated BeiZi temple and the qing temples of commercial historical witness shanxi hall and so on many sites remains。Especially in XiLinGuoLeMeng ZhengLanQi territory,Founded in the 1256 yuan on the site,The yuan dynasty is an important political、military、Economic and cultural center,And yuan dynasty(The modern Beijing)And two DaDouCheng yuan dynasty,At the time of the attention of the world is an international metropolis。The drought-stricken vicissitudes of the capital city of yuan dynasty ruins,In June this year and the UNESCO world heritage committee of 36 in the world heritage committee vote on through the inclusion《The world heritage list》,World heritage in China in 42,Realize the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, the world cultural heritage breakthrough,Also makes the mengyuan dynasty famous in the world of the grassland again the world's attention for capital。


深厚的马文化底蕴和悠久的马业发展历史 The deep MaWenHua foundation and the long history of the development of ma

  锡林郭勒草原是中国北方游牧民族的摇篮,马业发展历史悠久,马文化底蕴深厚。历史上,匈奴、鲜卑、女真等许多以马为伴的民族都曾在这片草原上繁衍生息,留下了丰富的历史遗存。太仆寺旗从元代开始就被誉为朝廷御马的 “ 太仆寺卿 ”,是元、明、清三代皇家御马的繁殖和培训基地。镶黄旗、正镶白旗是清代皇家中心牧场。产自于阿巴嘎旗的黑马和产自于西乌珠穆沁旗的白马被称为马中良品,黑白珍珠。诞生在苏尼特右草原上的全国第一支马背上的文艺宣传队—乌兰牧骑,被周恩来总理亲切地称为“红色文艺轻骑兵”。生产于锡林郭勒草原的锡林郭勒马与三河马、伊犁马并称中国三大改良良种马,它的故乡锡林浩特市白音锡勒牧场自新中国成立以来,一直从事蒙古马的改良和世界优质马种的引进、杂交、培育,是目前国内较有影响和实力的良种马匹繁育基地,现有各类优质马匹3000余匹。锡林郭勒马先后在全运会、全国少数民族运动会和诸多那达慕大会上夺冠,展现出良好的马种优势和竞技实力,2009年被亚洲马术协会确认为“耐力赛马”,并获得认证证书,这也是征服世界的蒙古马耐力性能首次得到国际权威认证证书,传说变为了现实。

Grassland is demonstrated in northern China and the cradle of nomadic people,Ma development has a long history,MaWenHua details profound。history,hsiungnu、xianbei、To a company and many other nuzhen national served in this piece of grassland thriving there,Leaving rich historical heritage。TaiPuSiQi start from the yuan dynasty was known as the court on horses “ TaiPuSi qing ”,Is yuan、Ming、The three generations of the royal royal horse breeding and training base。We have got rich、ZhengXiangBaiQi qing dynasty is the imperial center pasture。Comes from the ba ga flag, dark horse and comes from the XiWuZhuMuQinQi white horse is called MaZhongLiang product,Black and white pearl。Born in SuNi right on the prairie, the nation's first a horse literary propaganda team-were ulam animal husbandry ride,Be premier zhou enlai affectionately known“Red light cavalry literature and art”。The production in the grassland, being demonstrated horses and three hippo、China's three big ili horse and improved thoroughbred horses,It's hometown of zion ranch BaiYin condition, from the new China was founded,Mongolian horses have been engaged in the improvement and the high quality the introduction of stock、hybrid、foster,Is the present domestic influential and the strength of the thoroughbred horse breeding base,Existing each kind of high quality horses more than 3000 horse。The horse has demonstrated in the national games、The national minority national games and many festival on the title,Show a good stock advantage and competitive strength,In 2009 is the Asian equestrian association for confirmation“Endurance racing”,And get the authentication certificate,This is also conquer the world of Mongolian horses endurance performance for the first time, international authoritative attestation certificate,Legend into reality。


Rich hore race organization and planning capacity experience。Grassland is being the most concentrated areas of the Mongolian inhabit one,The nomads of the grassland horses、dressage、Equestrian technology and customs of the most intact inheritance reserves,MaWenHua、The horse art、The horse spirit penetration in prairie areas production、All aspects of life。Being in grassland wedding、birthday、“Offering aobao”、“The festival is the”Mongolian folk activities, etc,dressage、TaoMa、Horse racing and QiShe are indispensable sports competitions。Especially the horse racing as traditional sports entertainment activity of Mongolian,Also on the festival is the essential grassland event games。XiLinGuoLeMeng every year by flag counties(area)、GaZha sappanwood and for the unit of grassland and the festival is held“Family of shepherds”As the unit for the tourists enjoy prairie horse racing activities about 800 new campaign,The whole prairie the rodeo in the traditional horse racing、On the basis of the equestrian events,Introducing international racing rules,The tournament expanded to speed RACES、Barriers"、Endurance and、The barrel, and other modern equestrian events。Especially in recent ten years Chinese equestrian association、Chinese-related industry association and autonomous regions under the support of relevant departments,Based on the rich resources and MaWenHua discuss basic conditions,Held a series of modern hosted and large equestrian events,Foster gradually formed their own unique brand competition,Make a“China•International equestrian demonstrated the endurance”、“China•TaiPuSi equestrian barrel "”Such domestic call loud modern game brand,Has accumulated rich experience in the equestrian events organization。The period July 2005, guinness(China)Declare center and the British headquarters approval,Successfully hosted the challenge of guinness world records 800 horse Mongolian horses“Jim o is”contest,At the same time in history、The same place、The horses one of the largest game,Successful challenges the guinness book of world records;Beginning in 2005 for seven years WuZhu MuQin held west“Chinese grassland big horse racing”activities,Inner Mongolia steppe endurance racing become a brand competition,Also be famous players as horse racing around the annual grassland horse racing event。Started in 2006 in July a year TaiPuSiQi royal court held on horses“China's real on horses, and national culture festival equestrian barrel championship”,At present already has held seven sessions,Create unique royal royal horse brand,And become international equestrian federation official equestrian sports admitted。Beginning in 2007 for five years in LinHao zion's fighters racetrack held“The horse to ride a prairie”Tourism theme activities,Activities to Marvin into core,With large equestrian events as the carrier,Display and promote's xilingol unique Mongolian MaWenHua charm。2009 years XiLinGuoLeMeng successfully held“The first China•International equestrian demonstrated the endurance”,The international star equestrian endurance and domestic first of its kind in China,Will the FEI international endurance rules and traditional Chinese equestrian advantage programs with success,Will the prairie Mongolia him onto the international stage,For China's high level of the endurance of the horse selection and the future of China's equestrian competition internationalization development to lay the foundation。


Perfect equestrian competition venues(to)。XiLinGuoLeMeng not only has the good tradition TaoMa、Horse racing activities infrastructure,Modern MaWenHua events in the home also has high facilities level。Union-wide build large and medium-sized racetrack has 12,Among them is the Inner Mongolia autonomous region of fighters, being racetrack only one to“MaWenHua”For the soul show his horse national style、Set the Mongolian long culture and modern facilities in one of the standardized international racecourse,Covers an area of 260000 square meters,With 1200 m standard circuit,facilities,The audience can accommodate up to 7000 people,Is apart from the Beijing、Tianjin etc of the recent large standard racecourse;Erlianhot of Inner Mongolia autonomous region and the city is a traditional minority national sports games well-bred breeding Mongolian horses training base,With 2000 square meters of modern education stable、1600 m standard movement runway and sound supporting infrastructure;We have got rich built the first Mongolian MaWenHua museum;DuoLunXian built more Aaron lake ring circuit,Located in the harness in the saddle museum is the first domestic to Mongolia harness for main body project museum;The TaiPuSiQi construction both capital city international member hunts the hunting ground、The royal royal horse,And was awarded chinese-related industry association TaiPuSi sun ma development base,Became the first Chinese, a sports MaPeiXun base。In addition,Also has a ZhengXiangBaiQi thousand horses union-wide tribes、East WuZhu MuQinQi is Lin, such as high a stallion tribe MaWenHua inheritance base。


Professional equestrian sports team and talents。In the Chinese equestrian association and all levels of government support,Established in 2007, being the equestrian association,Later established“A harp,”Equestrian association and professional equestrian display team、The horse team、Gaza, tara condition such as riding association、California condor released Mongolia equestrian association、And sound tara equestrian association、Tin LinHao fighters, riding clubs、O ba ga Mongolia research development council for the promotion of the horse、WuZhu MuQin white horse institute、TaiPuSi royal royal horse association and a number of equestrian sport professional groups,Actively participate in organization equestrian competition activities,Cultivate a large number of the horses division、Rojo/fernandez、Jockey and related personnel。At the same time,Hiring equestrian association、The universities physical teachers、Department full-time staff and equestrian sports lovers of all kinds of large equestrian events in union-wide activities,Nearly people have formed a good professional quality and professional knowledge of the equestrian events service team,Training more than 80 equestrian events referees,To undertake large equestrian competition activities to provide the necessary organization and personnel security。At present,XiLinGuoLeMeng have equestrian sport 15 professional groups,Union-wide and tourism industry related ma employees 11000 people,Ma base all over the country and riding clubs in the horses、dressage、The employees of the horse is being 20%。


The rapid development of China's horses were project construction。In recent years,XiLinGuoLeMeng discuss increasing development support and investment,Formulated a series of support the development of the horse industry policy measures,To promote the rapid development of ma demonstrated。Started in 2004,The number of the horses began to union-wide growing at 20% a year,At present, there are 102400 horse,Accounting for 13% of the total of breeding programs。April 25, 2010 chinese-related industry association XiLinGuoLeMeng formally awarded“China's horses were”Honorary title。As the only a gain“China's horses were”Honorary titles in the region,XiLinGuoLeMeng high attention,Set up a area of main leaders of China's RenZuChang union-wide horse construction leading group,Plan launched a total investment of nearly 1.5 billion yuan of Chinese horses and yuan on the area of the project(ZhengLanQi)To China horses were(condition)Tourism products line project,Concentrate manpower、Material resources、financial,advancing“China's horses were”construction。At present,《China's horses were core project》The feasibility study report and the concept planning project has been completed,And with BaZhou sea embellish club Co., LTD. Signed China horses project construction area of the agreement,The construction content including the tourist center、Mongolia MaJianDing test center、Thoroughbred MaPeiYu base、Equestrian activities engineering field、Horse tourist project、Equestrian school、Equestrian museum、The horse product industrialization projects、MaWenHua experience garden, etc。Currently, the project a phase of the project has commenced,Planning and construction international standard outdoor racecourse、Indoor racetrack、On the track and endurance matched the upscale office、Management service center、The parking lot and other service facilities。


快速发展的草原旅游业 Rapid development of tourism grassland


XiMeng MengWei、Area attaches great importance to the development of tourism industry。especially“11”since,In northern China and the construction union-wide the most representative grassland ecological tourist destination and Mongolian folk cultural tourism resort for the target,Further implementation of tourism development strategy of driving,In the tourism resources and product development、Market growth、promotion、Team construction、Industry management are the considerable development,Tourism industry scale is gradually enlarged。“11”since,Union-wide has been finished tourism project investment is 8 billion yuan,The construction and yuan garden culture、's xilingol international racecourse、's xilingol tourism building、Erlian salt dinosaur national geological parks cretaceous、On the original ecological tourism lake farm、XiWuQi Mongol city, union-wide key tourist project,At present various types of tourist scenic spot to registered union-wide in 87,Among them,National A level tourism scenic spots and place。Hotel number 1528,ChuangWeiShu of 50000 copies;Travel agency forty-six;Examination and approval of the listed tourism features at 103 restaurants。“Family of shepherds”Development to 325,Year 1.5 million visitors(time)。Engaged in the national commodity and union-wide hand crafts processing enterprise development to 820,Production sales three categories of 21 series 427 a characteristic tourist commodities。2011 years,Union-wide receive tourists at home and abroad to 8.279 million persons,Total tourist income reached 12.196 billion yuan,Inner Mongolia autonomous region GeMengShi were ranked third and fourth。In the first half of 2012,Union-wide receive tourists at home and abroad to 3.758 million persons,Year-on-year growth of 20.3%;Total tourist income reached 3.868 billion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 22.4%。


In recent years,XiLinGuoLeMeng to focus on building the special tourism products and cultivate the high-quality goods tourist line as the breakthrough point,The 207 national highway to have developed、208 national road、The 303 national highway and sea channel called the main lines of article 4 mainly from motorists tourist routes and high-quality goods to the four seasons for topics include the grassland ecology、Folk customs、Geologic wonders and frontier ports and by the yuan history and culture as the main contents of the tourism characteristics lines,Among them“XiWuQi-g condition-the flag”Grassland scenery three、Mongolian folk customs、Geological wonders swim become four classic tourist Inner Mongolia line one。For many years on the horse held a prairie、International equestrian demonstrated the endurance、China•Yuan on the festival culture、LinHao tin, nomadic culture festival international、Colorful WuZhu MuQin grassland FengQingJie folk customs、Sappanwood and(township)、GaZha、“Family of shepherds”The festival is held for unit organization,Realize the big tourism festival in tourists every day can watch and involved in tourism festival activities。In 2011 the Chinese anthropology research and international festival association ethnology(IFEA)Jointly organized the second China national festival summit,WoMeng“Heaven's xilingol grassland•The festival is the”、“Colorful WuZhu MuQin grassland FengQingJie folk customs”、“China•Yuan on the festival culture”For the most has the international influence festival award;“The horse to ride a prairie tourism theme activities”For the most innovative value festival award。


To meet“The fifth ride horses a prairie tourism festival activities and the third China•Being the equestrian endurance”coming,Cylinder guo union will union-wide classic tourist scenic spot optimized combination,For domestic and foreign tourists launched three tourism products line。


Article 1:“TaiPuSiQi-ZhengLanQi(Yuan on the)Condition-(China is core horse)or“DuoLunXian-ZhengLanQi(Yuan on the)Condition-(China is core horse)”MaWenHua、Mongolian yuan history culture experience tour。The lines“Yuan on the”、“China's horses were”Two big strategic advantage resources as the core,Comprehensive show the XiLinGuoLeMeng grassland landscape、Mongolian yuan culture、MaWenHua、Folk cultural and historical sites special advantage resources。Along the lines can be visited BeiZi temple、Mongolian yuan cultural garden、Remit Pope temple、Shanxi hall、TaiPuSiQi on horses, estates, China and the world famous horse core of the yuan in scenic sites,Feel the northern grassland nomadic culture,Know some changes in the history of the rise and fall and process。


Article 2:“City-SuNi YouQi erlianhot, SuNi-ZuoQi-especially o ba ga flag-condition”Geologic wonders and frontier ports to swim。Along the way there is one visit salt dinosaur national geological parks cretaceous、ChaoLu powerleader's stone forest、Plans by previous owners to the sweat tara tourism、In the ancient Taiwan cultural park don't、Genghis khan's treasure mountain scenic area, etc,Appreciate the wonder of nature masterpiece,Understand the barrage of different region amorous feelings, and SuNi border trade、O ba ga tribal amorous feelings,feel“King falls”In the legend of the ancient Taiwan don't life。


Article 3:“East WuZhu MuQinQi condition- XiWuZhuMuQinQi”Grassland sightseeing experience tour。This line along the way BeiZi can visit a temple and Mongol city、National nature reserve of BaiYin grassland tin、Anti easy-restoration degree jiuqu bay、A state land crossings-but bead grace of cloth and the creaking northern grassland culture protection products such as nomadic areas,Enjoy the magnificence of being prairie unique scenery,Experience WuZhu MuQin tribes of the customs of of primitive simplicity。


At the same time,Cylinder guo union being around heaven grassland•The festival is the,launched“Heaven's xilingol-every day the festival is the prairie”More than 90 series festival activities,Site covers union-wide,Time throughout the year。In these activities,You can watch the Mongolian“Man three art”Rich traditional breath and performances,Can also enjoy cycling、Snow sport utility vehicle rally、International tournament full of passion and modern athletic sports,More can participate in the rich and colorful horse racing festival activities,Fully experience the style of Chinese horses。
